Chapter 92: Eden: Just... a little late


Carrying some simple luggage, Nozomi walked on the road and sighed subconsciously. The happy mood that originally surrounded him was replaced by frustration and depression, and along with it, there was also a little... irritability.

He didn't understand why simply showing kindness to others and helping with small things within his ability would end up causing other people's disgust... or even being targeted. Was this something wrong?

And if it were just that, it would be fine, but... once there is another person who does the same thing but gets completely opposite results to "compare", then the emotions inside will continue to be aroused... Why do others get friendly responses from others, but I am the one being targeted?

Just because she has a good family background, beautiful looks, a good personality, and top-notch gifts and talents...?

Wow... Looking at it this way, I really can't compare to them at all.


Nozomi sighed unconsciously again.

He wasn't jealous of Eden or anything... The main reason was that she was obviously his [Pro Plus version], so it was normal that she was more popular than him... And there was no need to be jealous because the problem wasn't Eden, but others.

Besides...a genius born into a noble family...that's great.

If you have talent, you can get support from your family and have enough money to support yourself... Unlike me, I have to rely on the church's funding and the school's help... 'No, no, I can't think like that. I am already very lucky. At least I can go to school and I can come to this school based on my grades. I don't even have to worry about the expensive tuition and other fees. Well... although the price is that my daily life is very tight.'

And because of the "targeting" by others, Nozomi can't even live in the school dormitory now. He doesn't know how those people got his dormitory key, and he can't even change the lock and change the room… And now he can't even get the time and room to practice the piano… 'Ah, it's so annoying just thinking about it!!!'

Nozomi could tolerate everything else, but not letting him practice music was really unbearable... The only thing he could be proud of now was his grades, which were second only to Eden, but if he didn't practice diligently, his grades would definitely drop... You know, Elga, who ranked behind him, was also very talented and was also a child of a rich family. Her learning environment was much better than his, and she would be surpassed him if he wasn't careful.

If that were to happen... he would really have nothing to be proud of... and what would surely follow would be even worse things and more ridicule. That kind of scene was disgusting and nauseating just thinking about it.


Nozomi lowered his head slightly and looked at the violin case in his hand.

I am still "loved".

His teacher and the school helped him... They recommended a place off-campus for him to live, and they also rented him the school's violin for him to practice, free of charge, as long as it was not damaged when he returned it... Even the piano store was recommended by his teacher, and he could rent a room there to practice at a relatively low price.

Although all these cost money, and the school did not refund his accommodation fee even though he could not continue to live in the dormitory due to special circumstances... Nozomi did not care too much about these. After all, the school had been very good to him, and the dormitory was reserved for him. It was just that he could not live there due to some special reasons.

'Ugh... I feel so annoyed whenever I think about this matter. This kind of thing is obviously too much, but even if the person is caught in the end, the teacher dare not punish them severely... The teacher can't afford to offend the person's background, and the school can't stand it if it really makes a fuss.'

'It's really annoying… they didn't get punished for doing something wrong, and I didn't get rewarded for doing something good…but someone else gets it! It's really annoying!'

'How unfair...'

Nozomi's mood became increasingly low and frustrated, but soon he forced himself to cheer up, smiled, and walked quickly forward.

'As expected, there is no harm without "comparison"... Forget it, let's just think about what is happening in front of us.'

"Let me see...Number 13...Number 13...Okay, here it is!"

Nozomi stopped in front of a building, then politely rang the doorbell and waited quietly.

It's just that this area... isn't it a little... quiet and desolate? I feel like I haven't walked very far? ——Nozomi looked around and always felt that there seemed to be very few people around this street.


When the sound of the door opening was heard, Nozomi quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the person who came.

Hmm... He was a tall young man with a fierce look and tattoos on his body, with a cigarette in his hand... Why did he look a bit like the stereotypical "bad guy"?

Nozomi thought subconsciously, and at the same time, his body shrank subconsciously... After all, the person in front of him didn't look like a good person, but considering that this place was recommended by the teacher, there shouldn't be any problem... right?

So Nozomi smiled, stretched out his hand, and introduced himself.

"Hello, I was introduced by Teacher Frino..."

"Nozomi, I know... Phew, this name is quite funny."

He gently interrupted Nozomi and looked Nozomi up and down... He just noticed Nozomi's shrinking, but he didn't mind. This was the effect he wanted. However, Nozomi didn't show any fear or worry... He didn't even show a bit of doubt. What's wrong with this guy?

...Forget it, at least it proves that this guy has a good psychological quality and at least he doesn't judge people by their appearance. He likes it.

So he shook the hand that Nozomi extended and introduced himself in the same way.

"I'm the owner of this building, the landlord... My name is [Li], and I'm not much older than you. You can call me Brother Li, or Boss, like everyone else here."

"It's great that you like my name, Brother Li."

"Don't use such a respectful title... By the way, don't make me say this a second time, or I'll beat you up even if you're new here."

"...I see."

The expression on Nozomi's face stiffened for a moment, and then he slowly followed Li into the building.

It seems that this landlord in front of me is not a particularly easy person to get along with...

"Now let me tell you the rules here... Of course, I still say the same thing, don't make me say it a second time, or I'll beat you up. Also, if you break the rules, admit it, and solve it yourself, otherwise, I'll beat you up too. Do you understand?"


"First of all, you have to clean your own room, including the corridor in front of your door. Don't ask others for help. Of course, boyfriends and girlfriends are another matter, provided you have the ability and interest to bring them in."

"Please take your garbage to the garbage station outside. Don't put it in the corridor or in the room. If I find that there is even a little bit of garbage smell in my room, I will beat you up. Do you understand?"

"As for your room, you can do whatever you want. The soundproofing here is pretty good. As long as you don't use a saw in the room, no one else will hear you... If anyone complains, I'll beat them up. I'll also beat them up if they complain about something they didn't intend to. Do you understand?"

"There is a public kitchen on the first floor. You can use it if you want, but pay attention to time and hygiene. Clean up after yourself and don't mess with the kitchen utensils and seasonings. Even if you use them, put them back to their original places. I have a student studying to be a chef here. He will use the kitchen on Saturdays to study dishes. Don't mess it up... He will occasionally be in charge of dinner. His cooking skills are pretty good. If you want to use him, you can come back early."

"There's a backyard with a flower bed. You can go there to relax but don't pick the flowers or step on them, or I'll beat you up."

"Finally, there are issues regarding your room and some fees."

Bringing Nozomi to room [505], Li first took a deep puff of the cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, put out the cigarette butt, took out a wet tissue from his pocket, wrapped it up, held it in his hand, and then opened the door.

"Your accommodation fee will not be counted during school hours, but if you still want to stay here during the holidays, give me one thousand at the beginning of each month, otherwise I will kick you out. You have to pay for water and electricity yourself. There is a meter in your room. If you owe any fees, I will beat you up."

"at last..."

As he spoke, Li pulled a chair in the room, sat down on it carelessly, folded his arms, and looked at Nozomi who had just entered the room.

"Tell me, what can you do?"


"Don't understand? Simply put, you have to do some labor here, understand? Otherwise, why should I give you a room? And let you live there for free during school? Just like the guy who studies cooking, he will give us the dishes he researches every Saturday, which solves our food problem. What about you? What can you do?"

Although he was asking, Li's gaze was always on the violin case that Nozomi was holding. Obviously, he had already seen that Nozomi was studying music, but he still wanted to get an accurate answer from Nozomi... This was a question of attitude.

"I studied music, um... so I can be a music player for everyone?"

"Take a look?"

Li raised his chin and motioned Nozomi to perform a piece on the spot.

Nozomi also performed a segment on the spot as promised, but...

"Okay, that's enough."

Just after one measure of the song, Li frowned and waved his hand, signaling Nozomi not to continue.

Looking at his expression, he seemed a little dissatisfied... No, Li was very satisfied, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Obviously, Nozomi's tune and rhythm were correct, not a single note was wrong, and he didn't even feel nervous in front of strangers, but Li always had a feeling that it was... "too consistent with the rhythm", or "too authentic". There was obviously nothing wrong with this, but he still felt that... something was wrong.

There is a kind of... "rigid" feeling.

His gaze stayed on Nozomi again, and after watching him put away the violin, he continued to ask.

"You're a violin major?"

"I'm a piano major… and I'm minoring in violin and cello."

"So how do you practice piano? And what about your cello?"

"You can practice piano and cello at a music store. I don't have a cello. I don't have the money to buy one. The violin I have now was rented to me by the school."

"Then why... Never mind, just pretend I didn't ask."

Li frowned subconsciously again and swallowed back the question he was about to ask, "Why don't you practice in school?" Li realized that if he continued to explore, he might touch on other people's scars.

"Can you sing?"

"I can."

"Okay then. You will be the record player here from now on. You will sing a song for us every week. Don't refuse, or I'll kick you out."

'[Record player]... What is this? A code name? Or a nickname? This is too weird... Never mind. Although Brother Li doesn't look like a good person and has a fierce attitude, I still feel like... he has a good personality?'

As Nozomi thought about it, he bowed slightly and thanked Li.

"I will, and...thank you very much."

"Tsk, your attitude makes me uncomfortable...Also, although we don't have a curfew here, it's best to come back before 11 pm. Otherwise, bring your own keys. I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to open the door for others."

Having said that, Li stood up, threw a copy of the key to the room and the front door to Nozomi, then walked out of the room, stood in the corridor, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it.

"If you're short of money, go find a job. There are some places around here where you can do odd jobs. I know some people who can help you earn some pocket money."

"I'll ask if you need it, and...thank you very much."

"Be more casual. Don't keep thanking me all day long. It's annoying... There will be a welcome party later. Remember to come and join me. I'll introduce you to other people."

"Necessary etiquette is still needed... As for the welcome party, I will definitely attend. Um... By the way, I'll prepare two songs. I hope you like them?"


Li waved his hand casually and left.


After closing the door and opening the window to dispel the slight smell of smoke lingering in the room, Nozomi breathed a sigh of relief.

The surroundings here are deserted, but also quite quiet... Nozomi likes this atmosphere very much.

Looking back at the room that had obviously been cleaned once, Nozomi rolled up his sleeves, tidied up again according to his own habits, put his clothes and daily necessities in place, then sat back in the chair, closed his eyes, and quietly enjoyed this rare tranquility.

The warm breeze sneaked in from the window, like a stream flowing silently, gently brushing Nozomi's ears and passing by his body.

"Hmm~? Hmm~?"

Subconsciously, he hummed his own tune softly. After hesitating for a while, Nozomi stood up again, took out the violin, and stood straight.


Adjusting his breathing again, calming his inner thoughts, and then... closing his eyes, he gently placed the bow on the strings and slowly began to pull.


Unlike the "standard" tune played to Li before, this is a relaxing and gentle tune with a lot of personal emotions added to it.

However, this modified piece of music gives people a feeling that it "sounds better". One can clearly feel the performer's emotions from the melody, and the feeling of "finally finding peace and finally being able to relax". Even the beat has been deliberately slowed down, revealing a gentleness like water, as if soothing someone's anxious heart.

The sun gradually sets, and the last sunlight of the day shines on the earth, giving everyone the last warmth before night falls.

The twilight light passed through the window, fell on the floor of the room, and stopped in front of his toes, like a polite and elegant listener, sitting down in front of him obediently, and as time passed, when the music gradually came to an end, it slowly and quietly left.

The wind gradually grew cooler, a small reminder of the coming night. However, none of this could affect Nozomi, who was immersed in the performance.

He immersed himself in his own tune, focusing his thoughts and emotions on his hands, transferring them to the instrument, and finally dissolving them into the music.

The gradually cooling wind gently brushed across his face, bringing him some care and comfort, and then gently left, taking the music that carried his thoughts and emotions, quietly, taking his song, slowly drifting away into the distance.

"…It sounds much better when played this way."

Li, who was staying in the backyard, looked up at Nozomi's room. A gentle melody came out from the open window, drifted in with the wind, and flowed into his ears.

"It's this guy who practiced piano without closing the window... It would be strange if he didn't disturb others. He broke the rules on his first day here and forgot about it right after he said it. He really deserves a beating."

Li took a puff of his cigarette and frowned, seeming a little annoyed.

After a moment's silence, he carefully enjoyed the tune played by Nozomi, took another puff of the cigarette, and blew out a smoke ring.

"… Never mind. He's a newbie after all. I'll just give him a warning later. This won't happen again."

Pulling out a wet tissue to put out the cigarette butt and wrap it up, Li muttered to himself and then stopped talking. He closed his eyes and lay on the chair, quietly listening to Nozomi's performance... This guy has a good talent, but why does such a guy want to live with me...


Li thought of something, then smacked his lips in disgust, opened his eyes, and looked at Nozomi's room again.

'I hope it's not what I think' - Li frowned and suppressed the bad guess in his heart.



On the other side, Eden, who had just returned home, was wearing headphones and listening carefully to the music playing. Her pretty eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and a hint of doubt flashed across her golden pupils from time to time.

"What's wrong, Eden?"

A middle-aged woman who looked 70% like Eden came over, hugged Eden gently from behind, and asked softly.


Eden quickly took off her headphones and greeted quietly.

"What's wrong? You look like you've encountered some difficulties?"

"Well, I'm just a little... confused."

Eden nodded, then disconnected the headphones and played the music in the terminal again.


Soon, the song was over, but Eden's mother also frowned, showing a look of confusion and thought.

"Is this the model song that the school teacher found for you?"

"No, it belongs to a classmate of mine."


Eden's mother was a little surprised... Because if this piece of music was played by Eden's classmates, wouldn't it be too "standard"? "Standard" to the point where there was no "personal touch" in it.

To make an analogy, it is like the "realism" in painting. However, painting can be realistic just for the sake of "truth", but if it is done in music... how to put it, to put it nicely it is "loyal to the original song", to put it bluntly, it is "rigid".

Moreover, this kind of performance that completely erases the "personal color"... to be honest, it is not good. It will be very stifling and can even be said to cut off the performer's future creativity.

"Your classmate... you can explain to him that if he continues to use this method, he may not be able to go far in the field of music in the future... Of course, if he insists, you should not dissuade him too much."

"It's not like that, Mom... listen to this again."

Eden shook her head and then played another song. This time it was completely different from the previous one. The music had an extremely distinct personal touch, and one could even feel the performer's mood and emotions from the beat and melody... It was a relaxed and happy mood, giving people the illusion that their mood was slowly getting better.

At the same time, the whole song has captured the original atmosphere very well, and the changed beat and melody are kept in an appropriate area, which will not make people wonder "This song has nothing to do with the original song now?"

"Hmm? This piece of music... um... is played by the same person as the previous one?"

"How did you know, Mom?"

"You emphasized it before, doesn't that tell me that both pieces were played by the same person, dear?"

She gently touched Eden's cheek with her finger, then pondered for a moment and spoke softly.

"It seems that you are really lucky to have met a child with a talent similar to yours... But for some reason, he always restrains himself when playing, and even erases his own [color] in his performance... So you feel very strange?"


"Then why don't you go and ask in person? With the talents you two have shown, you should have a lot in common."

"I looked for it, but... I was late..."

"Is that so...ah, Mom, can I ask you something? Is he a boy or a girl?"

"…It's a male classmate."

"I see... then it's not surprising."

Eden's mother nodded as if she understood.

"Don't be shy, speak up bravely. At worst... you can communicate through music. I believe he will be willing to talk to you. If he can't understand... well, that's another matter~"


Eden was speechless.

"I'm really just... a little late..."

Eden whispered softly... At the same time, the figure who would help others from time to time appeared in her mind.

Listening to the music still playing in the terminal and feeling the cheerful mood conveyed by the music, the corners of Eden's mouth slightly raised.

She was very happy because she met someone "like her"