Distance Of Death.

As the gathering drew to an end after that bombastic revelation from Mr. World, everyone was slowly being sent back to their bodies in the real world but Hermione was quick to signal to Mr. Error that she wanted to speak to him privately.

Loki noticed it and stopped breaking her connection. He waited and looked at her for a few seconds with his spirit vision to study her thoughts.

Hermione seemed to have progressed in keeping her mind shut a little at least since she had a small wall of runes to protect her body of heart and mind. Not that it stopped Loki from looking at her thoughts, but he felt a little happy that Hermione was progressing.

Hermione was fidgeting with her fingers and toes as she tried coming up with the right words. Her heart beat faster and soon she found herself with sweaty palms.

Loki waited patiently. Not rushing her even though he'd already read her thoughts. Mostly because he was already trying to think of an appropriate answer by debating with himself but also because he didn't want to spook her right now.

"Mr. Error, I have a question."

Loki only nodded calmly to indicate to her that he was waiting.

Hermione *gulped* nervously before speaking, "Could I know if someone who has been killed can be revived by making a wish to you?"

Loki's posture relaxed a little as he heard the question and Hermione noticed this. Then he brought his hands together and intertwined his fingers as he rested his chin on the bridge they formed.

"Resurrection isn't something one should take lightly Miss Magician." 

Loki's spirit vision turned blatant when Hermione suddenly felt like all her secrets were laid bare in front of Mr. Error. She felt a vast overbearing pressure lay on her shoulders as she was immediately forced to lower her gaze.

'Oh no! Did I anger him?'

'Will I die?'

'What is the use of me staying alive anyway when 'He' controls who lives and dies?…will I be killed off too?'

Hermione's emotions rapidly took a turn for the worse as the general colour of her aura changed from a tense red to a deep grey, almost black around her head and heart.

Loki was being forceful towards her since he wanted to see what she would do in case he rejected her.

He knew well that she was feeling lost and scared. But he wanted to ascertain that she wouldn't end up doing something stupid like Old Neil in her chase after the chance for the resurrection of someone who saved her life.

Above all, Loki didn't want to give her hope like he did not with Astoria only to have it snatched away from them to only inflict more pain on them.


'No Mione! Daph gave up her life to save yours! You need to live! If only to prove her sacrifice!'

-Hermione quickly pulled herself back up, even if only by a thread as she looked at Loki with firm eyes that seemed to have found the confidence to take charge of her own life.

This was a development in the right direction and so Loki changed his approach towards her while speaking in a calm tone.

"But…that being said, resurrection is not entirely off the table either. All souls are pushed behind the veil of death."

Loki paused, wondering if he would share some information he had recently learned and decided to speak in slightly more vague terms.

"Wizards have almost always tried to conquer death. Do you not know the stories Miss Magician? Death does not need to be the final stop. Especially when the Death Pathway exists."

Hermione's thoughts and emotions froze for a second before under Loki's vision they started to bubble into a sharp crimson red that indicated her excitement.

But Loki was quick to pour water over her rising emotions to control her expectations.

"But if you wish to exchange contribution points from the mission that my blessed has put out, it will be very difficult to do so unless you are able to outperform my blessed himself."

Hermione's eyes widened and she felt a little shocked, but she didn't let her mood collapse.

'It's alright Mione. You'll figure something out!'

With that, they ended their short after-meeting conversation before Loki sent Hermione away.

Sirius woke up on his bed and looked at the door of his room with watery eyes.

His mind played the memories of a 'happy' family. Of him running around the house with his brother with fake wands casting silly spells at each other.

He could almost hear Walburga shout at them. Complaining about them running in the halls while his father and grandfather had tea as they read the daily prophet or studied the papers that the Gringotts goblins had mailed to them about their various businesses.

Soon Sirius found his legs had carried him to the Family Tapestry. His fingers traced across the several names of his cousins and relatives who were either mentally challenged to view the world with an unbiased perspective or were disowned for doing so.

Eventually, Sirius's fingers brushed across his mother's name and portrait on the wall.

That was when Sirius closed his eyes for a few seconds.

Once he opened them he looked at a blank spot in the room before whispering a name he'd almost forgotten because of how long it had been since he'd used it.


There was a swift loud *pop* like the backfire of a car exhaust before an ugly creature suddenly appeared in the room.

Sirius frowned as he looked at the creature while the creature did the same as it matched eyes with Sirius.

They stood at a standstill for a few seconds before Kreacher started his barrage of insults.

"Master Black finally learnt how to speak again. With how silent he was for the last year, Kreacher expected him to have gone mute. Perhaps being around muggles often had robbed his brains. Not that he had any in the first place. Oh! The horror for Lady Black! How terrible it would've been for her to see her own son devolve into a habit and routine fit only for a pig in a pigsty…."

Kreacher kept mumbling random things in an uneven voice because of which Sirius kept missing more than half the things the 'small disgusting creacher' kept talking about.

His mind filled it in with even more creative insults though.

"Stop! Stop! Stop you bumbling idiot! Tell me where she is!? Where's Mother sleeping!? Where is that wicked old woman prolonging her suffering!?"

Kreacher's body froze before he looked at Sirius with angry red eyes as he shouted, "Master knows!!!! Master has been informed by someone!!! Kreacher will not let Master kill Lady Black! Kreacher will never let Lady Black be killed!!!"

Kreacher shouted and started walking out of the room.

And despite being insulted by him, Sirius followed him since he knew no matter what Kreacher said or tried to do he wouldn't be able to stop answering his question and was probably leading him to his mother's 'resting' place.

Kreacher hurled all sorts of insults and curses on the way but slowly kept walking towards the basement which Sirius followed.

With every *creek* down the stairs, Sirius found his heart beating even louder. And slowly he felt it beat louder than Kreacher's curses.

It felt like his intuition was trying to drag him away from the scene, but Sirius knew this was just his fear.

He did not know what he feared or even how it had gripped him with such vigour but he knew that it had and that it wasn't going to leave him alone.

A sharp *snap* brought Sirius out of his thoughts as Kreacher opened the door to the basement with a simple snap of his fingers, allowing for Sirius to step in.

The basement was spick and span, probably even neater than the rest of the house.

After the short inspection, Sirius followed Kreacher once again.

Sirius felt his heart come to the edge of his lips as Kreacher came to a stop in front of a coffin where he activated his spirit vision.

A Darkness pathway Beyonder didn't have spirit vision that was as advanced as a Seer or even a Marauder and so all he could do was confirm that there was someone inside the coffin.

What neither Kreacher nor Sirius noticed was the person standing beside the coffin who was leaning on a coffin that looked indistinguishable from the one in front of them.

Loki looked at Sirius and breathed a *sigh* of relief.

"*Phew*, I almost didn't make it in time. Good that I took her before something could happen to her from Sirius trying something stupid. Now I just need to fix her."

"It's been long since I've avoided searching for the solution to her problem…"

"....I almost thought that she died after I stopped hearing her name in the whispers during my advancement ritual."

"She isn't dead though…"


Loki then looked at Walburga for a second as he thought-

'Who knew the cause of her losing control was this of all things…'

'Well good for me I guess…'


A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 24 chapters ahead for just $3.