Chapter 93: Eden: Caught!

[With the help of your teacher, you have found a place to live and practice piano outside the school. Although you have to pay some extra expenses, fortunately, Li has introduced you to some jobs that can help you solve this financial problem.]

[Gradually, you even had some extra money. You happily bought some small things and packed them up to give to Mother Teresa, who took good care of you... Although Mother Teresa accepted the money, she hoped that you could keep the extra money in the future to improve your own life.]

[If you really want to repay her, come to the church and play a song when you have time. This is what Mother Teresa said]

[You naturally obeyed her instructions and saved the extra money, intending to save up to buy yourself a musical instrument]

[At the same time, as you lived here longer and longer, you gradually became familiar with Li, and also got to know other people who lived here... and relying on your identity as a "record player"... no, it was your beautiful music and songs of varying styles, you quickly became familiar with everyone and soon became friends.]

[It's a bit surprising that most of the people living here are students, including Li, who is a university student studying languages.]

[In addition, the girl named "Yin" who impressed you the most was a computer science major, and she was also considered to be Li's... uh... girlfriend? But she rarely spoke and had little expression. She was usually either taking online classes in her room or following Li around. It was difficult to see her at other times.]

[And you discovered some problems... It seems that everyone living here has tattoos, and their looks... well, most of them don't look particularly easy to get along with, and have a kind of "bad" stereotyped beauty.]

[At first, you thought it was some kind of strange ritual here, and everyone who lives here must have one. You even went to ask Li specifically... When Li heard this question, his mouth twitched. After looking at the others, he shook his head and said that this was just their own interest and it was not necessary. It also meant that you didn't have to be like them. Most of the others also said that you didn't have to do that, as if they didn't want you to become like them.]

[Although you don't quite understand, you can feel their kindness towards you, so you don't do anything that would make others unhappy without permission... But you still feel a little guilty, so you help others in your free time, and play a few more pieces of music or sing a few more songs when you are free. It can be regarded as an alternative "compensation". It also allows you to practice piano.]

[Everyone is happy about this, and as time goes by, you will no longer play those overly "standard" pieces in front of them, but will play more casual pieces that follow your heart and mood... After everyone discovers this, they become even happier, and sometimes they will specifically tell you that they hope you won't practice in the room so they can't hear you.]

["When I study or work while listening to your songs… I always feel more powerful, or more relaxed? We didn't have this habit before, but now we feel a little uncomfortable when we don't listen to songs while doing things. This is all your fault. Nozomi, you have to take responsibility." - This is what everyone said]

[Although the meaning of their words seems to be complaining, their tone and expression show that they like this feeling very much, and they don't reject this "habit" that has been formed because of you... You are very happy because what is happening now overlaps with what happened in the past.]

['As expected, music is powerful' you think so]

[Of course, the most important thing is... although everyone looks like a "delinquent", surprisingly, most of them are good students. They basically attend classes on time, and their grades are surprisingly good, except for Yin and Li. They seem to be very idle and have never been to school. They don't seem to want to go to class at all.]

[After you got to know everyone, you specifically asked about this question, and in the end, you got an unexpected answer - Yin's grades were very good, and because of her personality, she applied to the school for online classes and didn't have to go to school; Li was even more straightforward, and directly applied to the school for the privilege of not having to go to school based on his test scores... and he was approved.]

[You are a little surprised. You didn't expect that Li is so powerful... No, I should say that everyone here is very powerful.]

[You are very happy, and even more grateful to the teacher who brought you here and to the teacher who let you live here and gave you a lot of help. Slowly, your mood returns to what it was before. A happy and relaxed atmosphere surrounds you. With your constant smile and your increasingly handsome face, you become more and more charming, and from time to time you are teased by the teacher and others.]

[The attitudes of other students in school towards you are also slowly changing... I can't say it's getting better, it's just "easing"]

[After all, ever since you moved out of the school dormitory and started living off-campus, and even practiced the piano off-campus, other students didn't have much time to bother you… You didn't even go back to school to practice on weekends, but went straight to work and save money, so other people couldn't find you at all, let alone bother you.]

[At the same time, as time goes by, people's hostility towards you begins to fade away... Although it still exists, at least it is not as fierce as before.]

[It seems like everything is going well... I don't think so]

[Although your actions have made your life peaceful and you don't have to worry about other students, but... some people are not so happy.]

[This person is Eden who has always wanted to find you]

[Ever since discovering your "secret", Eden has been wanting to talk to you, wanting to understand why you can obviously make the music better, but in subsequent performances, you deliberately erase your own "color" from the music... You can obviously become a "genius" like her, so why...]

[Of course, more importantly, she felt from your daily behavior that you are similar to her... Especially your name. Although the homophonic pun "Nozomi/Hope" is a little funny in the eyes of others, Eden likes it very much.]

[Because "hope" is a really good word, isn't it? Better than her "Eden"]

[So although Eden hasn't had much communication with you yet, she still has a good impression of you... but it's hard to say now]

[She came here as fast as she could, and she left the classroom on time several times, and she even tried to block you at the school gate a few times... but in the end she didn't run into you, as if you were avoiding her]

[Also, Elga, who claimed to be your "friend", would come to "obstruct" her from time to time, causing her to miss the time to meet you... Eden once suspected that Elga was your "accomplice" and you just didn't want to see her on purpose.]

[She was a little confused, not knowing what had happened to her that made you dislike her... At the same time, her pride as a "favored daughter of heaven" was also aroused.]

[She must have a good talk with you and ask you why you are avoiding her]




The melodious sound of the piano echoed in the room. Nozomi immersed himself in the moment, releasing his inner emotions, dissolving them into the singing and adding his own "color" to it.

Although he had the recommendation of his teacher and the piano store allowed him to rent a practice room at a very low price to practice for a long time, but... he still had to hurry up.

'After all, since leaving school, there are too many things that I need to consider and deal with, and I need more money... Although I can barely get by with a tight budget, but... like Mother Teresa said, I have to live a better life and not let them worry.'

'If I save some more money, I can buy a cheap cello. Then I can play the cello in the dormitory, and it will also be a good opportunity for Brother Li and Yin to change their "taste".'

'Ah, speaking of which, everyone who helped in the community in the past... I haven't visited them for a long time. I have to ask Mother Teresa for help. Unfortunately, I don't have any achievements now, so I can only record a few songs and bring them back... I will go back to see them after I get into university!'

'I don't know what happened to the kids I used to go to church with... How about Light? I wonder if he's studying well... I'll find a chance to contact him.'

'And the teacher... Father Enrique... everyone...'

Nozomi's eyelids drooped slightly, his thoughts gradually drifting away along with his memories, missing everything in the past.

Unconsciously, the fingertips resting on the keys began to change, and the originally intended melody began to deviate. A few notes were changed in a certain measure, and then like a trickling stream, the melody was gently brought to another song.

The beat slows down, and the fingers striking the keys also lighten a little, making the tone long and soft. he can feel the longing hidden in the sound like the fallen leaves in autumn, which are gently carried away from the treetops by the warm breeze and fall into his hands. he twists the branches of leaves, carefully looking at the dim color and detailed veins on them, and his thoughts unconsciously flow back along the time, back to the happy times in the past.

The gentle wind gently passed over his body, lifting up the fallen leaves piled on the ground, making a rustling sound. In a trance, it seemed as if the wind became tangible, like a gentle girl, coming to his side with past memories and fallen leaves.


Suddenly, as if realizing something, Nozomi stopped playing, his hands stopped in mid-air, and his eyelids, which were originally slightly drooped, slightly raised. After pausing for a while, Nozomi slowly withdrew his hands, sat upright in his seat, and did not move anymore.


Knock knock——

After a while, as if someone noticed something, there was a polite and crisp knock on the door.

Standing up and opening the door, Nozomi looked at the person who came in—it was the person he least wanted to see—Eden.

"Sorry to interrupt your practice."

There was a hint of apology on Eden's face, but there was a glimmer of pride in her dazzling golden eyes.

'Ah~ I finally caught you~' that's probably what she thought.

"It's really not easy to find you... Nozomi~"

"…I'm more curious about how you found this place?"

"I just need to ask the teacher for help. After all... I have some music theory questions that I want to discuss with you, and the teachers are happy to do so, right?"


Nozomi sighed; in the end, it was the teacher who "sold" him out... Never mind, this day was bound to come.

"You won't invite me in? Well... don't worry, I just want to talk to you for a while."

"…It was my oversight. Please come in."

Nozomi looked down at the violin case that Eden was carrying. Although he anticipated what might happen next, he still stepped aside to let Eden in out of politeness.

"So... Eden, what do you want to talk to me about? Logically, you shouldn't have any problems with music theory, right? My talent is much worse than yours, and problems in this area should be asked of teachers or... um... your parents?"

After closing the door again to block out the outside sounds, Nozomi pulled over a chair and sat down, keeping a suitable distance from Eden.

"Don't be so self-deprecating, Nozomi. Your talent is not inferior to mine... In some aspects, it is even better than mine."

Eden, who was sitting upright in her seat, noticed the distance that Nozomi kept from herself. Her evaluation of him improved a little, and then she shook her head, denying Nozomi's words.

"Before discussing other things... I want to ask, why do you keep avoiding me? Am I annoying you in some way? You don't even want to meet me."

"...No, it's better to say that you are very likable."

"Then why..."

"Because you're too dazzling, Eden-san."


This answer surprised Eden.

"You are more dazzling than you think. In comparison, I seem... a little overconfident. Just like the stars and the moon in the night sky, no matter how many stars there are in the sky, they are still not as brilliant as the moon."

"You'll make people... envious, you know."

Having said that, Nozomi pondered for a moment and then asked again.

"Eden, what do you think of the school atmosphere?"

"It's... it's okay? Although we have some conflicts, they are all small matters."

"So... what do you think of my reputation in school?"

"The teachers really like you, right? As for your classmates... it's a little strange, right? They like you, but they also dislike you..."


This time it was Nozomi who was a little surprised.

"Don't you know? In the list that everyone privately ranked, you have the title of 'The Boy I Most Want to Date'? You are also ranked second in 'The Easiest Person to Get Along With'... But everyone's attitude towards you seems to be a little wrong..."

At first, Eden was still talking about some "good news" that Nozomi didn't know, but after recalling it carefully, she found something was wrong.

"I see... it's pretty much the same."

Nozomi shook his head and did not pay too much attention to these small "good news"... "Good evaluation" and "disgust" are not mutually exclusive, and this is even more so when it comes to attitudes towards people. What's more, he did not feel any friendliness commensurate with these "good news" at all.

"So... that's why, Eden-san."

Nozomi didn't complain, let alone get angry... Besides, it was useless to lose his temper or complain in front of Eden. Eden couldn't solve this problem. If he even got too close to her... Nozomi might suffer more targeting.

What's more, they are not that familiar yet.

"Our experiences and encounters with each other have meant that it is difficult for us to understand each other's current situation."

Nozomi said so.

'No... maybe I'm the only one who doesn't understand...' Eden looked at Nozomi's etiquette, which was fine, and some thoughts flashed through her mind.

She found that she might not really understand Nozomi's current situation... He was so "similar" to herself, doing similar things, and also had the same talents to be proud of, so Eden naturally thought that Nozomi's experiences should be similar to hers, and everything Nozomi received should be similar to hers.

It was based on this logic that Eden wondered why Nozomi had to restrain his emotions in music so much, even erasing his own "color" from the music for a time.

'But now it seems... it's not what I thought.'

'And more importantly, Nozomi didn't seem to want to tell me... Would it have any impact on him if he told me? Or... did he simply not want me to know?'

"Any questions?"

Nozomi's voice gently brought Eden out of her thoughts. It was clearly a polite inquiry, but Eden heard a hint of wanting her to leave.

"Let's try another way of communicating."

Eden bit her lip and decided to use a method that would be more "direct" for them.

"Maybe we don't understand each other's situation, maybe we don't know each other well enough, but this is the only thing we all have in common."

Eden took out the violin and picked up the bow and said so.

"Music is our universal language and should be a simpler and more direct way for us to communicate."

"...Can I understand that you want to occupy my piano practice time?"

"I'll pay for it."

Eden said seriously.

"I'll pay half of it for you... No, I'll pay the rent for you this time. As for now... Just consider it as me inviting you to practice the ensemble in advance."

"...Okay, but only give half. There are two of us after all."

'Saving money would naturally be the best' Nozomi thought so.

And what Eden said was not wrong. After all, the school does have ensemble assessments, so it's not a bad idea to practice in advance.

"But I hope you can bring out your most original music."

Seeing Nozomi sitting back in front of the piano, Eden put the violin around her neck and spoke.

"I've heard that piece of music that has 'color.'"

'So this is why you came here...' Nozomi understood.

But the answer to this question... is the same as the previous question.

"Then...Eden-san, do you still remember the circumstances under which that song appeared?"


Eden was stunned.

If you recall carefully, you will notice that the song appeared in an internal school test not long after you entered the school, and Nozomi's result that time was the same as it is now, also ranking second, just behind her...


A detail flashed through Eden's mind.

The music she played at that time also had a considerable degree of "personal color," and if we really compare them, her performance at that time should be comparable to Nozomi's, so the results of the two should be the same. Even if there is a difference, it should be a very slight difference.

But in the end... Nozomi had opened up a "huge gap" of two points between her and him. Although Nozomi was still ranked second, there must be something wrong with this judgment.

'It was a similar performance, but the evaluations they received were completely different...' Eden had a guess.

It's like playing the song exactly according to the score, which can be described as "loyal to the original song" or "rigid."

Music that adds "color" can naturally be divided into two types: "adding distinct personal understanding" and "personal subjective expression is too obvious."

'I see… Is this why you changed your playing style? To erase your personal "color" and stay completely "faithful to the original song" in exchange for higher and more stable evaluations and grades…'

Eden pursed her lips, feeling a little sorry for Nozomi because this was not Nozomi's problem at all... but she soon had new doubts.

Obviously, based on his performance at that time, he could have done well even if he added "color"... Then why...

But soon, Eden put these thoughts aside... because Nozomi's performance had already begun.

Hearing the music that was slightly different from the original and obviously had some "color," the corners of Eden's mouth slightly raised.

Nozomi no longer used those overly "standard" pieces of music in front of her... Did it mean that he recognized her a little bit? Or... was he simply satisfying her expectations?

No matter which one it was, it meant that Nozomi took the initiative to take a small step closer to her, and the relationship between them became slightly... closer.

In this case, she should also take the initiative to respond to his recognition and expectations, express her thoughts and doubts through music, and convey her emotions to him through music.

Believe him... He will be willing to respond to me in the end, right?

So Eden lowered her eyes slightly, pressed the strings lightly with her fingertips, and then... slowly pulled the bow, allowing her own voice, along with her emotions and thoughts, to slowly step into Nozomi's music.

The melodious music echoed in the room. The good sound insulation prevented the outside sound from coming in and also prevented the sound inside from escaping.

The two of them immersed themselves in this small world created by music, communicating with each other in a unique way.

Occasionally, one could feel the doubt in the music, the alienation in the sound of the piano, and even vaguely sense the irritability and comfort in the music... But as time went by, as one song after another ended, only a little helplessness and... lightness were left in the music.

As if moved by her persistence, or influenced by her brilliant talent, Nozomi adjusted his mindset slightly and slowly began to... accept her songs, and sometimes even took the initiative to slow down his own music to set off Eden's part. Eden also gladly accepted it and showed herself as much as possible.

Just like what was said before, Nozomi didn't reject Eden, he just envied her... He had been avoiding her before because he didn't want to be portrayed as too "failed" by Eden and didn't want to be too hurt.

After actually getting in touch with them, you will find that... they are indeed very "similar."

Obviously, they didn't exchange many words, but the two of them seemed to have talked a lot. Obviously, they didn't do anything unnecessary, but the two of them seemed to be quickly familiar with each other... The music of the two people gradually blended and became harmonious, so that in the end, even the emotions expressed in them became similar.


The two opened their eyes silently, their sights drawn by the notes and the beats. They looked at each other as if they had telepathic connection and smiled at each other.

Sure enough, for them, music is a simpler and more direct way of communication.

'In the future, should we communicate more with him/her?' They both thought so at the same time.

Then, with a smile on her face, she continued to sing the melody that belonged to the two of them, letting the joy of meeting each other and the relaxed mood of understanding each other echo along with the music.



"…I'm late."

Outside the piano room, Elga looked through the small glass window on the door at the two people who were immersed in the music and whispered softly.

"...I should have been here first."

The scarlet eyes stayed on Nozomi for a long time, and then before he noticed anything, they moved a few steps to the side and avoided his sight.

"I'm late..."

She whispered to herself again.

"Um... Elga, be normal. I'm scared of you..."

"...With your bold personality, you're still afraid?!"

After a moment's silence, Elga began to mock her best friend mercilessly again.

"Huh... I feel much more relieved when I hear you say that to me."

"Are you looking for a scolding?"

"Well... well... if it's you, it's not impossible..."

"Get lost. I don't want to be drawn into your book."

"How did you know? Wait, don't go away. How about I draw you prettier? I also support changing your figure~"

"F*ck off!!!"