Useless Werewolf

"Come in… Julian."

Elise stared at Dietrich's assistant, who carried a number of files in his arms as she moved aside, giving him way inside. To be precise, there were just too many to count. Elise couldn't even see Julian's face properly behind them.

"Hello, Miss. Elise. Actually, Mr. Dietrich asked me to bring the office files here. I'm sorry if I'm being rude." Elise saw Julian struggling with the stack of files and stepped forward to help him before they made their way to the ground.

"Let me help you with those," Elise smiled, reaching out to take some of the files from him. Her fragile arms taking off an equal weight of files from Julian.

Julian looked visibly relieved as he bent his knees allowing Elise to take a few of the files from him. "Thank you, Miss Elise. Mr. Dietrich asked me to bring these over for him to review since he couldn't make it to office."

"No problem," Elise replied with a warm smile. "He's in the dining room, having lunch. Let's get these to the dining table."

She led Julian into the dining area, where Dietrich was... supposed to be? As they walked, Julian carefully balanced the remaining files, while Elise carried a few of them with a little struggle.

When they reached the table, Elise motioned for Julian to set down the files. "You can place them here, Julian."

Julian nodded and set the stack down, his expression giving off, relief and gratitude. "Thanks again, Miss Elise."

As Julian exited, Dietrich came over after dumping his bowl in the basin, his eyes following the stack of files lined up for him. "You didn't have to carry them for Julian, Elise. He's an ex special forces agent."

Elise smiled, starting to fix the unaligned stack of files. "He was struggling. And, he's a human too. It's good to help."

"It's good to help. But, you are too weak to help even when you are a werewolf. If you want to help others you should get stronger first, Elise. I mean, physically and mentally. Both." Dietrich sighed as he placed one stack of files on another, lifting them with ease. "Finish your chicken broth. I'll set the files in my old room."

Elise's throat dried as she nodded, taking her seat as she stared at her face in the shiny broth. "It might be a little dusty. No one has used it since you left."

Dietrich gave her a sidelong glance, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Good. Then I'll have an excuse to keep you busy. You'll help me clean it up later."

Elise rolled her eyes, though a small smile tugged at her lips. "You always find ways to keep me running around, don't you?" she muttered under her breath.

Dietrich's smirk widened as he effortlessly lifted the stacks of files, carrying them toward the hallway that led to his old room. "You look more lively like that," he called over his shoulder.

Left alone at the table, Elise's smile faded slowly as she stared at her reflection in the chicken broth. Her mind drifted back to Dietrich's words: "If you want to help others, you should get stronger."

She clenched her fist under the table, feeling a mix of frustration and determination bubble up inside her. She knew he wasn't wrong. She'd always felt like the weakest link, protected and sheltered by everyone around her. Abandoned by her wolf spirit.

A useless werewolf.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the beeping of the dishwasher. Elise blinked herself back to reality.

There isn't any reason to feel bad. He's not… wrong.

Elise pushed her chair back, the legs scraping against the floor, and stood up. She grabbed her half-finished bowl of chicken broth and carried it over to the dishwasher, placing it inside with a slight clatter.

As she made her way down the hallway toward Dietrich's old room, she could hear the faint sounds of him moving furniture around, the heavy thuds indicating his strength. She paused at the doorway, watching him for a moment.

Dietrich's shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing the taut muscles in his forearms as he worked. For a moment, Elise stared at him, blankly. There were absolutely no thoughts in her head. But, her eyes seemed to be lost in other world.

Dietrich caught her watching and raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning to stand there all day, or are you going to help?"

She snapped out of her daze, cheeks flushing slightly. "Yes! Here," she replied, stepping into the room and looking around at the dust-covered furniture. "It really is dusty."

"Exactly," Dietrich said, dropping the files onto an old desk with a loud thud. "And you're going to be my assistant today. Start by opening that window. Let's get some air in here."

Elise nodded and crossed the room, pulling the heavy drapes aside and wrestling with the window latch. After a few moments of struggle, she managed to pry it open, letting in a rush of cool, fresh air. She breathed it in deeply, feeling a little invigorated. She turned to find Dietrich watching her with an almost unreadable expression.

"What?" she asked, narrowing her eyes playfully.

He shook his head, a slight smile touching his lips. "Nothing. Just… good to see you trying."

Elise felt a flicker of warmth at his words. Maybe she wasn't strong yet, but she was willing to try, and that was a start. She grabbed a nearby cloth and began wiping down the dusty surfaces. "I'll make sure you regret making me clean," she teased, flashing him a grin.

Dietrich chuckled. "I doubt that. You'd need to get stronger for that, too."

She tossed the cloth at him, and he caught it effortlessly, his laugh deep and genuine.

For a moment, the tension between them eased, and they worked together in a surprisingly comfortable silence. "I'm sorry for being weak. Maybe, I'm not the mate you even dreamed of."

Elise's words made Dietrich click his tongue as he rose up, his steps ringing in the room as he made his way to Elise.

"What makes you think that? That…

You are not the mate I dreamed of?"