6 Days Later...


Elise stirred, her body heavy and weak, as if every bone in her body had turned to lead. The world around her was muted at first— the faint scent of antiseptic, and the quiet, rhythmic sound of someone breathing close by. 

Elise's eyelids fluttered open, but her vision remained blurry, shadows and light dancing before her as if caught in a haze.

Where… where am I?

She tried to lift her arm, but the sharp sting of pain shot through her shoulder, forcing a small gasp from her lips. That single sound, though faint, seemed to echo in the silence of the room. As her vision gradually cleared, the sight before her made her heart skip.


His tall frame was hunched over the edge of the bed, his head resting just inches from her hand. His hair, usually so perfectly combed back, was disheveled, dark strands falling into his face. His eyes were closed, the harsh lines of stress and exhaustion etched into his features.