A good person, Mother earth
He also wrote about being a good person has an outcome
When we think about being a good person, we usually need deed thinking and
questioning it, is there any wrong outcome of being a good person?
Do I need reward of being nicest person or I do things for God seeks or save lives? I
experience being a good person has outcome of gets being uses instead of cheer up
with you, as quote says' some people gets use Because of theirs kindhearted, so people
see you as a fool because you didn't join in same boat of practicing bad behaviors with
Some good persons are always a target and victim of bad behavior pushed to them by
miserable ones while their attention was about doing things either for God seek or to
save lives, so what will be an incredible roll nor what will be a game changer that's
possible way to be good person and avoid being uses at the same time.
Obviously! check out whether you are not comfortable with your current activities
you're doing with someone and find or figure out what kind of behaving are you
Practicing, this will definitely help understanding the situations between' you the
nicest person and the miserable person, then after you find out the behaving; I suggest
that never generalized that all people are miserable there are still one in trillion like
you, go and find them, the nicest people that value your present with them being
nicest to them and they need doing things with you not to using you.
Mother Earth
Mother earth got enough water and foods to served us and hosts others creatures too
for free without expecting anything in returns, mother earth knows when the weather
is not comfortable with us, she rushing and Change it into better weather to all
inhabitants, mother earth need support right now, she is tired because we wrecked her
way of doing things herself, it's right time to support mother earth at this moment but
how we can support her?
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. walk, bike (run, skate, move yourself
3. Ride the bus to work
4. Plant tree
5. using less heat and air conditioning
6. changing light bulbs
7. buy a fuel efficient car
8. buy locals goods and product
Climate change has been singing for years without action meanwhile unbothered
mother-earth has taken her own action to stop anything destroy her, she didn't allow
anything to destroy her, she simply put into extinct if species were not grateful with
all she offered for free, all species were created and to follow rules of mother-earth, so
any of species that doesn't follow rules of mother-earth will be put into extinct and
new species would talking over her surface, we have witnessed more following
impacts of climate unstable, and negative behaving of mother-earth can be tracks with
stronger earthquakes in Japan, Hurricane in USA, Stronger earthquakes in turkey that took thousands lives, tornado in USA that claimed more lives and damage of houses,
floods in UAE that costs billions of dollars in damages, floods in Kenya that cause more
destroyed of homes, drought in South Sudan, north Sudan flooded, Mother-earth was
warning us but there was no action made by humans until the time has finally running
out and mother-earth would act on her own and we humans are going to regret the
cause for we didn't listen, Mother-earth her taken action could have noticed in Libya
flooded and storms too, many killed and home damages, mother-earth is not old even
though she is 4.543 billion years old" she could still host species for next 5 billion years
if the species support her, mother-earth knows how to escape deadliest threat from
outer space and within our solar system particular in our galaxy milky way galaxy,
mother-earth do everything for us, however we are not great specie to support her in
anything could affect her, climate change is real as we experience, mother-earth is
Save the planet is just a Song, been singing for very longtime without actions, the
Same inhabitants that destroyed it’ aren’t going to fix it’ until planet act on its own to
save itself’ however, if once planet take action on saving itself” then’ it will turn out
to be a nightmare to inhabitants’ and sometimes led extinctions of:
8.9 billion inhabitants B. 8.7 million Animal Species C. 3.5 billion fish species D. 10 million reptile
species E. 326 million trillion gallons of water. F. 450 billion bird species G. 3.4 trillion trees H. 16
quadrillion grass species I. 10 Quintillion insect’s specie.