CXXIII: Pushed To The Limits

Once Judith had stepped in front of the statues, a spear had shot out of their mouths toward her. One had missed but the other did not. It made its way into Judith's stomach from the right, tearing through her insides before making its way out her left with a gush of blood.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Judith screamed when a world of pain exploded within her. Her scream carried for several seconds before she could regain a semblance of her sanity back.

Looking down with wide eyes, Judith groaned when she saw the spear on either of her side and pinning her to the ground in an inclined angle.

"Uhhh!" Judith groaned as she tried to grab it, unsure of what exactly to do. Grabbing only seemed to aggravate the world of pain coursing through her. And as though her situation wasn't bad enough, an enormous creak reverberated throughout the desert. Following that were prodigious thuds that shook the ground as it resounded.