14. Role-Playing ¬‿¬

(Powerstones Plx, You want a bonus chapter, right? 100 Ps for this week)

"So, what's the plan, boss?" Miyuki playfully asked.

"Don't call me boss, it makes me responsible for your death if you die. I can't take that kind of responsibility," he smirked while she gave him a deadpan expression.

"Well, I thought you'd already planned the steps to make Kumo bleed."

"That I have, milady," Yukio formed five Shadow Clones, each of them bowing.

"Oh, so what do you have in mind?" She ignored the display. He needs to try harder.

"First, we need information about Kumo's state. So, if you may, can you create five lightning clones, each with chakra that could last for a few seconds?" She did just that.

Five Lightning Clones formed, and each of them placed a hand on his clones.

The ten clones disappeared into the clearing.

"Now, we wait," Yukio said, sitting down on the snow.

"I have some tents. Let's set those up; it will take a while for your clones to gather some information," Miyuki said, pulling some tents from her storage seal and beginning to set them up.

"Damn, this is a really big tent. I guess I could get some shut-eye while my chakra recovers," Yukio said, lying on the base of the tent, his head facing the top.


Yukio tilted his head slightly and saw Miyuki also lying on the ground.

"Why are you lying so close to me? We have so much space," he said, exaggerating the space with his hands.

"I wonder why," Miyuki replied with a mischievous smile, indicating she was up to no good.

Yukio rolled his eyes and turned onto his left side, so his back was now facing Miyuki.

A few seconds of silence prevailed.

"Hey, are you a virgin?" A whisper reached Yukio's ears.

He could feel her breath on his skin.

She was too close.

So, he didn't look back.

"Why did you ask this?" he said calmly.

"I asked first. Maybe I'll answer if you answer me first," she said in a seductive voice.

However, Yukio could already imagine the smirk on her face without looking back.

"Maybe~" he decided to play her game.

"Oh, I was expecting a definitive answer, you know," she said, tracing circles on his back with her fingers.

"You know, with the Yamanakas and fuinjutsu, even if I did, I wouldn't know whether I had before or not."

"Hehe, knowing you, I can see that happening," she said, smirking even though she couldn't see his face.

"So, why did you ask me this question?"

"Do you really want to know?" Miyuki said with a familiar line.

After all, it was Yukio's tagline.

Hearing it from Miyuki's mouth was a bit weird.

Usually, this line indicated that something absurdly strange was the answer—something others definitely didn't want to know if they wanted to preserve their sanity.

However, Yukio was the one who usually asked these questions. He definitely wasn't sane.


She smirked and whispered in his ear, "To tease you, duh."

"I see. I was expecting something more exciting, you know?" Yukio sighed in disappointment.

"Oh? What were you expecting, then?" She hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear.

However, Yukio was unfazed, seemingly expecting this.

"You know, those kinds of things."

"Oh? What kinds of things?" Miyuki asked, already feeling a sense of déjà vu from the last time, as his answer had been... not exciting enough.

"Oh, you know, seducing me and all that." Miyuki.exe stopped working.

"The hell do you mean by that?!" Miyuki rolled back away from Yukio, her face flushed.

"Duh, your actions suggest it, don't they?" Yukio said without turning around.

"Nah, that was just normal cuddling, like what friends do," she tried to cover it up. She hadn't actually thought he'd address it directly.

"Oh, that was normal cuddling? I'll remember that," he said, finally closing his eyes, ready for some peaceful sleep.

A few hours later...

"Oyee, wake up. You've been sleeping for more than 12 hours already," Miyuki said, waking him up.

"What is it?"

"We only have two days left. We need to start a war," she said excitedly, having done nothing yet to ignite one.

She wanted to see some blood flow, finally.

"Is this also considered normal cuddling?" Yukio asked.

Miyuki was on top of him, which was really not an appropriate position.

"Yup," she shamelessly said. It seemed it wasn't unintentional.

"I see. I did get some memories. My Shadow Clones killed some nobles of the Land of Lightning while framing Iwa-nins. So, that part is done. I guess it's time to cause some havoc and kill some lightning ninjas."

"I wanna kill, I wanna kill," she shouted, far too close to him.

"Fine, fine! It's too early for this shit," Yukio grumbled, clearly not a morning person.

Soon, they were ready and headed out for the Land of Lightning.

"I'm going to do the main work now. You got the experience of killing those nobles, so I want to do something fun now, okay?" she asked him.

"Well, I—"

"I'm not asking; I'm telling you, okay?"

"Yes." 'Whoa, she definitely has multiple personality disorder, or maybe she didn't sleep last night or something. I'd better not piss her off. I don't want to be left alone in the Land of Lightning.'

"So, where do we start killing?"

"We kill any Kumo ninja we meet," Yukio shrugged.

"Me, not we," she corrected him.

"Right, you kill any Kumo ninja we encounter," he sighed.

"Good boy. Nee-chan will reward you if you behave like this." Yukio tripped, having to use his arms to correct his position and get back to his running posture, as he had been moving with high momentum.

He looked at her with slightly wide eyes. "Hmm, why are you acting like you're the older one?" They didn't know their proper birth dates, so it was an arbitrary claim.

"Just because. Do you want to be the older one?" she asked him.

"Hmm, nah, I prefer onee-chan types to 'reward' me," he confessed.

"I already know."

It didn't take long for Yukio to sense their first target.

It was a special Jounin.

That guy didn't even know how he died.

"Boring. How about we pick a fight with the Raikage?" she asked while wiping blood from her sword.

"You'd die a dog's death that way."

"Well, I guess I won't. I don't want to die a dog's death, but rather a cat's death," she winked at him.

"Hmm, okay." Yukio didn't even know what exactly a cat's death meant. Maybe death by laziness? 'Shikaku-Ossan would definitely die a cat's death... Nah, his wife would kill him first before that happens,' he chuckled.

They moved on to their next target.

It was a Kumo Jounin leading three of his genin, who seemed to be nine-year-olds.

Yukio looked at Miyuki for the lead.

He didn't really want to steal her kill and get beaten for it.

"I don't really want to kill the kids. Should we choose another target?" she asked.

"Actually, I have a better idea," he said, smiling, sending a shiver down Miyuki's spine for some reason.


**Unknown POV**

Today was a great day.

No, today was a wonderful day.

Actually, today was a *SuperFabulastic* day.

Why do you ask?

Well, it wasn't because he was leading his genin on a C-rank mission today.

It was also definitely not because he had recently gotten married.

Last night, his wife had dressed up especially for him.

She had finally agreed to role-play with him.

Not only that, but she had completely seduced him from the beginning, acting as a hot teacher while wearing stockings, a tight shirt, and a mini-skirt.

Yup, it was a total banger.

He had fucked her in 36 different positions throughout the night.

All of this was thanks to reading *Icha-Icha Paradise*.

Despite being from a different village, Jiraiya was actually more respected in other villages than in his own.

Every cultured adult might not admit it in public or say it out loud, but...

They are secret fans of Jiraiya.

If Jiraiya hadn't wasted his time searching for the child of prophecy and instead spent more time creating these masterpieces...

Then the world might have actually been at peace much sooner.

Then again, fate is a fickle thing.

One moment, you're having the best moment of your life and the next, everything is falling apart.

A kunai with an explosive tag flew quickly toward the unnamed, very lucky Jounin.

Luckily, he wasn't daydreaming about the previous night and maintained a degree of self-awareness.

A lightning python shot from his hand, swallowing the kunai along with the explosive tag, decimating it before it could detonate.

"Iwa-nin?" His kunai clashed with the masked Iwa girl's kunai.

"Oh, handsome~ where are you going with these younglings?" She stomped her foot on the ground, and an earth spear seemed to sprout from where the genin were standing.

Luckily, they somehow managed to jump back and escape in time.

Or, So It seemed.


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