13. Should I Kill You?

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*Gore Warning in this chapter*

'Too bad, if given a few more years, he would have reached Elite Jounin level... I hope Yumi becomes powerful enough to avoid dying like me.' That was his last thought before the world became white around him.

"Damn, your decision to send Shadow Clones was really smart. I don't think anyone could survive that, even after opening the Eighth Gate," Miyuki commented while standing on a branch of a tree, 500 meters away from the point of release of the Jutsu.

"He hid it well, but he seemed very desperate for some reason."

"I sensed some chakra signatures earlier in the village. Hmm, let me sense again... Yeah, I do sense nine more chakra signatures. Two of them seem to be Jounins, and the others are Chunins or below. Do you want to check it out?" Miyuki asked him.

Yukio said with a frown on his face, "I don't think it would be a good idea to go there, but I guess it's too late to back out now." He sighed.

Out of the nine chakra signatures, five were heading in their direction.

"Should we try to talk first? If that guy had talked in the beginning, he wouldn't have died," Miyuki said, sheathing her katana, seemingly deciding that the people coming their way were not worth drawing her katana for.

"It's too late," Yukio just shook his head and summoned a few kunai or shurikens from his bracers.

"Is it?"

The five people finally arrived.

"YOU MONSTERS!" a Chunin yelled while weaving hand seals.

Just as he was about to release his Jutsu, a kunai found its mark on his neck.

"I at least wanted to try. Well, there are three more people to try with," Miyuki shook her head and took out another shuriken.

The guy, now with a kunai in his neck, due to the momentum of the kunai, tilted his body, releasing the Jutsu he was holding back. It hit another Chunin in the head, killing her.

Only three people remained, two of them being Jounin and one being Chunin.

"You!" An Ice Beam shot from the Jounin's mouth, homing in on Miyuki.

Surprisingly, Miyuki got hit. The Jounin, still releasing his Ice Beam, smirked. It seemed that he finally got her.

But in the next instant, the lightning travelled from Miyuki's hand through the water present inside the ice, directly hitting Jounin and frying his brain, killing him instantly.

"Whoa, I didn't know that would work. It seems one week of doing that exercise wasn't pointless. Two left."

A very big vacuum ball formed in front of the remaining Jounin's mouth, aimed at Miyuki.

But she got kicked in the side, changing her target to the remaining Chunin, who had just released a wind jutsu.

The remaining Chunin, a man engaged to the remaining Jounin, looked at the Jounin in horror until his head was torn off by the suction force of the vacuum Jutsu.

The Chunin had to watch her man die by her own Jutsu.

However, she wasn't given much time to mourn as her head flew through the air in the next instant.

The area fell silent.

"These guys are definitely from the Yuki clan. Maybe they fled Hidden Mist with this group."

He just shrugged at her question and moved toward the Yuki clan hideout where four people were still alive: one Jounin, two Chunins, and one Genin.

A Shadow Clone was formed and went in first from each of their bodies.

As expected, the remaining Jounin wasn't ready to talk. Well, not that it would solve anything, as there was nothing left to solve.

The Chunins killed each other accidentally.

Okay, it definitely was not a natural accident.

"Okay, so only one person is left. Is it a Genin? Maybe they'll talk," Miyuki said, moving to the house where they sensed the signature.

After reaching the house, they undid all the Fuinjutsu traps and other traps.

Under the scrutiny of two Seal Masters, this was just a piece of cake.

Miyuki wasn't expecting the Genin she sensed to be a little girl who seemed around Itachi's age.

"Hmm, who are you guys? Why was I told to hide here? Where is my papa?" the girl, holding a kunai she had been using for target practice, asked them.

Miyuki's eyes widened. She really didn't want to deal with such situations.

"Well, your father has gone somewhere."

"He's dead."

Yukio's blunt words shocked both of them.

The little girl was in denial, "It can't be... Papa is strong... You're lying."

Miyuki glared at Yukio. Can't he get a hint of time and place?

Yukio just shrugged, "I'm not lying. We killed him."

She heard that, and her face morphed into disbelief, then rage.

She pounced at him with her kunai aimed at him.

Unfortunately for her, she was just a Genin and, on top of that, a 6-year-old kid, so her base physical strength was practically nothing to him.

Yukio kicked her in the gut mid-air, sending her crashing into the wall.

"I- I will kill you!" She got up and rushed at him to attack again.

He kicked her again, sending her crashing into the wall.

This time she spewed blood out of her mouth.

Miyuki was ready to intervene if Yukio decided to kill her, but it seemed unlikely.


"You're weak," he said over her voice, prompting her to listen to him with eyes full of rage.

"I could kill you before you can even perceive your own death. If I were in your shoes, I would try to escape from here so that I could train to get stronger first. It seems you're really a dumb child."

"You— I will kill you," she said for the nth time, but this time she made a break for the window.

It seemed she wasn't dazzlingly dumb.

A water whip grabbed her ankle, making her fall, her face hitting the wall.

It would have been comical if the context were not known.

"You're really dumb. How can you expect to escape against two people who killed your father, whom you claimed to be strong?" he deadpanned at her.

She looked at him with rage and disbelief.

Wasn't he the one who suggested the idea in the first place?

"If I survive this, I will definitely become strong enough to kill you."

"Oh, then maybe I should kill you now," Yukio said and released his killing intent, prompting the girl to pause completely in fear.

"Why do you seem shocked? After all, you might actually become strong enough to kill me in the future, so it's natural for me to kill you. It's not like I have morals holding me back from killing a child," Yukio said with an expressionless face and took slow steps toward her.

She was frozen in place, unable to move. It seemed she would die just like everyone she cherished today.

No, she can't die here.

She spent all her willpower to take a step back.

She did take a step back.

She took another step back.

She jumped through the window.

A water whip came again and dragged her back into the room.

"Oh, it seems you have some will to back up your words," he said while crouching and looking at her.

His hand was mere inches from her neck.

"Should I kill you or not?" he asked.

"Don't kill me. I need to live to kill you in the future."

"Your argument isn't really helping me keep you alive, you know," he said.

Yukio summoned a brush and started drawing a seal on the ground.

The water whip hand bound Yumi's whole body, making her unable to move.

The entire room now had a big sealing array.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm going to sacrifice you to summon a devil."

"What?" Yumi actually believed that, as she didn't have much knowledge about Fuinjutsu or chakra techniques as a whole, so it was actually believable to her.

The seal lit up, much to Yumi's horror.

Was she going to be sacrificed?

Is this her end?

However, black ink covered the walls of the house.

"This should seal you in the house. I have a mission to do. I'll decide what to do with your life when I come back. Enjoy your training," Yukio said before leaving the room. Miyuki followed behind him.

"Did you really have to tell the kid we killed her dad?" Miyuki asked him.

"I would feel disgusted with myself if I lied to her. Plus, it's better this way," Yukio shrugged.

"Are you really going to kill the kid?"

"Maybe. Do you want to keep her alive?" he asked instead.


"I see."

"Anyway, Let's Go, We Have a War to Brew"


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