Chapter 172: Vill-V: Sorry! I'll do it again next time!

[you don't know if it's for fun, or for some other reason, but after noticing that you seem to be very interested in Sakura, Yin immediately ordered others to call Sakura over.]

[Sakura also came to you with a bewildered look on her face, and when she entered the room and saw you, her eyes subconsciously fell on you, and she showed a brief surprise and pause... Although she quickly withdrew her gaze and focused on Yin, Yin, who had been paying attention to her, naturally caught Sakura's previous small action.]

[In response to this, the corners of Yin's mouth rose slightly again.]

[After briefly introducing the two of you, Yin shut up and sat quietly aside, ready to watch your performance... and you were the first to speak and started communicating with Sakura.]

[You started by opening the topic with snacks, and gradually let Sakura relax with a soft and relaxed tone, and then gradually involved some other topics. In the end, you even had a deep discussion on the topic of "how to discipline your sister"... You sighed that Sakura's sister was really well-behaved and worry-free, while Sakura praised your "sister" for being a lively genius.]

[Then the topic unknowingly turned to complaints, such as how much of a headache your sister is, how difficult it is to discipline her, how your sister is not a worry-free thing at all... topics of that sort.]

[And Yin was drinking tea silently on the side, admiring how the distance between you two was getting closer and closer in a very short time, and even Sakura herself didn't notice it...]

[In the end, Yin had to make some noises to remind Sakura to keep her distance from you... You are still Yin's guest, Sakura can't be so rude.]

[Yin doesn't mean to stop you. After all, the old man (Like's father) is thinking about you very much and always wants to pull you in. If Yin can use some "tricks" to tie you to her side, it would be great... But she can't push too hard. She has to remind Sakura to be a little reserved.]

[But being too restrictive is not good either, so Yin reminded Sakura not to act so close to him when they first met, and on the other hand, she arranged for Sakura to be your guide and guard, just in time to accompany you around this area of the Far East.]

[As for why she have to work as a bodyguard in addition to being a guide... well... you have to know that Yin is considered a "family" here, so there will be some... rivals, so we have to be on guard.]

[In short, Sakura was arranged by Yin to be by your side without knowing what was going on. Although Sakura always felt that something was wrong and was also surprised that she had such a good first impression of you, a stranger... But in the end, Sakura found that she was not opposed to this arrangement, so she didn't say much.]

[And so, the day of Vill-V's performance arrived...]

['Hmph! Vill-V! Your days of running around performing magic tricks and talking nonsense are over!']

[Wait for the "surprise"!]


"Do you want to go a little further?"

Nozomi took the ticket and slowly approached the performance venue according to the navigation on the terminal.

"There are quite a lot of people... your [sister] seems to be very popular."

Sakura glanced around and found that the crowd was moving in the same direction as they were heading. Many people were holding tickets, and many were excitedly discussing the magic show that was about to take place. It was obvious that they were really looking forward to the upcoming performance.

However... Sakura frowned subconsciously... too many people would easily lead to accidents, so she moved a little closer to Nozomi.

"Please come closer to me, Nozomi... There are too many people around, I have to protect you."

" it necessary?"

"This is the order from the [Patriarch], I hope you can understand... and it is precisely because there are so many people that accidents are more likely to happen."

"...No, I it too close?"

Nozomi complained subconsciously, thinking of reminding Sakura that she was really too close...if she got any closer she would be sticking to him, you wouldn't do that, would you?

"Everything is necessary. The [Patriarch] ordered me to protect you."

And Sakura seemed to have not realized anything yet and said it very seriously.

"Okay, okay... Can you just hold my hand and walk with me?"

"Ah… this…"

However, at this moment, Sakura was stunned, and a slight blush flashed across her face, as if she had just realized something.

However, after a brief struggle, Sakura seemed to have made up her mind and nodded towards Nozomi.


After she said this, she took Nozomi's hand and even moved closer to Nozomi. From the perspective of others, they would probably think that the two of them were just a couple who came to watch the show together like everyone else.


Nozomi opened his mouth but didn't know what to say... So be it.

"...It's all the [Patriarch] intention."

Sakura seemed to have noticed something and muttered something softly, as if she was explaining something, or as if she was comforting herself.

'...No, you still say that? Are you lying to me or to yourself?'

Nozomi held his forehead with his hand helplessly... Although this development was somewhat strange and subtle, Nozomi unexpectedly felt that it was not bad, and even had a feeling that he could accept it as a matter of course... It was really weird.

It couldn't be that they were lovers in their previous life, and now that they meet in this reincarnation they fall in love at first sight... No way, no way? way right?

Nozomi carefully recalled his previous encounter with Sakura, thinking that it was clearly the first time they met, but their eyes unexpectedly fell on each other at the first moment, plus the subsequent smooth and unusually pleasant communication... This possibility... does not seem to be impossible.

Nozomi's expression looked strange.

But soon, Nozomi's thoughts were interrupted because... a lighter voice broke in.

"Wow~ Is there anyone with hair color similar to mine? That makes me happy~?"

Sakura subconsciously held Nozomi's hand tightly and pulled him back, as if she was worried that someone would snatch him away... Well, at least that's what it looked like to outsiders.

"Don't worry, don't be nervous. I won't fight with you for it. I won't do anything that would be annoying, okay?"

A girl with pink hair similar to Sakura's lightly skipped in front of them, blinking before looking at the tickets in their hands.

"I just saw a cute girl with a similar hair color to mine, so I wanted to meet her~"

"Hmm... Let me introduce myself first~ My name is Elysia, are you guys here to watch the show too?"

The girl named Elysia asked as she took out a ticket from her pocket and showed it to Nozomi and the other two to prove that she was also here to see the show and was just an ordinary audience member.


Nozomi gestured at the two tickets in his hand, then moved slightly and walked out of Sakura's protection. He pinched her palm to indicate that there was no need to be alert.

Sakura also nodded subtly as if she understood and relaxed a little... then she was stunned again, wondering why she understood what Nozomi wanted to express so quickly.

"Wow, you two came together, how nice!"

Elysia first looked at Nozomi, with a hint of doubt in her eyes. Then she looked at the two people holding hands, smiled, and stepped back a few steps lightly to make room for them.

"I'm sorry to disturb your private time~ Uh-huh~ The show is about to start, please hurry up~"

As Elysia said this, she turned around and walked forward first.

"...Let's go, or we'll be late."

Nozomi waited until Elysia walked away before he withdrew his strange gaze, gently pulled Sakura's hand, and walked forward.


"And... Sakura, can you please relax a little? I can still hold on, but it still hurts a little..."

"Oh, sorry..."

Sakura was stunned for a moment, then loosened her hand... Just now when Elysia set her eyes on Nozomi, she always had an inexplicable feeling, as if Nozomi would leave at any time... So she subconsciously used a little more force.

Now that she realized what was happening, she quickly let go of her hand...but Nozomi didn't let go.

"I'm just saying, just relax a little... Actually, you don't have to let go."

"Ah, this…"

"Well... these are all orders from the [Patriarch], right?"

"…Yeah, that's right."

Sakura nodded and took his hand again.

Somehow, Sakura felt happy.


"How strange…"

Elysia, who was walking in front of them, tilted her head, feeling confused about what she had just done.

"Why do I feel familiar when I see him..."


She raised her hand and placed it gently on her chest.

"I feel a little sad...what's going on?"

"Do I...know him?"

Elysia was a little confused.

But soon, Elysia put aside these doubts and focused her attention on the performance that was about to begin.

On the other side, Nozomi and Sakura also took their seats.


As the applause rang out, the curtain on the stage was opened.

A small hat slowly fell from above the stage, and it seemed to be pulled by some thin and invisible thread, floating back and forth above the stage. The audience's eyes were also attracted by the hat, and they watched it slowly fall to the ground, and then...


Accompanied by timely special effects sound, Vill-V's figure seemed to suddenly appear from under the hat, and she appeared abruptly in the center of the stage with the hat raised.

"Welcome everyone to my stage!"

Vill-V's confident voice echoed in everyone's ears. Many people were still shocked by her appearance, but Vill-V didn't care so much... The way she just appeared was just her most common one, and it was enough to start the show with this method to arouse the audience's interest.

"Are you satisfied with the little performance just now?"

Leaning forward slightly, she put her top hat on her head, and with a smile on her face, Vill-V spoke softly.

"Please don't worry. Everything that just happened was just a common performance here. What's coming next... is a more exciting moment..."

At this point, Vill-V's voice paused slightly, and the tone that was supposed to be rising also dropped a little strangely... and even carried a trace of imperceptible panic.

If she had to ask why... it was because she saw Nozomi smiling at her in the audience, but there was no smile in his eyes...

'But I caught you, didn't I? Vill-V' he seemed to be saying.

The sudden change made Vill-V not notice Sakura beside Nozomi. The only thing she could think of at this moment was - 'Oh no, it's over.'

But even so, the performance must go on. She has already gone on stage and there is no reason to just leave... That would be irresponsible to herself and would disappoint the audience, and would make Nozomi disappointed in her.

'So... look! I am different now!' Vill-V raised her lips slightly and continued her opening remarks with confident words.

"Everyone, please bear witness. Everything that is about to happen... will overturn your [common sense]. When that happens... please don't be stingy with your exclamations and applause!"

Immediately, she no longer kept her eyes on Nozomi but focused on her next performance.

But as more and more magic tricks were performed and the show got closer to the final "main act", Vill-V became more and more nervous... for no other reason, it was just that the magic tricks she performed would look more and more dangerous as time went on.

Although Vill-V is very confident in the magic she has studied, considering the performance effect, she occasionally has to show some... uh... dangerous situations during the performance in order to mobilize the emotions of the audience.

So Vill-V could already imagine what she would face next...

"Now it's all right, isn't it?"

During the half-time break, when the last [main act] was about to begin, Vill-V was talking to herself.

"If Nozomi comes here and sees something so dangerous... it will be terrible~"

"I told you not to joke with him before, but you didn't listen. Now you're done for, right?"

"You did that... Who told you to talk to him in that tone?"

"Look at what you said. Aren't we all the same? We all think the same, so that's why I said that."

"Well, now the joke has gone too far, and I'm going to get my comeuppance."

"The Vill-V is about to be sunk..."


"Forget it, let's just finish the last magic show first, and we'll see what happens next."

After a brief silence, Vill-V said to herself again.

"Ah… I feel like things are going to be terrible, like I'm going to be doomed…"

But in the end, she couldn't hold it anymore and could only barely adjust her expression before going on stage.


"Um... Nozomi, are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine, what's wrong with me?"

Nozomi responded with a smile.


"I just found a little guy who needs to be disciplined... She is really disobedient."


Sakura sensed the dangerous aura coming from Nozomi and wisely kept her mouth shut. At the same time, she felt a little doubtful about the arrangement made by the [Patriarch]... Did Nozomi really need her protection? Why did she feel that when he got ruthless, he was much more dangerous than herself?

And everything that happened next increased Nozomi's anger level even more.

The audience watched as Vill-V entered a water tank suspended above the stage. It looked like she was going to perform a magic trick called "Escape from the Water Tank." Then... maybe due to an operational error, the crane broke down.

The whole "accident" process was full of thrills, and the audience expressed their heartfelt concerns about Vill-V's condition... except Nozomi.

Then everyone watched as the water tank containing Vill-V fell onto the stage, the container broke, and the water covered the entire stage... The sudden "accident" stunned the audience... except Nozomi.

When Vill-V's voice came from above the back of the audience... when Vill-V slipped and fell from the air again, perhaps because her body was covered in water... when Vill-V's falling figure turned into flying ribbons in the air... when Vill-V reappeared in the center of the stage, standing on a complete container filled with water... the audience gave their own reactions, and in the end, they gave their amazement and applause for this farewell performance.

Except... Nozomi.

Sakura, who was standing beside him, could only feel that the aura emanating from Nozomi was becoming more and more dangerous, and could only know that he was getting more and more angry.

It was not until Vill-V uttered her farewell speech and the stage curtain slowly fell, indicating that the performance was over, that Nozomi stood up, with a cold breath, and walked silently towards the backstage.

"Uh...I'll wait for you outside?"

Sakura hesitated for a while when she came to the door of the preparation room before she said this... She always felt that the next situation was not suitable for her to see...

"Thank you for your help."

Nozomi nodded, then opened the door, walked into the room, and closed the door.

"Where do you want to go, Vill-V?"

Nozomi narrowed his eyes, looked at Vill-V who was packing up her things to drill into the vent, and spoke slowly.


"I'm here to thank you, Vill-V. Even though you haven't sponsored me yet and I haven't graduated yet, I'm here to repay you... Are you happy?"


"We've met after a long time, don't you have anything to say?"


Under Nozomi's gaze, Vill-V slowly returned to the ground, gently put her belongings aside, her eyes wandering and she laughed.

"Um... long time no see... brother..."


"Oh, sorry... Nozomi..."

Vill-V's tone weakened a bit.

"Um... I saw that pink-haired girl sitting next to you... She was very close to you, Nozomi~ What's going on? Is she your girlfriend? Oh~ She's pretty, but I still want to check on her. After all, I can't let you be deceived by some bad woman out there..."

"Hmm? Anything else?"

"And... and... I've actually gotten better at cooking, huh? I can take care of myself now, and the food I cook is definitely better than yours. I'll let you taste it later!"

"and, then?"

"And then... and then... uh..."

"Don't you have anything to say about magic, especially the last few?"

"Well... don't worry... I... am very confident in myself and will definitely not make mistakes. Although I got a little injured during the previous experiment, it's no big deal. I handled it myself..."

"Before... experiments?"

Nozomi narrowed his eyes.

"Minor injury?"

Nozomi's tone became increasingly cold and dangerous.


Realizing that she had turned into a "suicide truck", Vill-V quickly covered her mouth, and her tone was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

"I hope you can tell me in detail... what exactly is the [minor injury] you mentioned?"

"Well... well... Nozomi, you see I'm fine now, right? So... well... that kind of injury is really minor, I will recover on my own in a few days..."

"Vill-V! Sit up straight!"

"Yes! I'm sorry! I was wrong!"

Vill-V sat down obediently and began to apologize three times, then said the next sentence almost fluently.

"I'll dare it next time!"

By the time Vill-V reacted, there was only one sentence in her mind.

'Oh no, it's over.'


Hearing Nozomi's roar in the room, Sakura chose to look at her nose and her heart, as if she heard nothing.