Chapter 173: "Vill-V" named "Attachment"

[When Sakura entered the room with your permission, she could only see Vill-V lying on the folding bed without moving at all... Vill-V's face was buried in the pillow, and she didn't even say hello, as if she was already dead.]

[Then Sakura also saw your massage skills... It is a technique that can help people quickly relax their bodies. In the middle of the massage, Sakura heard Vill-V's steady breathing, and it was obvious that she had fallen asleep.]

[However, Sakura noticed that whenever you touched her thighs and lower back, Vill-V's body would tremble slightly... Sakura knew that it was not a reaction caused by sensitivity or shyness, but more like a reaction caused by pain.]

[The area near the lower back and the base of the thigh...pain...hmm...]

['So the "punishment" you gave Vill-V just now was really "that," right?']

[Sakura guessed it, but she didn't say it, and she didn't dare to say it.]

[She just came here to learn massage]

[After the massage, you also skillfully turned Vill-V over... Although... cough... Vill-V subconsciously frowned when her buttocks touched the folding bed, she did not mean to wake up... Maybe she noticed that you were beside her, so she slept more peacefully.]

[After laying a blanket for Vill-V to prevent her from catching a cold, you also began to pack her things skillfully... Considering that you are not familiar with magic props, you did not touch them. You just cleaned them up briefly and put away some sundries.]

[After you have done everything you can, you return to Vill-V's side, start the terminal at the right time, and play your song in Vill-V's ear... But when she heard the song, Sakura was a little surprised. She said that her sister likes your song very much and plays it almost every day... But she didn't expect that the singer was right next to her.]

[While you half-jokingly asked her if her sister wanted your autograph, you watched Vill-V frowning in her sleep, looking as if she didn't want to get up or stay away in bed.]

[Seeing this, you have no choice... you have to use your trump card.]

[He lowered his head, leaned close to Vill-V's ear, and said word by word in a voice as soft as water, a gentle voice that seemed to be able to melt people "Vill-V if you don't get up, I will tear your skull apart."]

[You used the reminder (intimidation)! The effect is remarkable! Vill-V immediately jumped up, covered her buttocks, and put on the pain mask.]

[Vill-V knows you are still angry, so she didn't play with you. She just muttered a few words under her breath, then smiled confidently at Sakura who had eaten all the melons, and extended her hand to her... She planned to get to know your "girlfriend" carefully.]

[Then she was hammered by you again.]

[As a result, this caused Vill-V's strong dissatisfaction. On the left, she said, "This is all for your own good, my stupid brother," and on the right, "You can't be fooled by a bad man, and you can't be with a bad woman"... Her remarks were extremely outrageous.]

[Then, under your "gentle" gaze, Vill-V slowly closed her mouth and finally shrank into the corner, starting to draw circles like an ostrich, saying "It's over, Nozomi is going to be snatched away... wuwuwu... Vill-V is going to become an unwanted child... wuwuwu..."]

[Just when Sakura wanted to ask if Vill-V had any mental problems, or whether you should take the initiative to comfort Vill-V, you waved your hand instead and told Sakura not to worry... At the same time, you would not go back to the Yin's place tonight, and you planned to have a good chat with Vill-V.]

[Considering that what follows is a private matter between you and Vill-V, and after consulting the "family head" and getting her consent, Sakura still leaves... However, Sakura leaves her private number and tells you to notify her if there are any special circumstances.]

[Hmm... it's hard for you to say.]

[And what follows next...]

[You came to Vill-V, patted her shoulder gently, and told her... Sakura was gone.]

[There are only two of you here.]

[At this moment, Vill-V seemed to be completely relieved. She slowly stretched out her hand, and then you held it. Then Vill-V moved into your arms little by little, without saying a word, just holding you and feeling your breath.]

[She is too tired, she needs to "rest."]

[You picked her up skillfully and took her back to the seat beside you. You straightened her hair and sang a soft song... 'Tsk, this little girl has grown up and gained a lot of weight... But never mind, gaining weight means she eats well, which is good.']

[After Vill-V's thoughts gradually stabilized, you slowly began to chat with her about some things, such as caring about her recent situation, questions about magic, etc.]

[Although you understand that some magic tricks must show "dangerous situations" when necessary to mobilize the audience's emotions, and even many magic tricks themselves have some kind of danger, and Vill-V will definitely explore these magic tricks, you still hope that Vill-V can take good care of her body.]

[Vill-V didn't promise you about this. She just nodded to show that she knew... The meaning was also very clear - she knew it was dangerous, and she knew you would worry about her, but she would dare to do it again next time!]

[However, as your eyebrows jumped and your warning gaze wandered to her lower body again, Vill-V subconsciously covered her buttocks and said with some shame and anger that she knew and promised to take complete safety measures before trying magic. At the same time, she complained to you if you could not use that kind of "punishment." She is already a big girl, not a child, and this is somewhat embarrassing for her.]

[Immediately, as if to avoid you from continuing to dwell on this topic, Vill-V began to act coquettishly towards you, which was unusual... However, in response, you simply grabbed Vill-V's collar with an expressionless face and calmly asked her where she learned all this.]

[Vill-V hesitated for a long time, but finally chose to be honest under your gaze - she learned this from some girls' love books, and came to the Far East to perform in order to "purchase goods" and replenish the inventory.]

[She thinks you will probably like Vill-V with this kind of personality... After all, you often regard yourself as the "older brother," so she will naturally regard herself as the "sister"... If she acts like a "sister who likes her brother and acts like a spoiled child to him" in front of you, you will probably like her more... right?]

[What else can you say about this? You can only sigh helplessly, rub her face, and tell her that no matter what, as long as you see her, Vill-V is Vill-V, and she doesn't need to imitate anyone or become anyone. In front of you, Vill-V is just Vill-V.]

[However, Vill-V rarely "refuted" you. She said, "If that's the case, then am I not Vill-V now?"]

[You were stunned for a moment and only reacted after hearing Vill-V's smile that looked like she had succeeded in a prank. You rubbed her hair with two distinct colors helplessly... and then, despite her complaints, you combed her hair again.]

[Yeah...yeah, she will grow up and change]

[As if she had sensed your thoughts, she showed you a different version of "Vill-V", with changing tones, different wordings, and even different characteristics in her personality and details of her actions.]

[For example, the "Vill-V" who is most often shown in front of outsiders is the "magician", followed by the "conductor" who is responsible for communicating with people about serious matters, and then there are the "experts", "mystics" and the like…]

[At the same time, in order to prove to you that she is indeed capable of protecting herself, she also imitated your "other side" and made a "mask" called "Extreme Evil". Well... that image highlights a bad girl, full of "obscene words". You practiced with her briefly and found that Vill-V's punches and kicks in this state are also very good. Although she certainly can't beat you, she has no problem protecting herself in normal times.]

[With the addition of some self-defense props she made herself, as long as Vill-V doesn't enter some special areas, she can walk sideways. It's a blessing that she doesn't provoke other people.]

[At this point, you can be relieved about her safety.]

[However, Vill-V's "performance" has not ended here. In order to avenge her original "revenge", Vill-V deliberately displayed a posture called "Chef". Hmm... this name Vill-V is really arrogant. Or maybe it was because your ridicule at the beginning provoked her?]

[In this state, Vill-V's personality is so gentle that it seems a bit unnatural. How should I put it? She is almost heading toward the direction of being a "good wife and good mother".]

[And I have to say, Vill-V's cooking skills are really good. It seems that you don't have to worry about her daily life...]

[Also when you were enjoying the food that Vill-V made for you, Vill-V came to your side unconsciously and began to rub your arm in a... uh... pet-like manner. That smile and the attachment in her eyes looked creepy, and there was a strange feeling of "morbidity"]

[According to her own words, this is a "Vill-V" named "Yi Lian". Of course, whether this is true or not... it's up to you to decide.]

(TL: Yi Lian" (一莲) is a Chinese name or term that can be interpreted in a couple of ways depending on the context. In Chinese, "一" (Yi) means "one" or "a single," and "莲" (Lian) means "lotus." So, "Yi Lian" can be translated as "One Lotus" or "A Single Lotus."

The lotus is a significant symbol in Chinese culture and other East Asian cultures, often representing purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening because it grows beautifully even in muddy waters. Thus, "Yi Lian" could carry connotations of singular beauty, purity, or unique spiritual significance.

If "Yi Lian" is used as a personal name, it might suggest a sense of individuality or a unique, graceful quality associated with the lotus flower.)

[Of course, you won't indulge her in this, you just pinch her face nonchalantly, saying that she is Vill-V.]

[Vill-V seems very happy]

[She slowly moved her body, lowered her head, and finally rested it on your legs. She fell asleep soon... She needed to take the time to "rest" while you were still here.]

[You naturally did not disturb her, but waited silently until dawn]

[On the second day, Vill-V returned to her lively and active self. You then took her to meet Yin. You also gave Yin a strange-looking wristband, saying it was a small invention of hers that could save lives in critical moments... a kind of self-protection device.]

[Yin didn't care much at first, but after taking a closer look, she gladly accepted it and received Vill-V solemnly. She also asked if she could give her two more, and she would buy them with money... And Vill-V naturally agreed to this kind of "extra money" thing happily]

[At the same time, Vill-V also gave Sakura a pendant as "compensation" for her previous nonsense... Although Sakura said that she didn't mind those words, under Vill-V's tough attitude, Sakura still accepted it.]

[After that, you stayed with Vill-V for a few more days, letting her have a good "rest", and then you separated... You still had schoolwork to complete, and Vill-V had to prepare for her next performance.]

[Before you part, Vill-V assures you that she will contact you regularly and won't let you worry. At the same time, if you want to see her performance, you can tell her directly and she can let you go through the "VIP channel" so you don't have to buy a ticket.]

[Time flies, and you successfully complete your studies with excellent results. You go to the hospital for an internship under the recommendation of your tutor. Here, you witness too many separations and deaths, as well as many different aspects of life.]

[Have you ever seen poor people who are desperate for treatment but have no money to pay for it? Have you ever seen them use their remaining money to exchange for the cheapest medicines, and then leave dejectedly, heading towards a tomorrow that they don't know if it will exist anymore?]

[you have seen wealthy people who spend a fortune just to recover from their illnesses. you have seen them go from shock to fear, to anger, and finally to helplessness and indifference... Unfortunately, in the end, he did not survive. He spent countless money and took many medicines, but they could not make up for the illness caused by overwork in his youth and the indulgence after he became rich.]

[You have also seen how, in order to save a patient who was already difficult to recover, a family that was not wealthy to begin with fell into the abyss step by step, and was finally dragged down by the disease, with the entire family on the verge of collapse... When the patient died in the end, his relatives had no sadness, no pain, and even no regrets, only... relief]

[As doctors, you should be doing your best to save lives, snatching people from the hands of death, and being at the forefront of fighting against diseases... but now you have to face more "realistic" problems.]

[This patient's condition is very serious, but his family can hardly afford the expensive treatment costs, not to mention the follow-up treatment drugs... At this time, what should be done?]

[Although the patient's condition is serious, there is still time to postpone the treatment. However, his relatives came to the hospital to make trouble, saying that he could not get timely treatment. In fact, they wanted to use public opinion to reduce the cost of the operation... What should we do before everything is exposed by the media? What if the best time to treat this patient is missed, resulting in serious sequelae or even death?]

[This patient is already in critical condition, but he can still be saved. However, even if he is saved, the cost of the long-term treatment is not something an ordinary family can afford. At this time... what should you do?]

[If you choose to be honest and tell the patient's family that he can still be saved and take the initiative to save him, then you will push a family into a bottomless abyss. In the end, there is a high probability that the patient will not survive and the family will be destroyed.]

[If you choose to conceal and deceive, and tell the patient's family that it is too late and that he cannot be saved, then... the family will probably fall into temporary misery and eventually continue to live their lives as usual. There may be twists and turns, but at least they will not be dragged into the abyss.]

[What should you do at this time?]

[In addition, there are also problems with medication, human resource allocation, etc. These "real" problems that come with it are what doctors have to face.]

[Walking on the edge of life and death, saving lives again and again, and watching lives disappear from your eyes again and again... This is also a great test for doctors]

[But in the end, everything will return to calm, everything will return to normal... because we have become accustomed to it]

[Life is priceless and worth cherishing, but sometimes... death can also be a kind of "relief"]

[Look at life and death calmly and equally, save any life that can be saved, but never be complacent about it; feel sorry for any life that cannot be saved, but never feel sorry for yourself because of it. This is what you learn after becoming a doctor]

[Before you know it, you have become a little famous]

[And a group of special... "patients" have come to your hospital]