Revealing The Truth

Blaze's tone was very serious

"Leus, do you understand what you were about to do?"

Leus was surprised by the shift in Blaze's mood

'What even happened ...'

Regardless, he answered

"Yes. I pushed a small bit of Life Force out of my body to show it to you"

Blaze looked at him with narrowed eyes and thought to himself

'Maybe he's not so smart after all'

Blaze put his hand on Leus' shoulder

"Leus ... do you realize how dangerous that is?"

Leus nodded

"I know it's dangerous, that's why I don't use it much"

He continued

"Also, after using this spell I sleep and don't use it again until my Life Force fully recovers"

When Blaze heard that, he pondered over it for a while ...

Honestly, he had absolutely no idea about what to do

'I also don't know all that much about Magic, I'm a Swordsman'

He knew that using Life Force Magic required a lot of proficiency and practice and that it was dangerous

' ... But that's it. I'm not aware of the details of such stuff ...'

He glanced at Leus

'This kid is a quick learner though ...'

'Could he really be a genius?'

'He seems a bit foolhardy, but shouldn't it be okay if he will be careful?'

But then a question came to Blaze's mind

"Leus ... why did you learn this spell?"

Leus didn't answer, so Blaze asked in a different way

"When you used that Life Force spell, what did you do with it?"

" ... "

'So you won't answer huh ...'

Blaze looked Leus in the eyes and released just a tiny bit of oppression from his aura ...

Instantly, Leus felt the change in the atmosphere ...

'This is about to get troublesome'

He sighed

' ... Well, I reached this far ... might as well continue'

Blaze was somewhat scaring him, so lying was out of the question

'I didn't want to reveal this much, but so be it'

"I was feeling guilty about my mother's sickness. I wanted to help her"

"And did you help her?"

" ... Yes. I did exactly what Remedy does"

When Blaze heard that, he felt a mixture of emotions

'Should I be proud because he's so smart and he tried to help his mother? Or should I be angry that he risked his life doing these things?'

' ... How should one even deal with such a kid?'

After thinking about it for a while, Blaze came to a conclusion

'If I look at this solely from a (results) point of view, then it was an amazing success ...'

'Maybe I should let him have it this time'

'I also want him to see that I'm on his side, so at least he can trust me and not do things from behind my back the next time'

Blaze forced a smile and said

"Thank you, Leus, I'm proud of you"

For a moment, Leus furrowed his brows


' ... That's it'

When Blaze didn't say anything else, Leus sighed with relief

'Whew ... that worked much better than I expected'

He avoided Blaze's gaze and asked

"Can you not tell Mom?"

" ... Why?"

"I don't want her to feel guilty or something. She's happy as things are now"

Blaze actually agreed with Leus' point of view

'That kid is smart'

"I'll do as you say"

On that day, Blaze's opinion of Leus changed drastically

'Smart, capable, humble, responsible, reckless and ... strong?'

'Perhaps ... no, actually, certainly, Leus has the potential to exceed me'

'I wasn't a genius when I was two years old, nor was I ever capable of using Magic'

After a bout of silence, Blaze asked

"Do you understand what happened last night?"

Leus nodded

"You thought that I was someone else and attacked me, right?"

Hearing that from Leus made Blaze feel guilty about it ...

'Uhh ... attacked you?'

He looked at the ground and apologized

"Actually ... now that I think about it, it was completely idiotic of me ...

It seems that my battle instincts took over and got the best of me. I'm sorry"

He looked at Leus and continued

"But it wasn't really an attack. Let me explain"

Leus looked at him with interest, and Blaze elaborated

"When I came close to the house I felt the aura of a strange person, so I released my Killing Intent towards it. Because I'm so much stronger than you, you felt that it was an attack. But it wasn't; it was just pressure"

Hearing that, Leus became shocked

'Killing intent? So ... I was attacked by his emotions?'

He started recalling how he felt yesterday

'I felt absolutely crushed ... I was terrorized, I thought it was some deadly attack'

But to find out that it was merely a killing intent, basically, just Blaze's desire to kill him ...

'Damn ... I knew that I was weak but ...'

'To know that Dad can paralyze me with merely his thoughts ...'

' ... I'm as weak as an insect in front of him'

Leus was genuinely impressed

"You are really strong ... Dad"

Blaze shook his head

"I am strong, but not really strong; there are many people who are as strong or even stronger than me. It's just that you are really weak, Leus"

After Blaze said that, they both kept quiet for a couple of minutes

Blaze was thinking about what he should do with Leus now ...

'He has the potential to become much stronger'

'But ... he's very young, barely two years old'

'Would it be a good idea to make him start at this age?'

'Shouldn't he spend his time playing or something ...'

After thinking for a while, Blaze got an idea

'Viorica always says that he's a genius, I should probably let him decide by himself'

He looked at Leus and asked

"Leus, what do you want now?"

Leus tilted his head in confusion

"About what?"

"Do you want to train more? Do you want to study more? Do you want to become a Mage, a Knight, anything? You are smart enough to decide for yourself. "

For a moment, Leus' eyes gleamed


He got excited and started considering his options

'First of all, I only kept training because I wanted to help my mother get better'

'I'm not really hungry for power'

'I think it's needed at least to some extent in this world, but it's not my ultimate goal'

'I already have something else in mind'

Leus replied

"I'd like to know more about the world"

Blaze nodded

"Alright, that's not bad ... What exactly do you want?"

" ... I don't know, maybe a map? A history book? I can read now"

Blaze scratched his chin in thought

"Map? Hmm ... "

After mulling it over, Blaze concluded

"I can get you (The Archivist's Atlas). It's an Atlas made by the Archivist that has some information about every Kingdom in the world. Is that good?"

Leus liked that

"Yes, that sounds good"

But he had a question

"Dad, who is the Archivist"

"He's one of the Lords. As far as I know, he records all of the world's events.

Rumors are that he has been living for eons. He's some kind of a mythical creature like all the other Lords.

But regardless of all that, his books are the best if you're looking for information"

That immediately piqued Leus' interest


'Sal is a Lord ... he said he was the 7th or the 8th Lord ...

'I want to know more about them!'

'Also ... if Dad is in the Fourth Realm, then what Realm is Sal?'

"Dad, what are the Realms after Elite?"