New era

The finished dinner quickly and took their bath one after another to keep a look out for the baby.

They soon went to their room as Julia the baby to play with her and and she walked toward the window and she looked out,wondering the good fortune that followed her as she remembered their earlier conversation about adopting a baby before the stumbled upon the basket on their way back.

Camilla Emberstone she thought out loud and Mark made his way to her and held her shoulders to show support that he knew the thoughts passing through her mind.

Camilla Emberstone she called again as she smiled at her husband looking at him emotionally.

Mark who understood kissed her temples and returned the smile.

Finally they had a child of their own the both shared the same thought.

The next day,early in the morning the couple vacated the home after coming to a conclusion that it was better to live in the city than staying there to risk fighting off an animal and risking the baby's safety.

The contracted a moving company the night before,so now there were moving and forgetting their past behind to start a new life with their child.

When the arrived at the designated house the choose the found it to be a perfect spot for raising a child as the environment was friendly and no one would ask them how the child came to be.

The settled in the the house after paying the Driver.

The still couldn't believe that the would be living a different life now.

After arranging their furnitures the realization that the forgot to purchase food items dawned on them.

The quickly got ready and made their way out to purchase the items the needed at home.

While cradling the baby in her arms Julia realized that werewolves were occupying the part if the city the had moved over to.

Even Mark noticed it and the received looks when they entered the nearest supermarket the could find.

Welcome the staff greeted them as the nodded at him and passed.

This is crazy Julia who couldn't hold it in anymore uttered.

Mark smiled as he reassured her that the would get used to it with time.

The made their way toward the cart and purchase big amount of item that would last them a month and also some baby stuffs.

The made their way towards the counter to pay and the noticed the cashier was also a werewolf.

Greetings the Cashier said with a friendly smile.

Hello Julia greeted back and Mark nodded at her.

I'm guessing you are new her she smiled as she tried to make small talks while scanning the items the bought.

Yes we are Julia responded as smiled uneasily.

Relax I'm not going to hurt you Anna the cashier told her with an amused smile.

You bet Julia awkwardly laughed out and Mark placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Your total is 1108 dollars Anna told them.

Are you paying by cash,card or transfer she asked with a professional smile this time.

We would be paying with card Mark said as he handed over the card he found in the basket which made Anna look give him a look over again.

Thank you for you patronage Anna told them

We also offer home delivery incase of anytime you don't feel like coming down to get things for yourself.

You baby is cute she complimented as she looked at the baby in Julia's arms.

Thank you,until we meet again Julia smiled and nodded at Mark who grabbed their purchase as the made their way home.

As they made their way back home,Mark couldn't help teasing her.

Somebody is afraid of wolves Mark teased.

Julia's face turned bright red at the remark and she increased her pace to walk back home.

Wait up honey,you are carrying Camilla be careful Mark tried to get her to slow down with the jab and it worked.

She turned around and glared at him.

You are lucky that I love you,I would have left you here she said irritated.

I know honey thank you for not leaving me he said sarcastically.

To which Julia smiled to.

They got home and Mark prepared breakfast for them and they slept after eating.


20 year later....

A girl was seen running along the corridor of a renowned university.

Not today please She prayed in her heart to any God who could here her plea as she ran towards the hall where the final year students were taking there examination.

Upon reaching the hall,she sighed as she made her way inside going towards the available chair near her friend to sit down.

Where they hell were you Camilla, do you have any idea how scared I was that you would miss today's examination questioned an angry Lila.

Easy there angry Birdie Camilla said smiling to ease the tension that surrounded them.

I'm sorry for making you worried it wasn't my intention she said and her eyes darted towards the hall entrance as she noticed the Supervisors coming in with the examination material.

Let's talk after writing our exams she dismissed they topic as the focus back on the activity of the day.

Two hours later they their way out from the hall as the held hands.

Finally Camilla we are done with university Lila shrieked as she hugged her expressing her joy

I'm happy too Camilla uttered enthusiastically.

This is the start of a new Era I can just feel it.

Soon the Course mates gathered together to Congratulate each other.

Mike made his way down to Camilla's side smiling sheepishly and Lila made a sign to her to turn around.

Sensing what Mike was about to do she hurriedly held his hand.

Congratulations on finishing your last paper Mike,her words halting Mike's action.

Recovering himself quick he smiled bitterly as he held unto her hand which was holding his.

Thank you Milla and thank you for saving me from embarrassing myself before these people Mike whispered in a low voice.

Anytime Champ now let's go grab something to eat I'm famished.

Lila who heard her words laughed and glanced at Mike who shrugged.

Come on let's go she said grabbing Milla's hand.

Having arrived at the restaurant they were going to eat they made their orders and sat down to wait for the order to be prepared and served.

As the trio conversed their meal was served.

And Camilla had her first bite,delicious as always she moaned after taking a bite out of her Burrito.

Lila chuckled at her childish antics while she munched down her burger.

Mike who accompanied the duo glanced at both of them without uttering a word as he continued eating his food.

Lila who noticed his odd behavior looked at Milla who signaled her to keep eating.

The finished their lunch in silence and Lila made her way to they counter to pay giving the two space to talk.