9. Call Me Nee-Chan

(100 Powerstones before this week ends for a double release!)

Well, Jiraiya did say that he was here.

However, after the fire stream stopped, Orochimaru was definitely not here.

Yukio lay on the ground on his back, gazing at the sky.

He couldn't feel his arms.

To be more precise, he couldn't feel the skin on his arms.

He still put water on his arms but didn't rotate it.

Something was better than nothing.

Kakashi also had some burn marks on his hands, but nothing as severe as Yukio's.

Miyuki was the least injured among them.

Jiraiya created a shadow clone, which continued the search.

"Oof, you guys look like a mess," Jiraiya said, looking at Yukio.

"Nah, it's fine. I've seen worse," Yukio said nonchalantly.

"You've seen worse but haven't experienced worse than this," Miyuki commented.

"Duh, I've definitely experienced worse."

"Oh? When was that?"

"Well, that's a secret."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Don't wanna."

"Well, I would assume it never happened in the first place if you can't prove it."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Your perspective doesn't mean that it didn't happen in mine."

"Yes, but it also doesn't prove that it did happen in yours."

"KIDS! Calm down!" Jiraiya had a tick mark on his head.

Why did he have to deal with teenagers arguing like this?

He would rather see two beautiful ladies fighting each other.

It would be a bonus if they were fighting over him.

Jiraiya was drooling now.

He came back to his senses, seeing three pairs of eyes looking at him judgmentally.

However, his skin was thick.

After all, he was the disciple of Lord Third himself.

"Go back now and treat his injuries," he said as he formed a shadow clone and left.

The shadow clone ensured they reached Konoha safely before dispelling itself.

Miyuki accompanied Yukio to the hospital.

He got healed, his hands wrapped in special bandages.

"So, I have to keep this for two weeks?"


Kakashi came after giving his mission report to Hiruzen.

Yeah, he came very quickly.

"So, should we have our dinner at Ichiraku? I'm hungry," Kakashi asked.

"What day is it today?" Miyuki checked the nearby clock.

"It's night."

"Well, I know the perfect place where we can have dinner," Miyuki said and led the other two.


"So..." Kakashi awkwardly started.

"Yes?" A gentle voice asked him.

"Nothing," Kakashi let his words go.

"Sensei, your cooking is really good," Miyuki commented.

"Oh, you. No need to flatter me."

"Yeah, no need to flatter Mikoto-nee-chan. I could cook better." It was unknown whether Yukio said that intentionally or unintentionally, but what we know for sure is that Mikoto had a tick mark on her forehead after hearing this.

"Now, now, nii-chan, why don't you talk about the A-rank water-style jutsu you created recently?" Itachi tried to shift the topic before a fight—no, a beatdown—occurred.

"Oh, sure. It is basically a replication of Rasengan but with water, to put it simply." He shrugged.

"Oh, so shape transformation? Can we do it with any element?" Itachi, at the age of 6, already had a good theoretical base in chakra.

"Well, theoretically, yes. It's possible, but each variation would be quite different. For example, Chidori could be said to be the lightning version of my Water Stream Technique."

That made everyone present at the table pause eating for a second.

But after thinking it through, it made sense.

"Oh? Wasn't Chidori the failed product of not being able to incorporate lightning nature into Rasengan?" Itachi looked at Kakashi for confirmation.

"Yes, my initial purpose was to create an S-rank technique that would be an advanced form of Rasengan. In a way, his technique and Chidori are fundamentally the same," Kakashi explained.

"Well, is it possible to create a fire version of Chidori or Water Stream Technique?" Itachi asked.

"You really should change the name of your technique; it sounds so lame," Miyuki said while spoon-feeding one-year-old Sasuke, who happily ate.

"Hmm, why don't you guys suggest something? I just came up with the name on the spot."

"Mizukiri—Water or Steam Cutter." Everyone just deadpanned at Kakashi.

Can't he be a bit more original?

Well, we did decide that Chidori and this technique are just different elemental versions, but that doesn't necessarily mean that every version created has to be named like that.

"Raikiri, Mizukiri, and in the future, Hokiri, Kazekiri, and Iwakiri," Kakashi defended his naming sense.

"Okay, we can just give these two names. What about Kagetsu—Shadow Steam?" Mikoto suggested.

"Tenkuimatsu—Heavenly Steam," Fugaku suggested.

"Suishin—Heart of Water," Miyuki added.

"Shiomizu—Tidal Water," Itachi was not far behind either.

Everyone looked expectantly at Yukio.

What would he choose?

Yukio thought.

And he thought again.

"Meh, I'll just name it Uzumaki—Whirlpool."

Everyone just deadpanned at that.

"I don't think it's allowed to name a jutsu after a clan name, even if they don't exist anymore," Fugaku said.

"Ahh, is there a rule like that too?" Yukio had thought so much to come up with that name, and now they're saying it's not valid? What kind of joke is this?

"Well, yes, there is. It should be in the Clan-related policies." Fugaku sweatdropped. What Yukio was thinking was obvious on his face.

"Ah, well, I'll just call it Shiranui—Mysterious Fire," Yukio arbitrarily decided.

"What? That would be the perfect name for the fire variant when it's created," Itachi chided.

"Hehe, too bad it doesn't exist yet. Name that jutsu 'Fushigi no Mizu'—Mysterious Water when it's created. It would be funny," Yukio giggled.

Itachi just pouted.

Well, he pouted in Uchiha style.

So, it wasn't obvious to normal people.

After all, in Uchiha style, a normal 'hnn' has various meanings.

How can a normal person even decipher that?

However, Yukio and Miyuki were very accustomed to this Uchiha style, so they instantly recognized it.

"Now, now, weren't we first talking about the feasibility of a fire version?" Miyuki used the same tactic Itachi used previously—changing the topic.

She was very successful in that.

"So, is it possible, Tou-san?" Itachi threw the ball into Fugaku's court.

"Well, yes, but we need to think about how we will initiate it. Lightning could easily materialize in the palms compared to other chakra natures. For water, an external source is very convenient, as after getting that, you can probably perform your... Shiranui without seals," Fugaku looked at Yukio, and the latter nodded.

"Yeah, if I don't have a source, then I need to either convert my chakra into water or condense the water vapour from the atmosphere."

"Yes. For fire, you can either first master shape transformation with your palms and then convert your chakra into fire chakra, then fire, or you can create the core of this jutsu inside your mouth and then either use it as a projectile or just bring it out. However, you need to be careful with the latter method, as I haven't seen anybody do shape transformation within the mouth. If things go wrong, it could be dangerous."

"I see. So either way, I will have to learn shape transformation first."

"Yes, but your chakra is not enough as of now, so you'll have to wait for your chakra reserves to grow," Fugaku said.

The table fell into silence with only baby Sasuke making incoherent noises.

"So, Mikoto-san—" Kakashi was cut off.

"Call me Mikoto-nee-chan. You're saying it like I'm much older than you or something," Mikoto said with her palm over her mouth.

'Hmm, you're nearly 10 years older than us,' Kakashi thought internally but didn't dare to say it out loud. He had enough common sense not to say that in front of an Elite Jounin.

"Mikoto-nee-chan, I think you're a bit too old to be called nee-chan. I don't think it will be too long before we have to refer to you as oba-san." Yukio doesn't seem to have any common sense or self-preservation awareness.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard that.

Yukio was barely able to duck forward, avoiding an electrified fork passing through where his head was.

However, he somehow got hit by a spoon from behind on his head.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Yukio was rubbing a bump on his head.

Mikoto was still seated in her seat. "Brat, I think I need to train you properly again. It seems you can't even dodge a spoon."

'We didn't even see a spoon, how did that hit him from behind when she was sitting in front of him?' Kakashi and Miyuki both thought the same thing.

"Hmph, I got hit on purpose. Who knows what you would have thrown from where if I had dodged that," Yukio said while taking a large piece of rice with his chopsticks.

"Sure~ Maybe I need to test your instincts later," Mikoto said in a calm tone, but everyone was sweating.

Even Fugaku had sweat running down his forehead.

"Hmph, bring it on," Yukio responded nonchalantly.

At this rate, he really didn't have much time left to live with the way he was talking.


A/N: Lol, it was only mentioned that Mikoto was a Jounin in canon. The term "Elite Jounin" is fanon, but it equates to A-rank, which is canon, so I decided to place Mikoto at this rank since she was besties with Kushina, who was at least A-rank if not S-rank. Fugaku is obviously an Elite Jounin too.


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