

GREED Headquarters – Basement of a Rundown Apartment

The dimly lit basement of the rundown apartment, buried deep within the slums, had become the heart of the assassin guild known as GREED. The room was a stark contrast to the wealth and power the guild represented in the shadows. Damp walls, flickering fluorescent lights, and the faint smell of mildew filled the air. A large oak table, scratched and worn with age, stood in the center, surrounded by men whose hardened faces bore the scars of countless battles.

A man who looked no older than 45 slammed his fists on the oak table. His voice roared in the broken office as the man in front of him sighed.

This man was Roderick Vaughn, the leader of GREED.

His silver hair and the deep lines etched on his face told stories of a life lived on the edge—a life where failure was not an option.

"We've lost a lot of men, leader."

"Patience is a luxury we don't have, Kieran," Roderick hissed, his voice now low and seething.

"We've been planning this for months. The intel we risked everything for, the blood we've spilled, was all to get that girl. And now, you're telling me to wait? You do remember who is the person searching for her, right!? We need his funds, Kieran! We are running out of time."

Kieran, a seasoned assassin with a face masked in shadows, sighed heavily. He was used to Roderick's temper, but even he knew that this situation was more delicate than any job they'd taken before.

"We've lost more men than we anticipated, leader. Dietrich is stronger than we gave him credit for. The few who escaped his wrath didn't last long enough to share what they knew. Our men were attacked on the way back by some other party and killed. If we rush in again without a solid plan, we'll be wiped out."

Roderick's fist tightened, veins bulging as he seethed with frustration. "So what? You think we should just sit here and let them think GREED has grown weak? That we're afraid to make a move because of one werewolf? YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PRESSURE ON ME, KIERAN! WE ASSASSINS ARE ORPHANS IF WE DON'T GET THAT MAN'S FUNDING IT'LL BE EASY FOR ANYONE TO WIPE US OUT!"

Kieran's eyes narrowed. "I understand, leader. But, if we keep attacking like this we'll get wiped out eventually. It's about strategy. We're not dealing with some low-level target. This is Elise, the blood daughter of that old fox. And you know just as well as I do that he's demanded to kidnap her alive without a single scratch. We can't afford any more mistakes. We already had a leak, leader."

Roderick's jaw clenched, his frustration palpable. "Have you found the mole yet?" His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "If anyone kidnaps her before us, we'll be in a lot of trouble."

Roderick's gaze shifted around the room, taking in the faces of the gathered assassins, each one etched with fatigue and wary anticipation as they stared at their leader.

He could feel the undercurrent of tension, the unspoken fear that rippled through the room at the mention of going against that name.

The name "Dietrich" held power, even among hardened killers. The Alpha King was more than just a man; he was an abyss that could swallow anyone.

But Elise? The blood daughter of that old fox? She was the key, the one who could either make or break them.

If they received the funds after kidnapping her, they could hold out. But, what if… they failed? They would have to face a lot of people without funds.

And, that could wipe out the entirety of GREED.

They needed to kidnap Elise safely. Funds. It was the main priority.

A man to Keiran's right, younger and lean, stepped forward. His eyes glinted with fear.

This was Lucien, one of the guild's most ambitious yet scaredy members.

"I think Kieran's right, Leader," Lucien began, his voice shivering. "We need to rethink our approach. The problem isn't just Dietrich—it's our entire strategy. We've been using brute force to kidnap Elise. It attracted too much attention and now, we even got a rival targeting our target."

Roderick's eyes narrowed at Lucien's audacity to speak up when he was speaking to Kieran. "And what brilliant new plan do you have, Lucien?" he spat, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lucien swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Roderick's glare, but he kept his voice steady. "I think we need to change the game entirely," he said, his eyes darting to Kieran for a moment, seeking a hint of approval. "We've been trying to snatch Elise like she's any other mark. But she's not. We need to outthink them, not outfight them."

A low murmur rippled through the room.

Kieran's gaze remained locked on Lucien, intrigued but cautious. "Go on, Lucien," he said, folding his arms. "You have the floor."

Lucien took a deep breath, emboldened by the slight nod of encouragement from Kieran. "We know Dietrich is protecting her, right? We've all seen his capabilities—he's an Alpha King, a living legend. Direct confrontation is suicide." He paced a few steps, gathering his thoughts. "Instead of attacking them head-on, we need to make him come to us. Set up a bait, a distraction that pulls him away from Elise, and then we move in."

Roderick snorted, a humorless smile tugging at his lips. "And what, pray tell, would distract the Alpha King from his precious stepsister?"

Lucien hesitated, sensing the skepticism in Roderick's voice. "He's fiercely protective of his territory, of his pack. If we can orchestrate a crisis—one big enough to draw his attention away—he'd have no choice but to respond. We create chaos in multiple locations at once. Split his forces. Force him to leave her unguarded. Or, with someone whom we can outnumber with our current number."

A murmur of approval rippled through the room.

This plan had more finesse than their previous brute force attempts. The idea of using deception, distraction, and a mole appealed to their cutthroat sensibilities.

Roderick's lips curved into a slow, predatory smile. "And who, Lucien, do you propose we use as this strategy? Who'll take responsibility for creating distractions? You?"

Lucien shook his head quickly, his expression serious. "No, Leader. I'm not in a position to get close to her detail without arousing suspicion. But... we have other options."

Kieran interjected, "We still have informants within various circles, some even among the lower-ranking wolves. I'll take responsibility for creating distractions, leader."

Roderick finally sank back in his chair, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the table. "And how do we know we can trust these people? Last thing I need is more leaks."

Lucien nodded, expecting the question. "We need to use people who are greedy for power. We just need to make false promises."

"Okay. Proceed with the plan. I'll give you a week. Kidnap Elise no matter what."

"Yes, Leader!"

As the lights flickered once more, casting long shadows across the room, Roderick made a silent vow. Whatever game was being played, he was going to end up the one on top.

The world of assassins was built on treachery, and he was its king.

And kings didn't bow to anyone.

Elise Wolvine…