I am here to stay and rule

Rajeev met Kenny that evening. He softly kissed her lips as they were in public.

" I wish to do so much more" , he whispered.

" As much as I would like it Ms. Bhavna is here", she replied breathlessly.

He grimaced.Oh this charade!

" You find it exhausting", she sensed him.

" Unbearable", he said honestly. " But with you I go through it".

Well she knew the throne had no appeal to him Biddng for it was to get back at Kamini. Well she did that with Bhanu too. But with him it was more sinister.

" I want you to prepare for another big rally", said Bhavna.

" If it wins me points", said Raj excitedly. He looked excited. Chameleon thought Kenny.

" Oh it sure will", said Bhavna. " But you are already way ahead. The people see their leader in you".

" Always at their service", said Raj. " We need to highlight Kamini's extravaganza rather than her lack of work. After all she represented ypur party. So the attack must be personal".

" I don't", Kenny was saying.

But home minister agreed.

" Brilliant move Raj. Party can excuse itself from her losses this way", he said.

" Well I am all for party's well being", he said.

There was something off about him nagged her conscience. He was hiding something.

" Beautiful where are you lost", he spoke in her head

" WHAT"?

Mortified she saw three pairs of eyes looking at her. Damn she blurted out loud. His eyes twinkled mischievously.

" Excuse me", she said. " I dozed a bit".

He saw right through her lie. He looked at her pointedly. She schooled her thoughts and tried to block him defiantly. IT WAS A BATTLE OF WITS. He was amazed at her resilience. His lips curved into a smile.

" Its okay", said Bhavna. " I get multi tasking causes a lot of stress. Discuss with Rajeev. And now your highness we take your leave".

" Of course", said Raj. They shook hands.

As they left Raj pulled her close and smooched her relentlessly.

" God Raj stop. Someone will come", she said.

" So what", he shrugged." They all will know you are my wife".

" We have to wait till Shivratri", she said.

" Kenny look".

" ARE YOU HIDING ANYTHING FROM ME RAJ", she squealed. " I don't take well to lack of trust", she continued.

" You should stop planning each and everything ", he said. " Take life as it comes.

" My circumstances are different from you. Planning is good in my profession", she said. Then she fought an inner battle whether to speak or not.

" Dump it on me whatever you are thinking", he said.

" We think people need us Raj. We think we are in control. But no we are not. Its us who need them. And being a leader is a chance you won't get again and again", said Kenny.

" I appreciate that Kenny. And rest assured I am not running away. I am here to stay and rule".

He was not wrong. He will rule Vidhangarh with her.

" What are you hiding", she asked.

" I am planning a wedding present", he raised his hands in surrender." If I am allowed to keep it a surprise".

" Sorry", she said and kissed him.


SEBASTIAN FULLER was 6 feet tall with olive skin inherited from his Greek mother and blue eyes from his Californian father. His hairs were beach blonde and the three piece suit he was wearing fitted him like second skin.

" Damn its Fuller in his glory", exclaimed Parry.

" Where is the other assh*le", he asked.

" Not far away now", said Solly as he entered.

Raj was next. As he entered doors closed.

" Are you here to murder me", Seb raised a brow.

Raj sat.

" Take a seat Sebastian", he said.

At that moment side door opened and Maddy and Ro walked in.

" Great the entire hell party is assembled here", smirked Sebastian.

" What to say its about to rain fireballs", said Maddy.

" Judgement day Josef", asked Sebastian to Ro.

" Except Lucifer delivers the judgement ", said Ro pointing to Raj.

" Okay you said something about wiping out Sarkars from market. I am all ears Satan", Bastian said to Raj.

" I heard you are competing in Asian fashion week", said Raj.

" As you heard it from me", said Bastian raising a brow ," I guess you are right".

Men chuckled.

" Sarkar applied too. And Bhishma will be suppling cloth for them", said Raj.

Sebastian sat calmly on the sofa opposite to Raj. He poured himself a whiskey and took the first sip.

" I believe you called me here to discuss something more rather than informing me that you are supplying cloth to my enemy", he asked calmly.

" I said Bhishma will supply cloth. I never said about quality of material or delivering on time", said Raj calmly. He too poured a whiskey and drank.

" What's in it for you", asked Bastian.

" Bankruptcy for Bhishma and another nail in coffin for Junagarh", said Raj with a straight face.

Bastian shuddered in spite of himself. It seemed life was suck out of the room.

After few moments he regained his composure.

" SHAME", he said. " You would have been an excellent ruler for Junagarh".

" Not according to my birth father. He wished for his younger son to succeed him. Wrote several pages of legal document to keep me away from my birthright ".

There was a melancholy in Raj's voice. A chronic sadness. Anger..which stemmed from being repeatedly thwarted or ignored.

" Not my business", said Bastian. " So how do you plan to wipe out Sarkars?"

" You get a contract with Dhara fabrics another of my ventures", said Raj. " Bhishma takes on Sarkar. We fail to deliver on D-day. Sarkars lose capital and competition and Bhishma lose reputation. Project will be lead by my brother. He goes down. Madhuri Sarkar wiped out. WIN WIN."

" I am in", said Sebastian. " Just one condition. She should look like a fool standing there in front of judges with nothing but her face to show".

"Ahh I sense something more than professional rivalry", said Maddy.

" We were engaged once", said Sebastian gulping another peg of whiskey. " Used me for her benefits and dumped me", he said sourly. " WELL TWO CAN PLAY THE GAME".

" A game of revenge my friend", said Raj. " Which will end with destruction of our enemies".

" Deal", said Sebastian.

After Sebastian left...

" You were wrong dear daddy", said Raj with a devil's smile on his face. " I was meant to rule and I will stay and rule. Even when I put Junagarh to its ruins".