After making sure that Sirius couldn't tell the difference between the real coffin that he had hidden and the fake one he had created by using his illusion skills, Loki didn't wait any longer.
'...for this to have happened…'
'Why did this happen?'
Loki didn't have any answers right now. He needed to perform divinations to understand the matter but looking at Walburga's coffin a different question came to his mind.
'Where do I go to wake her up though?'
Loki frowned since he still didn't have a place he could call home currently other than the Black Manor.
'I want to be somewhere safe when I wake her up. Making a ruckus in a place where others could interfere wouldn't be the most appropriate thing to do…'
'Especially if I'm right about the Sequence of the person I'll be fighting…'
'I could use the Sefirah Castle…but I don't want to have to tell Walburga about it…'
'And manipulating her about it seems rather strange.'
'What will I even tell her? That to repay me she'd have to proselytise the Error God?'
'....that's not actually a bad idea. I could tell her that the Error God helped me in saving her and that his payment is to help spread his religion around the world.'
'...I mean…wouldn't she be able to do a damn good job at it too?'
'But still…revealing the Sefirah Castle to her…that's a little strange.'
'I could just tell her that the Error God was the one that actually saved her by blessing me with his powers or something.'
'That still leaves the question…where do I take her?'
Loki thought for a while before coming to a rather elegant conclusion.
'Don't the founders owe me for waking them up?'
'Then borrowing the castle wouldn't be so bad after all. I've been using it to wake up people after all. Seems like a good place.'
Loki nodded to himself and smiled for a second before he vanished from the basement of the Black Manor and arrived at the Room of Requirement.
Loki summoned the marauder's map and looked at it to spot Dumbledore patiently pacing around his study while the other professors were either working patiently in their offices or taking a quick nap.
Loki's eyes stayed on Dumbledore's name for a few seconds.
' he cooking up another plan?'
'...I hope whatever it is that he's planned for the next isn't as dangerous as last time…it won't be dangerous right?'
'...can't I divine about it now that I have access to spirit threads? I should arguably be better than the Mystery Pryer guy inside the Ring of Harvest too shouldn't I?'
'I should free him…poor guy has been there in the ring for at least like five years now?'
Loki shook his head to put such thoughts aside and looked at the plain wall of Room of Requirements that would soon transform into a door.
But instead of thinking about his wish and walking around the corridor, Loki's spirituality decreased a little as he touched the Body of Heart and Mind of the room and inserted the thought into it.
The room trembled as if surprised by what had just happened.
The stone bricks turned on each other before swinging around to form wooden planks that slowly grouped together into an innocuous door which Loki opened to enter the room he had hoped to use.
The room was mostly dark.
There were no sources of light, yet an unmissable shine was spread out through the air making it just enough for it to seem like the radiant light of the moon from the outside had infected the inside.
Loki however was unbothered since he could see clearly in the dark. He'd done this specifically to help Walburga because she'd likely be able to use her powers better in this way and it was more likely to eliminate all outside interference.
But Loki wasn't satisfied by it yet.
As the last of the stone blocks swivelled into place, Loki pulled out his wand and manipulated his spirituality into the shape of a half-moon with radiant stars around it.
Once the symbol was complete, Loki thought about something simple, infused his spell with intent, and flicked his wand.
Almost immediately a sense of isolation and concealment veiled the room separating it even further from the world outside than it already was.
Loki had asked for Salazar Slytherin to confine the room from the world. He didn't trust 'Adam' to not interfere or try and do something stupid in case things got out of hand so Loki chose to isolate the room with the help of one of its founders.
Loki then carefully placed the coffin onto the centermost part of the room where the room had conveniently painted a target for him.
He took a deep breath for a few seconds before slowly exhaling as he calmed his tense nerves that were taught because it had been too long since he'd seen Walburga.
He was no longer the little boy she'd seen when he first met her. He might not have grown up by much. At least not when he compared his own age to Walbura. But he had probably been through quite a bit. In fact, it was likely that he had experienced more bizarre incidents than Walburga could've ever imagined.
'Could she have claimed that she saved an Ex True God?'
Loki calmed himself and once his focus was set he slowly pulled out his wand before taking a few steps away from the coffin box that was standing stably in the centre of the room without any other support.
Loki's eyes flickered to take on a deep hue as he activated his spirit vision to look at Walburga.
Everything was just as he remembered when he did this each year he visited her.
Walburga was shaded with a dark greyish hue signifying her time was coming to an end.
But there was a slight difference this time.
A difference that Loki was sure was the cause of all of whatever had happened to Walburga.
Because Loki had increased in sequence, he could now see the spirit body threads of all things around him.
As such, Loki could see Walburga's spirit body thread too.
But that wasn't all Loki could see.
Loki could also see a second spirit body thread that belonged not to the coffin that Walburga lay inside of, but-
' belongs to a different creature that has hidden in Walburga…'
Loki summoned the Ring of Harvest and was about to use the soul of the Mystery Pryer in it to perform a simple divination. But he stopped at the last second before sending off the Ring of Harvest back into the Sefirah Castle.
'I should be able to do it on my own.'
"The owner of the second Spirit Body thread attached to Walburga."
Loki repeated the statement seven times before falling asleep with the help of cogitation. He used illusions to keep him supported as he slept so he wouldn't fall down.
Loki's vision which was dark because of the room he was in gradually shifted to a different sort of darkness.
Loki looked around for a few seconds and realised where he was when he spotted Walburga right beside him.
'Inside the coffin.'
But his vision didn't stop there.
Loki's vision shifted slowly as he fell into Walburga. Falling specifically towards her soul.
A normal Beyonder who would've used divination wouldn't have been able to see much of what was happening because most did not have access to the soul directly.
As such they would've missed what Loki saw next.
Attached to Walburga's smooth and stable murky soul was a dark and demented soul that moved erratically.
Loki didn't have to think for long to understand what it was. Especially since he already had his guesses even before he performed the divination.
'....a demon…'
'It has parasitised Walburga…not deeply enough to take over her identity, but over the surface so that it can stay hidden within her. Like I did with the beetle that I tested out my abilities on after advancing to Sequence 4.'
Loki frowned.
'What does a demon want with her?'
'Why would it parasitise her in the first place?'
The vision broke as Loki returned to standing alone in the dark room.
But Loki didn't stop there.
He immediately activated his spirit vision and looked at Walburga.
Or more specifically towards her soul.
'As expected…'
The parasitising soul was missing from his spirit vision.
'The demon is probably just like the others…'
'It is using some sort of item of the Error pathway to hide itself while parasitising Walburga.'
Loki frowned.
'And if I'm right…to be able to fool me, the item is from a higher sequence. Likely Sequence 3 Mentor of Deciet.'
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