5. Miyuki's luck is bad?

(Guys, 200 Powerstones for a Double Release! So Give it your all)


**The sound of a thousand birds chirping could be heard.**

Kakashi used his self-created jutsu for which he is well-known.

His right hand, covered in Chidori, clashed with the Water Dragon.

"Hehe, I've never tried this with the Water Dragon Jutsu with this much chakra, but brace yourself," Yukio warned.

The Water Dragon, clashing with Kakashi's hand, started rotating its head so that the parts connected to it slowly began rotating as well.

Kakashi's eyes widened. He quickly tried to escape the deadlock his hand was in, but it was too late. The Water Dragon, now resembling a drill, overpowered his Chidori.

Just as Yukio was about to dispel the jutsu, before Kakashi could be seriously harmed, Kakashi poofed out, indicating that he was a shadow clone.

Yukio suddenly found himself on the ground, his hands behind his back, held by Kakashi.

"Now, now, no need to treat me like a prisoner."

"Maybe I should hand you over to the Uchiha Police. They wouldn't mind locking you up," Kakashi said.

"Now, now, the jail cells aren't spacious, and they stink."

"How do you know?"

"I'm speaking from experience," Yukio replied.

"What were you doing in jail?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Do you really want to know?" Yukio responded with a question of his own.

"No." Kakashi's curiosity was extinguished by that question. He had learned the hard way not to ask further when Yukio responded like that. He had regretted it too many times before.

"Anyway, when did you put me in Genjutsu?" Yukio asked.

"When you were talking with Miyuki."

"Well, you're a shadow clone too, right? Your real body is after Miyuki, isn't it?" Yukio asked.

"You can tell? I don't think you're a sensor of that level to sense my chakra in this position."

"Hehe, I don't need to be a sensor to know how you think. To answer your question in advance, I switched bodies when I fell in the water," Yukio said as his body turned into water, transforming into thorns and piercing Kakashi, who poofed out.

**Back to Miyuki, who was on the run with Kakashi just on her trail.**

She had just deflected a lightning-coated kunai with her sword. Kakashi closed the distance and engaged in swordplay.

"Dude, chill. It was all Yukio's fault."

"He said it was all your fault."

"What! I just mentioned yaoi. He was the one who came to the conclusion that you read Yaoi," Miyuki quickly deflected the blame back to Yukio.

"So you agree that you're responsible for this," Kakashi hit the bullseye.

"Wait, yes, no—I mean," Miyuki stammered as she dodged a sword slash that was too close for comfort.

Two blurs of blue flashes could be seen moving through the forest.

The two blue flashes became three as Miyuki formed a shadow clone, which created some distance and started making seals. The brush in her hand moved quickly, her hands becoming a blur.

"Jeez, your lightning enhancements are superior to mine," Kakashi commented while ducking under one slash, using the opportunity to land a slash of his own.

"Your lightning chakra's penetrative power is too high," Miyuki said as she kicked the flat side of his sword.

"Let's do some jutsu, shall we?" Miyuki said, throwing her sword at Kakashi, who barely managed to deflect it.

"Lightning Style: Multi Murder!" Hundreds of kunai and shuriken were summoned from her storage seal, all covered in lightning. But it didn't stop there.

Those hundreds of kunai and shuriken multiplied a hundredfold, reaching tens of thousands, all rushing at Kakashi at deadly speed.

Miyuki was covered in a barrier, the projectiles originating from there.

'So that clone made a seal to have some semblance of control over this large number of projectiles, as there's a high chance for them to just collide with each other and decrease momentum otherwise,' Kakashi thought as he observed the approaching storm.

He felt like he was going to die, his vision nearly filled with kunai.

His Sharingan furiously spun, trying to capture everything.

Kakashi had already started weaving hand-seals when Miyuki summoned her projectiles, completing them without dropping his sword.

'Second time,' Kakashi thought as the familiar sound of birds chirping could be heard.

However, instead of covering his hand, lightning coalesced on the sword instead.

'I can't maintain control over it for long, so I need to finish this quickly,' Kakashi summoned another sword, and Chidori formed on it too. 'Third time.' That should be the limit of his chakra.

Soon, Kakashi's hands blurred as he deflected—no, cut—all the projectiles with deadly precision and speed. Lightning arrows met lightning arcs, the latter cutting the former.

This continued for nearly half a minute.

Kakashi cut down all the kunai aimed at him in that short time.

"Damn it, she escaped too," Kakashi panted, too drained.

Kakashi lay down on the ground. 'I don't even want to think about how I'm going to deal with Guy now,' he thought, his blood pressure rising at the prospect. Dealing with Guy's challenges was too much for him—now this...

Kakashi's chakra spiked, and he stood up.

'Damn it, my emotions are going so out of control that I'm generating chakra. This generally happens when one faces a life-or-death scenario or something similar, causing their yin component to spike, which makes their chakra spike as well,' Kakashi thought, but he didn't control his emotions and let them run wild.

'I'm going to find those two and make them solve this mess,' Kakashi promised himself, weaving some hand seals.

A lightning blur left the clearing.


**Time: A few hours before Yukio was roaming naked on the streets of Konoha.** 

**POV: First Person → Third Person**

'Hmm, my head hurts. It feels like a hangover. I don't recall drinking alcohol,' I stood up from the bed—or whatever I was lying on—and made my way to the washroom on instinct.

I splashed water on my face, and just as I reached for the towel, I paused.


'I know that I like to look young and do look younger than my supposed age, but this seems a bit too much.'

'Hmm, wait, I have two sets of memories that are continuous? Hmm, one of ___ and the other of Miyuki. Did I transmigrate?' I thought as I weaved hand-seals, my body getting covered in lightning.

'That... is so COOL!' I thought as I tried out all the jutsu I knew again and again for the next hour.

'Ahem, I think I got a bit distracted, but let's assess my situation. Did I transmigrate? No, it's more like reincarnation with delayed memories, as my original personality from my previous life as an adult did get inherited by this self. Well, my current personality is a bit different, but the base is the same.'

'Well, it's a shame that I died or that my soul got shifted somehow. I had a lot of things left to achieve. Then again,' I looked at my palm, which was releasing blue chakra.

'Then again, the tradeoff is good, so it's fine.'

'My only regret is... then again, I can't do anything about it. It was fun while it lasted. Let's focus on the present.' She moved on quickly.

'Let's see. Today is a funeral ceremony. I have to... I don't like what my meta-knowledge is telling me.' Miyuki took a deep breath and slowly released it.

She did that a few times before she finally calmed down.

'Obito wouldn't... right? This could be AU or something, right?' She now felt the difference between seeing Obito on TV and personally witnessing how he changed. She had known Obito since they were kids.

The clumsy idiot who wore goggles to protect his eyes so that he could awaken the Sharingan... He can't kill Minato-niichan and Kushina-sensei, right?'

'Right?' She didn't get any answer. With a heavy heart, she left her house and wandered around, probably trying to find a white-haired monster to get answers to all her questions.

Alas, her luck wasn't that good.

In fact, it was so bad that she found an exhibitionist running around.

Her luck was horrible because, upon closer inspection, she found that the exhibitionist was her best friend.

She had a strong urge to pretend she didn't see him and go back.

But her urge to banter with him won out in the end.

Plus, it's rare to see Yukio in underwear.

But that was definitely not the reason she was going to meet him now—at least that's what she told herself.


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