CXXXIII: Not Everyone Can Be Saved

Xentin was the first to enter the chamber, leading the way. Hesitant for a moment, Wukong followed and so did Shen and the other Tethereds. Stepping in, Wukong and Shen kept their guard on high alert.

Waiting and waiting.

"You and young lord Shen may head home now." Xentin said, standing beside the Way-Point and turned to face them.

Walking up to the Way-Point, Wukong stopped and stared into Xentin's eyes.

"Thank you for bringing us this far Commander." Wukong had said, now staring at the Way-Point. If Wukong's fears were true enough, then this Way-Point could be the end of him and Shen.

Thinking on this, Wukong was sure if he was ready to go through what he did back at the tunnel when he was with Judith. But there was really nothing to be done.

"Hey Lee, remember that game we always played?" Shen had said, pulling Wukong's attention.