It was all for nothing

And so the time flew by. Bringing doom of Junagarh closer and closer.

Kenny's days were full. Raj pushed for Sebastian but Rahul stuck steadfast with Sarkars. Weighing pros and cons King Randheer gave nod to Rahul's selection as legal tangles with Fuller was high. Raj sulked but relented.

" Another defeat brother", said Rahul. " Its becoming a habit for you".

Raj left glaring at him.

Kenny threw herself in work . She looked after his political life and business ventures. Audits were tiring too. Finalytics wanted details of the analysis which resulted in closure of several departments. She saw Raj was under lot of tension. But she stood with him bravely facing anything the life threw at her.

On the contrary she spent her nights with her husband. His lovemaking was demanding, passionate and squeezed out every emotion out of her leaving her a breathless clingy girl weeping softly in her Devil's Arms. Then he would softly kiss her lips and whisper words of love in her ears softly. She was completely mesemerised by him mind, body and soul. SHE WAS HAPPY.

But she sensed an impeding doom. She felt all this was just nothing.


" He will try to sabotage", said Rahul to his twin. " Keep your years and eyes open."

" Madhuri is a driven girl", said Rakesh. " I met with her and her younger sister. She is a painter like you".

" A painter", Rahul raised a brow.

" Leena", remembered Rakesh. " That's her name. A bit sheltered and soft. Old man was not well off when he died. Madhuri drove the business".

" Hmm", said Rahul. " Did you find what's her feud with Fuller"?

" Yeah", sighed Rakesh. " She was engaged to him. And he came on to her sister."

" WHAT"? Rahul was disgusted.

" Well she broke off with him and returned every penny of money he infused in her business with interest. Now he wants to finish her for his ego".

" Damn the man", said Rahul. " But then look at the company he keeps".

" Maybe Rajeev is secretly plotting behind our back", said Rakesh. " The number of people he is firing is a matter of concern. Mr. Verma from Finalytics is a bit worried."

" Rakesh your intuition is right. He wants us to work hard and then sabotage it at the last moment so that All the hard work we put in amounts to nothing", said Rahul.

" Then now is the time to talk to grandpa", said Rakesh.

" But proof", said Rahul.

Rakesh smirked.

" Don't worry Rahul our elder brother will provide it soon", he said.


" Appa there is no need to seek justice for this dead man. He was the instigator of violence towards that family. Its good he is dead", said Maddy.

Alok was the public prosecutor charging a man with murder. The man he murdered r*ped and killed his wife.

" But it was not his job to deliver justice. An eye for an eye will make everyone blind", said Alok.

" He was driven by passion. It was self defence", argued Maddy. " Right to live given by constitution ".

But Alok shook his head.

" No Maddy self defence argument comes into being if the woman killed him. But her husband meticulously planned the murder", he said. " And the dead man should be punished by law which is emotionless".

" He would have been hanged", said Maddy shrugging. " Now that would render him dead too".

" Yes that would be law", said Alok.

"What's the difference. Its still justice", he argued.


" Then what is justice Appa", asked Maddy.

" Justice is me preventing you from hurting others. No one else should suffer the fate a victim did. That is justice. Otherwise people who can't get back at others are easy prey", said Alok.

And then Maddy thought.

Was it justice Raj is thinking of?

Or Vendetta?

For this was his test....

Test or exam given by his teacher..

His teacher Gautam...

Gautam means me. No I am his part but so is Appa. Was just now Gautam asking me to warn Aditya?

Because birth after birth he is making same mistake.

Mistake of playing God.

Justice is important than vendetta.

Or all these rebirths.

It was for nothing...


Kenny was sitting with Madhuri Sarkar. The dynamic entrepreneur was laying down her designs to decide on quality of cloth. Myra was with them.

" So these designs are inspired from young party public not very formal or traditional but comfortable yet fashionable ", she said.

" I like them", said Myra.

" Well I have a show lined up", she said. " I want to start there and then buld up. Leena show the spread up for the show. "

Kenny noticed a quiet gorl then of about 21 years of age. She looked demure and sheltered. She showed the spread which Myra looked at eagerly.

It wa not Kenny's forte but she tried her best.

" I will call Rahul. He can give you more inputs rather than me. I am afraid I know anything", said Kenny.


Solly was trying to locate mark of cobra. He showed the mark to three people: Duleep, Kiara and Payal.

" I stumbled upon Vikram Oberoi's research on Cobra. Look at this. Its his mark", he said.

Kiara looked at it.

" Hmm", said Payal. " What should I do now"?

She was perfectly disguised by Parry.

" Start searching mark on people in palace. Only that for now", said Solly.

" Duleep Raj could be attacked again. I want a thourough check up of security", said Solly.

" On it", said Duleep.

When they left Solly turned to Kiara.

" Kamini is in it for sure", she said.

" Could umm Bhanu be involved", asked Solly.

" You want me to find that out", asked Kiara.

Solly nodded shamelessly.

" The twins too. You and Kenny can get into their personal space", he said.

" He'll have your head on platter if you force proximity between Kenny and Rahul", she joked.

" Tough", said Solly. " He has to deal with it. After all its his head I am trying to save."

" Bullhead", said Kiara.

" No arguments ", replied Solly.

Kiara shook her head and left.

" I should find something ", she thought. Solly was bend on provoking Raj for information. If they end up empty handed All this would be for nothing.

Kiara would find something. And that would shake her existence. BUT THAT STORY HAS TO WAIT.


" Grace are you alright darling "?

Ro looked at her. Grace looked sick. There were dark circles under her eyes. She was retching in the morning. She looked pale. Her diet decreased too.

" I am fine Ro. Just exhausted", she said.

" Then rest. I'll arrange a check up", he said.

" No I am fine just bad fish", she assured.

" Are you sure"? Ro was skeptical.

" Yes", she pressed his hand.


It remained on her lips. He could not be tied down. Not now when he was growing. Winning one accolade after another.

Khurana hospital has earned the coveted medical reward they dreamed of earning for years. He was involved in miraculous recoveries, solving critical cases and revamping of the hospital. The Mumbai branch was doing superbly as always. But it was Junagarh branch which metamorphised into a shining star. And the new dean was the driving force behind it. NO SHE WOULD SACRIFICE HER HAPPINESS FOR HIM.

She knew what Dr. Gayatri and his grandpa wished for him.

" He should marry Puja", she heard old Khurana said.

" Well if he likes her", said his mother.

" What is there not to like", asked the old man. " Her family is established in medical field. And her father asked for Rohit. From an illegitimate child now he is face of Khuranas. I wish well for him".

Gayatri remained quiet. She would never force her son.

Because Ro should be able to choose for himself unlike his father. GAYATRI HAS WORKED HARD FOR THIS CHANGE.

If Ro succumbs to old man's pressure

It was all for nothing.

But Grace heard it.

And she wished that legitimacy for her love. Well she would never stand in his way. His way to success.

A few days later

" Raj think again", said Parry.

" Time's up Parry. Its action time", said Raj.

" Revenge does not give satisfaction to our soul", said Maddy. " Justice does".

" Its justice ", said Raj.

" I am not sure in this", said Solly.

" Any security concerns", asked Raj.

" None", replied Solly.

" Then"???

" Raj", sighed Ro." This will harm everyone. People who worked hard. People who live here happily. People who are innocent ".

" Well no one here is innocent and I promise to take workers for Dhara", said Raj.

" I am doing this for maa. If I back out now. It was all for nothing".

A fire burned in his soul. A destructive fire . FIRE OF REVENGE.