Will of a knight

"I'll stay" Luke said

Luke was also interested in what the requirements to pass were

Standing around, grumbling and getting nowhere we're definitely getting no one anywhere

"It's decided then, Luke will be last person" Persin said while following it up by saying

"Cell and Bridget are fastest of us all, they would be the on the other side"

Luke didn't expect Persin had watched and observed everyone's capabilities so far, even if it was something trivial as running speed.


Moments later

Luke was the last one to get on the rocking bridge

Luke was not expecting much, for this was easy work for his stats

However, Luke knew that too much attention might bring trouble

Luke had ran and acted moderately


Luke ran across the bridge, using his moderate speed

The bridge started leaning slowly, turning Luke's walk into a hike

As soon as Luke was halfway there, the

bridge started to lean downwards

It was Cell and Bridget

They were standing on the bridge, facing towards not Luke but were both ready to jump

Luke was running and had almost reached the end before the bridge started turning into a drop

Soon after, the bridge was leaning straight

It was Cell and Bridget that had come off the bridge

The rest was up to Luke, they thought

Luke had reached the end of the bridge while the Bridge leaned again into a steep mountain

Luke ran just enough to be reach the edge in time but was just a step away.

Luke had imprinted into the other participants and his teammates that he was weak or ordinary.

Luke had to wanted to just go to academy without drawing too much attention.

Luke was purposely holding onto the the edge of the drop.

Luke was then given a hand up.

It wasn't Cell or Bridget, it was Persin

'What is this guy up to?' Luke said inwardly as he was brought up

'I'm not too sure on his aim however his face gives me a bad feeling.' Luke thought

"Thanks" Luke said to Persin

"Your Welcome" Persin said

What Persin saw that Luke was someone like himself

Someone weak and desiring to be stronger

"Let's keep going then, shall we" Persin said as he leader everyone

Everyone followed Persin as if it was natural

They saw a chance to pass with his leadership


A short moment later


Everyone on Luke's team were headed for the next and finally obstacle before the team battle

What Luke saw next was a Giant Greatsword

It was Geld

Luke had dodged the incoming attack just to be met with a sword from Tael

Luke had also dodged this

"What are you guys doi..??" Luke tryed to finish however, he was distracted by Cell and Persin Fighting

Luke was then jabbed at by Bridget

However it was soon dodged

Cell, Bridget, Geld, Mira and Tael

Except Persin, the other members had rolled back eyes and were aggressively attacking only Luke and Persin

"Hypnosis??" Luke said to himself

"Snap out of it!!" Soured someone

It was Persin as he was blocking a sword from Mira and evading Cells swift attack

"Shit!,shit!!,shiitttt!!" Persin shouted

"What's going on with you guys?!?!" Persin shouted