City hospital
Sebastian was walking swiftly towards the room where Madhuri was admitted.
" Who are you to her", the receptionist asked.
" Her would be husband", replied Sebastian.
" This way sir", a nurse let him in.
Madhuri was awake. Her eyes were in tears. Her sister Leena was feeding her. She looked devastated.
" Madhu", he rushed to her.
Pushing back Leena he hugged her.
" Oh my darlung! Madhu my love", he cried.
Leena was stupefied.
For a minute Madhuri forgot that they were estranged.
" Bastian", she wailed.
She cried her heart out in his arms.
" Ssssshh everything will be fine", he soothed.
" Ohhh yes you did. Of course you did", said Sebastian. He glared at Leena.
" But she must know who is the real culprit"?
" You b*tch", he said. " Even witches leave 3 houses next to them . You set out to destroy your own sister. The one who brought you up."
" What are you saying Seb", said Madhuri.
" Madhu why exactly do you hate me", he asked.
" You tried to..", Madhuri looked at her sister.
" Ohh don't bother her", said Bastian casually.
" You leave", Leena pushed him.
" Don't you want me now", asked Sebastian to Leena. " Can't you give me more than Madhu"?
" What is all this about", asked Madhuri.
" I never tried to force her Madhu. She came up on me behind your back. I rejected her. So she broke us up. Because she hates you and your success. You gave her money to pay me back. I haven't received a cent of it. She conveyed to me that you are using me for money. I WAS SUCH A FOOL!"
Sebastian glared at Leena.
" You are lying", screamed Leena.
" Me. Oh no b*tch unlike you I have proofs", he said. " MISS PAYAL", he shouted.
Payal came forward. She had a file in her hand and a cell phone
Like a robot she came forward and played a video to Madhuri.
Madhuri saw Leena coming on to Sebastian and him pushing her back.
" The hotel had cctv", said Payal. " While they avoid rooms for privacy Mr. Fuller requested one in his room as he was on lists of assasins. It helped him".
" You are on his payroll", said a frantic Leena.
" No", said Payal. " I work for queen of Vidhangarh Mrs. Kanupriya Singh Thakur".
Both Madhuri and Leena were stunned.
" Ohhh yeah they are married ", said Payal smirking. " Now the money laundering you did. My queen never trusted you. She asked me to investigate. Here", she showed files to Madhuri.
" These deposits", exclaimed Madhuri in pain.
" When you gave her money to repay Mr. Fuller she transferred them in fake accounts owned by her".
" WHY LEENA",? Madhuri was in pain. " YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED".
" Asked what", hissed Leena. " Alms from you. Always you are all mighty. All successful. Everyone likes you wants to be you. But what about me"?
" You need a Psychatrist ", tsked Sebastian.
" Ohhh you", she tried to attack Sebastian.
Payal tackled her to ground.
" Police are on their eay. I am pressing charges", said Bastian in a hard voice. Madhuri just hugged him and cried. Payal took her away.
" I lost everything. My business, my family", wailed Madhuri.
" No love you lost nothing", said Sebastian softly. " I took my name back from this competition. Sarkars will go ahead".
" Ohh Bastian"!
" Raj did not burn anything my love. He couldn't. He called me that evening saying he can't go through with it. He loves his wife as much as I love you. And then Payal told me everything. Queen Kanupriya never trusted your sister", said Sebastian.
" Now what shall I do", said Madhuri.
Sebastian went down on his knee and magically produced a ring out of nowhere.
" MARRY ME",he said.
" Yes oh yes", she replied.
A loud cheer from the hospital staff followed.
It was not going to be this easy for Raj.
" Boy Kenny could hold a grudge", said Solly.
" Yeah I told her she was still bound with contract to work with us", said Parry.
And somehow a strong gust of wind pushed us all back as we fell", said Ro.
" Her eyes were glowing red", said Maddy.
" Just her elemental powers. They have multiplied after our marriage. We have been practicing too", said Raj.
" So she won't come", said Maddy.
" Ohhh no she will", smirked Raj. " Just that it won't be fun".
At that moment the door opened and IN WALKED THE QUEEN OF VIDHANGARH.
She looked regal in a purple dress. It was held by golden belt. She wore high heels in purple and golden. A haiband kept her styled flowing hairs in place which looked like a golden crown. Her strawberry lips were pursed and her green eyes on fire. Her team was behind her.
She marched to Rajeev and thrust a paper on his chest.
" What's this Kenny", he asked.
" Your f*cking schedule your royal f*cking highness", she sweared. " Give me one mess up and I will f*cking kick your ass."
He smiled.
" AND DON'T YOU DARE ENTERING MY BRAIN. I'LL BURN YOU", she roared . At that very moment her hands started glowing with fire.🔥🔥
Raj raised his hands in surrender.
" You assh*le", she said to Parry. " Here now".
" You are so scr*wed", said Shai with mirth to Raj. He just shrugged.
Parry started going through details of Raj's next interaction with public.
" The local craftsmen", he said.
" They make pots of clay,bags and small wooden toys", said Kenny.
" I saw a few mirror work dresses too", quipped Raj. Kenny glared.
" He is so annoying", Grace whispered to Ro. She looked really weak.
" You need a check up. I am taking you to a hospital immediately ", he said.
" I am fine. I got the checkup done", she lied. " Its just a bug".
They worked in total hostility till lunch.
Rahul came to collect Kenny for lunch.
She smiled sweetly at him.
" Lets go", she said.
Raj narrowed his eyes. They froze.
" If you inch one step out our deal is off repucussions be damned", said Kenny in his head.
Raj gave them a devilish smile.
" Take good care of your sister-in -law brother", he said. " Enjoy your lunch".
To Kenny he said.
" Count days. In a week I will bring the real culprit on your feet".
They all saw his eyes chilling but Kiara noticed something else too.
Lunch time
" Is he eating anything", asked Myra.
" That bull can survive skipping a meal", said Parry munching a cucumber.
Myra slapped him on back. He shrugged.
" You keep your handsome face out of her reach", said Kiara to Maddy. " Its that contract you made which forces her hand to work with him".
" I AM HANDSOME", said Maddy with emphasis. He hugged her.
" I take it back", said Kiara. " She should scourge your eyes out. I 'll suggest fork".
She picked up a fork and twisted it dramatically.
" Blood thirsty vampire", said Maddy lovingly.
" So many proofs against him. Like they were deliberately left behimd", said Shai thinking deeply.
" Exactly", said Solly. " It clearly means he is innocent."
" But we don't have any proof to support it", said Grace. " The cctv are spoiled".
" But at the time of fire he was with Bastian", said Solly. " And that I can prove", his eyes twinkled.
" Now I will find out the real culprit very soon", said Solly.
" On that I am not sure but I have a theory", said Kiara.
"Go ahead", said Solly.
" Between us not even Raj or Kenny", she said and told them all.
There was a stunned silence.
" We are all heading up for a Mahabharata", ( an ancirnt Indian war that wiped out its half population) said Maddy.
" We work on it", said Solly.
" Yes Kiara we believe you", said Myra.
Who is the real culprit?
Guess we all will know soon.