Cen Lingqiu grabbed an umbrella and rushed downstairs. As soon as she arrived, she spotted Yu Mingjiao sitting quietly in her wheelchair, holding an umbrella. The rain was heavy, and even with the umbrella, it still soaked her.

Yu Mingjiao wore only a black coat, her hair slightly damp at the ends. She sat silently, her pale face illuminated by the dim streetlights, her dark eyes fixed stubbornly on Cen Lingqiu.

Cen Lingqiu's heart skipped a beat. She quickly ran to her side, frowning. "Why did you suddenly come here?"

Yu Mingjiao replied softly, "I finished work, and you didn't come to pick me up."

Cen Lingqiu sighed, feeling a bit helpless. "I thought you were working late, so I planned to pick you up later."

Yu Mingjiao didn't respond, her lips slightly blue from the cold.

Seeing her like this made Cen Lingqiu's heart ache. She wheeled Yu Mingjiao inside and quickly removed her own scarf to wrap it around her.

Ning Jia happened to witness this scene.

She saw the woman she remembered as selfish and cruel now tenderly wrapping a scarf around another girl, her eyes filled entirely with Yu Mingjiao.

So, she had someone she liked after all.

Ning Jia covered half of her face with her hand, her eyes narrowing slightly as a sharp expression flashed across her features.

Yu Mingjiao, still clinging to Cen Lingqiu's sleeve, locked eyes with Ning Jia through Cen Lingqiu.

Both women had beautifully shaped eyes, but one was cold and piercing, while the other was playful and insincere. Neither set of eyes was pure.

Yu Mingjiao felt a deep unease in Ning Jia's gaze, her own eyes darkening, her beautiful face clouded with hostility.

This woman, Ning Jia, was definitely not simple.

Gripping Cen Lingqiu's sleeve tighter, Yu Mingjiao's eyes, like sharp knives, stayed fixed on Ning Jia as she spoke slowly, "Lin Qiu, I want to go home."

"Alright." Cen Lingqiu turned to Ning Jia and nodded slightly. "I'll return the clothes another day. Thank you for today, but we'll be going now."

Ning Jia leaned against the wall, a smile tugging at her lips. "Keep the clothes; no need to return them. See you next time."

Cen Lingqiu left with Yu Mingjiao.

Ning Jia watched their backs as they disappeared into the distance, her eyes darkening with envy.

Why did this wretched woman get to have everything?

Life, health, love, family—she had it all.

What right did this woman have to live such a perfect life?

Ning Jia was unwilling to accept it.

A wave of nausea surged up her throat. Ning Jia covered her mouth, leaning against the wall as she vomited a mouthful of black blood. Her stomach ached again.

She wiped the blood from her lips, her expression pale and indifferent, like someone on the brink of death.

When Cen Lingqiu and Yu Mingjiao returned home, Cen Lingqiu's coat was wet, so she took it off.

Yu Mingjiao noticed the unfamiliar clothes she was wearing—likely Ning Jia's. Remembering Ning Jia's malicious look, a look she knew all too well from her stepmother and father, Yu Mingjiao found the clothes on Cen Lingqiu intolerable.

"Why did you go to her place?" Yu Mingjiao asked coldly, ignoring her own dampness.

Cen Lingqiu, holding a dry towel, was about to help Yu Mingjiao dry her hair. She didn't hide anything and explained the situation truthfully.

Yu Mingjiao's gaze lowered, her tone distant. "Didn't you promise to keep your distance from her? Why did you go to her place behind my back and even wear her clothes?"

Cen Lingqiu felt like she was talking to a wall, her words seemingly falling on deaf ears. She maintained a calm tone as she tried to explain, "I didn't intend to get close to her. It was just circumstances; sometimes, things happen that you can't control."

"Liar," Yu Mingjiao's voice grew harsh as her rationality began to slip away again. "You're just lying to me! You always try to placate me with sweet words. Why can't you just listen to me? Why do you break your promises so easily?"

Seeing her on the verge of another breakdown, Cen Lingqiu tried to soothe her. "Calm down, I—"

"Why should I calm down?" Yu Mingjiao pushed away Cen Lingqiu's hand, her eyes wild. "Lin Qiu, I hate everyone around you! Why can't I be the only one by your side?"

The bluntness of Yu Mingjiao's words stunned Cen Lingqiu for a moment. She cautiously asked, "Jiao Jiao, why do you want to be the only person by my side?"

Cen Lingqiu's tone was calm, her words laden with a quiet pressure, as if urging Yu Mingjiao to reveal the emotions she kept hidden.

Yu Mingjiao's spiraling thoughts froze like a puppet whose strings had been cut, her words locked inside her, unable to speak.

Yes, why did she feel this way?

Cen Lingqiu asked again, "Jiao Jiao, do you think you have the right to control who I associate with? What gives you the authority to make such demands?"

Her words were brutally direct, but Cen Lingqiu was desperate to hear Yu Mingjiao's feelings, to have someone express genuine, deep love to her.

In nearly thirty years of life, no one had ever said they loved her.

She wanted to have that.

Cen Lingqiu hoped, yet feared, the answer.

Yu Mingjiao fell silent, her emotions in turmoil, unable to untangle the mess of thoughts in her mind.

She couldn't find a reason.

There was no reason.

She just wanted it.

Did she really need a reason?

Yu Mingjiao frowned deeply, clutching her hair like a child struggling with a difficult question, her face contorted with pain.

Cen Lingqiu's expression told her that if she didn't give a reason, she would be disappointed.


She couldn't think of one.

Her feelings for Cen Lingqiu were rich and full, but her words were poor and withered.

"I don't know—" Yu Mingjiao said, her voice strained with pain. She pounded her head with her fists. "I... I just..."

But why?

The current Yu Mingjiao couldn't fathom the answer.

She hadn't learned, hadn't felt these things before.

Her hair was a tangled mess, and Cen Lingqiu hadn't expected her questions to cause so much distress. Her heart softened, and she no longer insisted on an answer.

"Alright." Cen Lingqiu took Yu Mingjiao's hands, crouching down in front of her. "If it's too painful, we won't think about it now. You can tell me later."

Yu Mingjiao bit her lip, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

Cen Lingqiu gently smoothed her hair, casually saying, "You always think I'm lying to you. Does that mean you still don't trust me?"

Yu Mingjiao's eyes widened in panic, remembering how her distrust had caused trouble between them six months ago. She started to panic.

"No..." Yu Mingjiao frantically grabbed Cen Lingqiu's clothes. "Lin Qiu, I... I do trust you."

Her eyes darted anxiously, filled with fear. "I trust you. I won't say those things again. Please..."

Yu Mingjiao's voice was small as she watched Cen Lingqiu's expression carefully. "Please don't be mad."

Cen Lingqiu wasn't angry; she just felt a deep sadness.

She realized she had driven Yu Mingjiao into becoming a fearful, insecure person. The more humble Yu Mingjiao became, the more Cen Lingqiu's heart ached.

She didn't like seeing Yu Mingjiao so submissive.

But she was the one who had caused it.

Cen Lingqiu felt disgusted with herself.

She gently touched Yu Mingjiao's eyes with her cold fingertips. Yu Mingjiao's long lashes trembled, and she didn't dare to move.

"Jiao Jiao, I'm not angry," Cen Lingqiu said, her voice as gentle as water as she stroked her soft skin. "You don't need to be scared or nervous about this. I don't like seeing you this way. I won't ignore you."

Yu Mingjiao rubbed her face against Cen Lingqiu's hand, her eyes closed tightly.

"I'm sorry, Lin Qiu," she whispered.

Cen Lingqiu asked, "Are you apologizing for what happened this morning?"

Yu Mingjiao nodded.

"I understand." Cen Lingqiu leaned in and hugged her. "Jiao Jiao, I understand."

Yu Mingjiao returned the hug. "Stay away from Ning Jia, Lin Qiu."

"The closer she gets to you, the more uneasy I feel."

Cen Lingqiu thought of Ning Jia's strange behavior that day, which had left her feeling unsettled. There was something oddly familiar about her face and pink hair.

Ning Jia wasn't someone safe to be around, and Cen Lingqiu considered staying away from her in the future.

After that day, Cen Lingqiu distanced herself from Ning Jia even more, spending most of her time with Yu Mingjiao. As she thought about their impending separation, Cen Lingqiu found herself wanting to spend as much time with Yu Mingjiao as possible.

Yu Mingjiao's health always deteriorated in winter. After getting caught in the rain last time, she had been coughing constantly. Cen Lingqiu made sure she took her medicine regularly.

That day, after picking her up from work, they returned home to find a girl sitting on the ground outside the door. She was holding something in her arms and had fallen asleep leaning against the door.

As they got closer, they realized it was Yu Suian.

Yu Mingjiao coldly called out to her, "Yu Suian."

Her voice acted like an alarm clock, and Yu Suian immediately woke up. She opened her eyes, and upon seeing them, her eyes widened, and she hurriedly stood up.


Cen Lingqiu asked her, "What are you doing here? Why are you sleeping outside?"

Yu Suian scratched her head awkwardly. "I went out of town with some friends a few days ago and brought back some local specialties. I wanted you and Sister Lin Qiu to try them."

Yu Suian had likely figured out the relationship between Cen Lingqiu and Yu Mingjiao. To avoid having her gift rejected, she mentioned Cen Lingqiu as well.

Sure enough, Yu Mingjiao didn't refuse but said, "If there's nothing else, leave. I'll get you some money."

Yu Suian looked upset. "I don't want money."

Yu Mingjiao sneered, "Don't you need money?"

Yu Suian had just finished high school. She had no parents, and her father had left her nothing. The money her mother had left her was taken by her father. She had only managed to hide enough to cover her tuition fees, and her daily expenses were covered by her part-time job.

Yu Suian's face turned red with embarrassment at being called out. "I can manage on my own. I don't need your money. You should keep it for yourself."

Yu Mingjiao scoffed.

Cen Lingqiu looked at the pile of gifts and local specialties in her arms. "These must have cost you quite a bit."

Yu Suian shook her head. "No, no, it didn't cost much."

In reality, these gifts had cost her a month's worth of living expenses, but she didn't mind. She had chosen these items because she thought they were good and wanted to give them to Yu Mingjiao.

"You're quite generous." Cen Lingqiu saw through her but didn't say anything. "Don't stand outside. Come in."

"Ah—" Yu Suian, tall and lanky, hesitated as she glanced at Yu Mingjiao. "Can I come in?"

Yu Mingjiao didn't bother responding. She had been following Cen Lingqiu's lead lately, doing whatever she said without any objections.

She didn't say anything as Cen Lingqiu pushed her inside.

Taking that as a sign of permission, Yu Suian eagerly stepped inside.

Cen Lingqiu prepared dinner with Yu Mingjiao helping out.

Yu Suian watched them together from the living room, feeling that it was nice.

Her sister's home was no longer empty.

With Cen Lingqiu, Yu Mingjiao seemed happy.

It didn't matter to Yu Suian what kind of person Cen Lingqiu was, as long as she treated Yu Mingjiao well and stayed with her. She just didn't want her to be as cruel and foolish as she had been when they were younger.

Yu Suian deeply regretted the things she had done to Yu Mingjiao as a child, trying to get her attention. It wasn't until she grew up that she realized the malice behind her actions, but by then, it was too late to make amends.

Thinking about it filled Yu Suian with sadness and regret.

During dinner, Yu Suian didn't say a word, quietly eating her meal. She knew that if she spoke, Yu Mingjiao would get upset, so she kept silent.

After dinner, Cen Lingqiu told Yu Mingjiao to take her medicine. Her cough had improved significantly, but she still coughed frequently at night, so she needed to keep taking the medication.

"Sister, are you sick?" Yu Suian asked anxiously.

Yu Mingjiao coughed lightly, took the medicine from Cen Lingqiu's hand, and ignored her.

Yu Suian turned to Cen Lingqiu.

Cen Lingqiu said, "It's just a cough, nothing serious."

Yu Suian sighed in relief.

The medicine Yu Mingjiao took had a sedative effect. With the company preparing for a new product launch, Yu Mingjiao, as one of the lead jewelry designers, was under immense pressure, often working late into the night and sometimes drafting designs until dawn.

Under the weight of work and her declining health, Yu Mingjiao quickly felt drowsy after taking her medicine. Cen Lingqiu tucked her in before quietly leaving the room.

"Thank you for the meal, Sister Lin Qiu. I'll be going now," Yu Suian said, bowing before turning to leave. But Cen Lingqiu stopped her.

"You've changed a lot," Cen Lingqiu said calmly. "You've matured a lot in the past year. You've definitely grown up."

Yu Suian smiled faintly.

In the past year, she had endured her father's death and had become a child with no parents, in the true sense of the word. The only sister she had left didn't acknowledge her, leaving her a true "orphan," with no family at all.

In that solitude, she slowly accepted the emptiness of her home and matured mentally. She also came to truly understand the foolishness and malice of her childhood.

"Are you sincere in your feelings toward your sister?" Cen Lingqiu suddenly asked.

Yu Suian hesitated for a moment, then replied without hesitation, "Yes, she's my sister."

Cen Lingqiu continued meaningfully, "You said before that you would take care of her for the rest of your life. Are you planning not to get married?"

Yu Suian shook her head. "I don't want to get married anymore. I just want to stay by my only family member's side."

Cen Lingqiu chuckled lightly. "Then you'll have to keep your word. I can't take care of your sister for the rest of my life."

"Ah." Yu Suian didn't understand. "Are you planning to get married?"

Cen Lingqiu smiled. "No."

"Then why say that? Do you hate my sister?"

Cen Lingqiu tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I don't hate your sister. I like her a lot."

Yu Suian was even more confused. "Then why can't you stay with her? She's really happy with you."

Why indeed.

There were always so many "whys" in the world.

And they didn't always have answers.

Sometimes, the answers were colder than ice.

Cen Lingqiu didn't answer directly, only saying softly, "I'm someone who has to leave."

"Can't you stay?"


Cen Lingqiu patted her on the shoulder. "Keep it a secret, okay?"

Yu Suian bit her lip, sensing the sadness that awaited Yu Mingjiao in the future, and she felt a wave of sadness herself.

"If you do this, my sister will be heartbroken."

"She might even cry."

Cen Lingqiu smiled bitterly.

"I'll be sad too."

The door to the room hadn't been closed properly, and neither of them noticed Yu Mingjiao lying in bed with her eyes open, a cold light gleaming in them. She bit her lip, her expression pained, tears quickly soaking her pillow.

She stared into the void with tear-filled eyes, like a broken doll with its stuffing spilling out.


A complete, insincere liar.