Assassin Guild, 'GREED'


Elise's voice trembled slightly as he stood before her, towering over her with eyes that seemed to penetrate right through her soul.

"Elise, don't ever think about nonsense like that," Dietrich said firmly, his eyes locking with hers. "I never said you are not the mate I want." He reached out, gently cupping her chin with his strong hand, tilting her face up towards his. "You are everything I could have ever asked for, Sunflower. Even if it is wrong…"

Elise's heart pounded in her chest, her trembling eyes stared into Dietrich's eyes, gazing at the sincerity that laid there in them, the earlier coldness seemed to have lost somewhere in a deep abyss.

"But... I'm not strong," Elise whispered, her voice barely audible. Her eyes searched his, looking for something… maybe a hint of uncertainty that she was his mate. "I'm not strong enough to be your Luna… your wife."

"You can always work to develop yourself," Dietrich said, his voice gentle but firm. "You can always learn to fight others back when they push you down, Sunflower. It's not fixed if you are weak… You won't always be weak."

Elise felt a lump form in her throat that seemed difficult to swallow. 

She wanted to believe him, to trust in his words, but years of self-doubt clawed at her, whispering that she wasn't enough. Her ex's words came crawling back in her ears. Elise lowered her gaze, feeling the weight of her insecurities pressing down on her.

"Look at me, Elise," Dietrich spoke softly, his thumb brushing against her cheek. Reluctantly, she lifted her eyes to meet him again. "You are my mate. Nothing will change that. I don't care about anything else. I care about you, only you."

A tear slipped down Elise's cheek as Dietrich gently wiped it away with his thumb. "I want to be strong for you," Elise's voice cracking with emotion. "I want to be someone you can be proud of. I don't want us to be… hidden."

"And, you already are," Dietrich replied, his voice filled with a quiet intensity. "Don't you see? You were so brave last night. You stayed right behind me. You didn't leave me there and ran away. Everything will be fine. Trust me."

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "But, what if the assassins came again?"

Dietrich smiled, a comforting warmth lingering in his eyes. "Nothing. I'll protect you. I promise."

Elise nodded, feeling a warm feeling surge through her veins. 

She grabbed the cloth and resumed wiping down the dusty surfaces to finish the work as fast as she could. Dietrich worked alongside her, their quietness filling the room with a sense of calm.

As they cleaned, Elise's mind wandered to the future. 

She still had a long way to go. 

She wanted to be strong, not just for Dietrich, but for herself. She had to know why the assassins were after her after all. She had to know the reason… the answers to the questions that haunted her.

"Hey," Dietrich's voice broke through her thoughts. She looked up to see him watching her with a somewhat confused smile. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

Elise flushed slightly, her cheeks warming. "Just... thinking about our future," she admitted. "And… mom. And, everything else."

Dietrich's smile dimmed as he sighed. "It will all be fine, Elise. We'll figure everything out. It'll all be fine."

As they finished, Dietrich straightened up, surveying their work with satisfaction. "Looks good," he said, nodding in approval. "I don't have to stay in a dump now, at least."

Elise glanced around the room, feeling a sense of pride. "Yeah, it does," she agreed. "You should stop by more often, now. Mom… will be happy."

Dietrich turned to her, his expression serious once more. "Elise, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice steady.

Elise's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with questions that scared her. "What is it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The assassins…," Dietrich said, his eyes locking onto hers. "They got a contract to kidnap you from a wolfpack. Not some human."

Elise felt a chill run down her spine, her breath catching in her throat. "What do you mean? Why… a pack? I haven't come in contact with any packs." she asked, her voice trembling.

Dietrich took a deep breath, his expression grim. "I'm trying to find out which pack. But, the assassin guild is 'GREED'. They are the top assassins. It might be a little harder than expected."

Elise's mind reeled with fear, still she nodded. "I understand. Should I just stay at home, then?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Dietrich hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers. "It's safer," he said finally. "But if you must go out… You must always go with the bodyguards or me."

"I understand."

Dietrich's eyes softened as he stared down at her. "It's for your safety," he said, his voice carrying a tinge of… sadness?

The moment was interrupted by a sudden, loud crash from outside. Both Dietrich and Elise tensed, their senses on high alert. Dietrich moved to the window, peering out cautiously.

"What was that?" Elise asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

Dietrich's expression turned grim. "Stay here," he instructed, his voice firm. "I'll check it out."

Elise's instincts screamed at her to follow him, to help, but she knew better than to argue. She nodded, her hands clenched into fists as she watched him leave the room.

Minutes felt like hours as she waited, every sound amplified, every shadow a potential threat. Her mind raced with worst-case scenarios, fear gnawing at her resolve.

Finally, Dietrich returned, his expression serious. "It's nothing major," he reassured her, though his eyes betrayed a hint of concern. "Just a fallen branch from the storm. Calm down."

Elise nodded, her heart still pounding. 

They spent the rest of the evening in a tense silence as Dietrich worked. 

The night fell sooner than expected, Elise found herself unable to sleep in her room, her thoughts racing with the weight of the questions whose answers remained unknown.

She slipped out of bed, making her way to the window. The rainstorm had passed, leaving the night quiet and still. 

Elise's gaze drifted to the moon, its silvery light casting a soft glow over the landscape. She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

The future was uncertain. But, Elise knew she wasn't alone. She had Dietrich by her side. Everything would be fine. 

It had to be.

That's when Elise saw her mom's car park in front of the house as she saw her exit it with a certain someone.

Why is he here!?