6. Hehe, Kirin and Chidori, Here I come.

(200 Powerstones for a Double release)

"Oh, Miyuki, Sup, you look good today" Yukio said without a care in the world like he wasn't the one who was half—no, almost fully—naked. 

His lack of tact was refreshing to Miyuki. It reminded her of him. 

"I don't think you should say that to a person going into mourning, but thank you. I wish I could say the same to you, but... I didn't know you had exhibitionist tendencies." Miyuki really liked this part of their conversation when it happened. His lack of self-consciousness was funny to her. 

Even if he was pretending to be unfazed by it, he should be embarrassed internally. 

She could tell just by looking at him that he was trying to hide his embarrassment behind his stoic facade. Then again, Kakashi could also tell that—not with her precision, but still, most of the time. 

He started talking about how it was liberating for him to walk like that, probably making it up on the spot like he always did. Then he intentionally or unintentionally suggested that she should try it sometime.

No, it was definitely intentional; her 'Yukio is not innocent' instincts told her that it was definitely intentional. So, she unsheathed her sword and slashed at him. 

He was an idiot to jump toward her. Then again, he knew she wouldn't really harm him, and his placement wasn't bad. However, he might or might not have gotten a slash on his front—she would have to check that later. 

After some banter, during which she lost an argument due to unintentionally seeing him more closely, and some more banter with her pinning him against a tree:

"Miyuki, PLEASE don't CASTRATE HIM," Kakashi's words made her do a double take.

'Hmm, this is more shocking than me getting reincarnated,' Miyuki felt like she was woken up from a dream, forcefully, by someone pouring boiling water on her. 

Okay, that is too harsh. 

But the sentiment is the same. 

"You don't mind getting castrated by me?" What kind of fantasies was Yukio having? Miyuki knew they were close, but this was some different level of... whatever it was. 

"No, wait, yes, I mind! Kakashi overheard only part of the original sentence; he misunderstood, that's why I was chasing him in my boxers."

Okay, that was more concerning. What was the original sentence? Maybe there is someone out there Yukio likes to get castrated by other than her.

She didn't like the sound of that, to be honest. 

"Do I need to know what the original statement was and to whom you meant it?"

"I think you're better off not knowing that, for your own sanity."

Yup, he is not going to tell her about the original context and who the supposed person was.

He is very good at dodging questions when somebody tries to pry information out of him. Heck, he makes Kakashi look like a kid when he does it. It actually makes the other party question everything they know about life and all.

He is very good at gaslighting others. Do you know what the terrifying part is? He never lies when he gaslights people. The other party is also aware of that, which deals another critical blow. 

She will get to the root of this one day. 

But that day was not today. 


Yup, she confirmed that Yukio is still Yukio.

Collecting the trash of another person for 30 days straight and somehow not getting caught. 

Heck, this act of his is not that crazy. Okay, it is crazy, but she has seen even weirder things he has done to satisfy his curiosity.

He is just the literal representation of 'Curiosity killed the cat.' Well, he will be after he dies doing one of these 'experiments' of his. 

She would be sure to write about it on his grave. She internally made a note. 


'Hehe, can't wait to learn Chidori and all its variations, plus Kirin and Purple Lightning. I don't think Sa-chan would mind if I copied his future techniques. I would repay him by teaching him these techniques early on,' Miyuki giggled to herself, almost drooling, thinking about how she was gonna copy the self-created techniques that would be created by an infant in the future. 

"What about you? What is your plan?" Kakashi's words brought her back to reality. She glanced at the two, wondering if they saw him like that. She would have to silence them if that was the case. 

"Not much, just some goals for the next 10 years," Yukio's answer surprised her.

"Woah, that's a long time. We would be like 25 years old by then, basically old men and women by that time." 'It should be close to the time when the canon starts. Kakashi was really disappointing, to be honest. Yes, he was very close to S-rank at that time, but if one considers his growth from now, when he is 15, it's just shocking how little he progressed. Then again, he probably didn't train at all other than physical conditioning... How he got bodied by Zabuza was funny,' Miyuki giggled to herself at the last part of her statement, causing the other two to look at her.

"Hehe, nothing that ambitious. I'm gonna reach the level of the Sage of Six Paths by the end of the next decade."

'Is that possible??? Theoretically, yes, but that is me saying it after I have meta-knowledge. Can Yukio do it without having meta-knowledge? He has a low chance, but he will definitely reach the level of at least the Sannin in the worst-case scenario in 10 years,' Miyuki wondered to herself. 

"Si-side goal?" Kakashi stammered.

"Are you planning to blow up the moon or something as your main goal?" Miyuki joked.

'Didn't this actually happen when Naru-chan went to the moon?'

"Nah, my main goal is to resurrect two specific people," Yukio said.

'Okay, I think he has definitely gone insane. What is he gonna do? Kidnap Pain?... Wait, didn't he say that he has to reach the level of the Six Paths? Is that to kidnap him?' Miyuki suspiciously looked at Yukio, wondering if he knew of Pain's existence.

"Wait, what are we waiting for then? Let's just ask for the jutsu. No, that won't work probably. Let's just steal the scroll," Kakashi straight-up mentioned treason.

'Yup, Kakashi is too desperate. No wonder he betrayed Hiruzen and joined Root in the original. Then again, I am not really surprised.'

"He was just kidding. We just saw its name in a scroll and asked Minato-sensei about it," Kakashi's deadpan expression made Miyuki embarrassed at her cover-up.

'At least I tried. That idiot straight-up told Kakashi that we were snooping around—no correction, he was the one snooping around. I tagged along so that he didn't do something weird.' Miyuki nodded to herself and gave an imaginary pat on her back.


'Well, let's start with this electricity thing. I have to focus on electricity passing through the outer surface of water molecules, or more specifically the ions present. If I don't do that, it would just start conducting and going in random directions,' Miyuki thought while discharging electricity in the lake. 

She was able to keep it for a few centimeters, but just as the lightning reached around the one-meter mark, she lost control of it. 

'Yup, this is definitely not run-of-the-mill stuff. I guess I need to be super serious. I will have to use Shadow Clones later to speed up the process, or I will have white hair by the time it becomes usable,' Miyuki heaved a sigh.

"Back to the grind, I guess."


Timeline- A few days after Kakashi made both of the duo resolve the misunderstanding with Guy. It was not easy.

Location- Hokage Tower.

"Hehe," a lecherous old voice could be heard in the room. 

It was none other than the Third Hokage.

The Professor—he knows how to perform all the jutsus in Konoha—better than almost everybody.

One of the strongest Kage of his era. 

The Hokage has held his position for literal decades, such that even if we combine other Hokages' tenures of both past and future up to the 8th generation, it still won't come close to his tenure.

The Hokage, who has made many hard decisions, some right, some wrong depending on the perspective. 

The Hokage who likes to act as Grandpa to talented kids these days.

The man behind the scenes of the entire Naruto world.

If Black Zetsu's creator was Kaguya, he manipulated Madara, who manipulated Obito, who manipulated the Fourth Mizukage, Akatsuki, and in turn, Pain and Itachi Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha manipulated Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke technically manipulated Sakura with his charms (unintentionally).

Sakura manipulated Naruto to bring back Sasuke, taking advantage of his Nindo—to not go back on his ninja words. But who was the one who manipulated/shaped Naruto's character? It was none other than the man, the myth, the legend himself.

The guy who promised the Uzumaki couple that he would take care of Naruto.

The most shameless person in the whole Naruto franchise—Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He was currently doing some "important work" on his crystal ball.

But he was disturbed by a knock on the door.

It was none other than his hidden Anbu guard who was currently outside the room, following Hiruzen's orders.

Hiruzen sighed and put away all the stuff. 'I just want to retire. Hopefully, Kakashi will live up to his promise and become S-rank soon. I would like to give away this seat.' 

"Come in."

The Anbu came in and handed him a scroll.

Hiruzen wondered what the contents of the scroll could be to warrant disturbing him.

As he opened and read the scroll, his eyes widened.

It felt like someone had poured cold water on him.

A killing intent so strong manifested that the sheer amount of chakra exerted by him shook the entire building.

Windows shattered despite having protection seals embedded in them.

People below Jounin level were instantly knocked out. Heck, most of the Jounin were barely able to keep their consciousness before giving in after a few seconds.

Only those who were very experienced and had been on the battlefield or were very close to Elite Jounin level were able to hold on to their consciousness.


Latest Chapter on Patreon- 16. Hiruzen: The Child Trafficker
