Chapter 215: On Vill-V’s Magical Design

"Oh~ my dear Nozomi, come and take a look, what's wrong with my design?"

"My dear Vill-V, if you speak in this strange tone again, I swear I will kick your butt hard with my new shoes."

"You're using it too! Why can't I?!"

"Why, you're not convinced?"

Nozomi reached out his hand expressionlessly and pressed Vill-V's head, preventing her from getting close to him. She could only wave her hands uselessly to express her dissatisfaction to Nozomi.

"That's right, I don't accept it!"


Nozomi responded indifferently, and then quickly read Vill-V's design.

"Then go ahead and be dissatisfied."

"Ugh! Damn it!"

Vill-V squeezed to Nozomi's side very unwillingly, put her hands on Nozomi's shoulders, and pushed Nozomi's body down with force. At the same time, she jumped and sat directly on Nozomi's shoulders.

Nozomi also bent down, and when the weight of Vill-V's body fell on him, he held Vill-V's thigh with one hand to prevent her from falling off him and stood up at the same time... During the whole process, Nozomi did not take his eyes away from the design drawing in front of him.

While the two of them were interacting like this, they almost completely ignored the several people from the engineering department who were still there... 'Tsk, never mind, we are used to it.'

"How about this design?"

"Very good, a gun that can shoot small flowers at the muzzle, this is great, so are you planning to let the soldiers of 'Fire Moth' go to court the Honkai Beast?"

"No, how could that be? This is to show consideration for the emotional lives of the Fire Moth soldiers!"

Vill-V said seriously.

"Recently, many soldiers have said that they can't think of any gifts to give to their partners, so we asked everyone in the engineering department to design some interesting and romantic gadgets so that they can give their lovers a surprise~"

"Especially when I heard that a soldier was going to propose to his lover recently... so I made such a special plan~"

Vill-V, riding on Nozomi, leaned down, pointed out some small nodes on the design drawing with her hand, and let the softness of her chest press against Nozomi's head, completely unconcerned about whether her increasingly well-developed figure would cause him any trouble.

"Look, Nozomi, when you pull the trigger for the first time, this part will be ejected, and a beautiful little flower will suddenly appear from the muzzle. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a bouquet of roses here."

"Then put a gorgeous ring that symbolizes your vows in the center of the rose and point it at the person you want to give it to. What a beautiful thing it is~"

"Then the second pull of the trigger will fire the ammunition directly, shattering the flower, passing through the ring, and then killing the person in front of you, right?"

Nozomi complained expressionlessly.

"is that What you mean? If she doesn't agree to your proposal, you're going to kill her directly? What an outrageous plan..."

"No! You are wrong! Nozomi!"

Vill-V seemed very dissatisfied. She immediately stood up, waving her hands and swaying her body, trying to shake Nozomi's center of gravity.

"If you pull the trigger just once the second time, the muzzle will shoot out celebratory streamers instead of bullets!"

"If double-clicking means firing a bullet, I know, I saw your note."

"Yes, that's it!"

Vill-V put her hands on her hips proudly.

"Isn't this the same as what I said?! And who proposes with a gun?! And you point the gun at someone?! You'll scare your lover to death!"

Nozomi raised his hand and slapped Vill-V's chest hard with the design draft in his hand.

"And if you really want to use a gun, you can just design a toy gun, but you're going to use a real gun?!"

"That's to ensure that this thing can be used again later!"

"What's the point of using a gun that can only fire one bullet?! And it requires a pre-setup step, so it's useless on the battlefield, right?!"

"Hmmmm... just tell me if this thing is fun or not!"

Vill-V puffed up her face unhappily and rubbed Nozomi's face with her hands.

"We actually think this thing is pretty fun…"

Several people from the engineering department were talking casually.


"Ahem... No, no."

Faced with Nozomi's instant warning glance, several people from the engineering department quickly shook their heads and waved their hands.

"I think you have all been assimilated by Vill-V recently... Tsk, be serious! This is about Senior Sister Blanca and Hen!"

Nozomi was reminded with some headache.

"I know~ I'm serious~"

Vill-V grabbed Nozomi's neck as if she was sitting on a rocking car, and rocked back and forth continuously.

"Just tell me if my design is feasible. Miss Blanca will definitely be attracted by it then."


After a brief silence, Nozomi's tone suddenly lost its angry tone and became calm instead, with a slight smile on his face.

It's just that… the chill emanating from him made everyone present shiver.

"…I'm sorry. I was wrong."

'I'll dare to do it again next time!'

Vill-V quickly used the word "apology" and silently added the last sentence in her heart.


Nozomi snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back, and then...


There was a very crisp sound, and along with it, there was a slight blush on Vill-V's face in embarrassment, and her body stiffened for a moment.

"Don't think I don't know what's going on in your mind… You're thinking you'll dare to do it again next time, right?"


"Ha... Never mind. But this design is pretty good. It just needs some minor modifications..."

Nozomi thought about it, then took out a piece of white paper and a pen from the side and started writing and drawing quickly... After a while, a new design draft appeared.

Only what is depicted above is not a gun, but a hat.

"How? Can you do it?"

Nozomi handed the design to Vill-V, and at the same time, he looked up at Vill-V who still refused to get off him... Tsk, the back of his head hit his stomach. Did Vill-V not pay attention to her diet? Or did she stay in the engineering department and never go out to exercise? Why did she gain weight?

Nozomi frowned subconsciously.

'It seems I need to supervise her again.'


Vill-V, who had just received the design drawings, felt a chill for no reason... She didn't know why she always felt that she was going to be unlucky.


"If it's just this level, I can handle it quickly~"

"Well, that's fine. After that... I'll make a normal version."

"Hey, hey, hey, Nozomi, what do you mean? Is what I did abnormal?"

"No, I just think you're going to add some weird stuff to my design... but don't go too far, okay?"

"Hey~ I know you know me best~"


"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong...but I'll dare to do it next time! Haha!"

Vill-V laughed so loudly, and before Nozomi could catch her, she immediately pulled the rope hanging from the ceiling. Then Vill-V was taken away from Nozomi's shoulders, and Vill-V herself ran away from the window with several quick and dazzling movements.

"…How much has she modified this place?"

The corner of Nozomi's mouth twitched slightly, and then he turned to look at the people from the engineering department.

"Uh... about... 30% to 40%?"


"Well, 80% of them were changed by us."

"Hey, don't let it slip!"


The man who had just spoken suddenly reacted after being reminded by his companion and quickly covered his mouth.

"Hiss… huh…"

Nozomi adjusted his breathing slightly.

"She did it within her budget?"

"Uh... yes."

"…Forget it, just be happy."

Nozomi finally sighed helplessly and didn't intend to say anything else.

Then, Nozomi turned around and shouted towards the window through which Vill-V had left.

"Okay, Vill-V, stop hanging outside."


Vill-V's brightly colored fluffy hair slowly appeared from above the window, and then her slightly embarrassed and apologetic look emerged.

If you looked from the outside, you'd find that Vill-V had a strange belt tied around her waist. A large and two small gears were fixed on the back and sides of the belt, and the special metal wires on both sides were locked... It was these two special metal wires connected to the hooks that hung Vill-V's body up.

"I don't mean to blame you... Also, you haven't been exercising enough recently. If you don't want me to supervise you anymore..."

Nozomi narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to signal her.

"Just take control of your physical condition, understand?"

"Ahem… I know!"

Only then did Vill-V realize where the chill came from, and she quickly nodded in agreement.

"Well... I'll trouble you for a while. The doctor still has some things to deal with. I'll be leaving now."

"...Humph, stinky Nozomi, you got fooled by that old woman."

Vill-V looked at Nozomi's back as he quickly left, whispering to herself reluctantly. At the same time, she pressed a button on her waist, retracted the hook, and then rolled over and climbed directly into the room through the window.

"But... let's deal with the things at hand first~"

Vill-V placed Nozomi's design drawing on the table. After thinking for a while, she took out a piece of white paper and re-drew Nozomi's design. Then she frowned and thought for a while before she slowly started to make her own modifications to this "copied" design drawing.

"It's OK here... and this... the brim part is OK... um... and..."

As for what this design will eventually look like after Vill-V's modifications... it's hard to say.

But fortunately, Vill-V also knew her "little problem," so she especially "copied" a copy... As for the design drawing she is modifying now, it was prepared by Vill-V for herself.

After all, Nozomi's design reminded her that she hadn't performed magic for a long time! Recently, she was busy with Honkai and the "Fire Moth," which was not good!

Normal research design must be carried out, and daily magic performances cannot be neglected! Only when the two are carried out in parallel can it be considered perfect!

To perform a magic show, you must have magic props! You also need a magician's outfit!

That's right! It's the most iconic magic hat!

"Okay! That's it!"

Vill-V looked at the design drawing in her hand that she had altered beyond recognition and nodded with satisfaction.

"When the show resumes, let him come and watch!"

Vill-V decided so.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Vill-V felt as if she had forgotten something... After thinking for a while, she suddenly added a sentence.

"Oh... and Mom and Dad!"


"Hello, Hope~"

The brisk voice leaped into his ears, just like her approaching with brisk steps.

"...Elysia, don't think I can't hear you."

"What are you talking about? They are pronounced the same way."

Elysia blinked and came up to Nozomi with a lively and lovely smile.

"And the meaning of this word is really great, isn't it?"


Nozomi nodded and did not deny it.

"…What can I do for you, Elysia?"

Nozomi paused for a moment, and when he found that Elysia was still following him, he took the initiative to ask.

"Are you going to see the Doctor?"

"Hmm... about that."

Elysia also paused for a moment before speaking slowly.

"After all... Mobius, isn't she going a little too far? Especially at this critical moment, this will make her situation very dangerous."

"It doesn't matter. The Fire Moth won't and can't do anything to the Doctor."

"But it would make her situation very awkward, and..."

Elysia pursed her lips.

"I don't want to see my friend go astray..."

"Are you worried that the doctor will go crazy while studying the remains of the Second Herrscher?"

"Oh my, I've been discovered... But it's true, isn't it? After all, many people wanted to study the First Herrscher's body before. No matter what their initial intentions were, their final results... were not very good."

"You worry too much, Elysia."

Nozomi glanced at her.

"Others might go crazy because of this, but the Doctor won't because she is crazy enough in herself."

"Not to mention, most of the other people ended up like that because they were ambitious and incompetent, but the Doctor won't because she has gone far enough. That's why other people find it difficult to understand her and think she's too crazy."

"It's just that... um... sometimes the doctor's ideas are still too radical. I have to help her deal with it a little."

Nozomi was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

He didn't want Mobius to leave the others further and further behind as she moved forward, only to look back halfway and find that she hadn't yet reached her [Goal] and had left the others behind... and ended up being stuck in the middle, alone and lonely.

That feeling is not good.

"...I didn't expect you to think so. Does Mobius know about this?"

"I haven't told her, but she should be able to see it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have given me such great power."

"Yes, yes~ Nozomi is about to become Mobius's agent, and Mobius spends all day in the laboratory, which makes people feel helpless~"

"I am supervising the doctor's exercise."

"Yeah... that's right. It seems that you would take Mobius to exercise in the evening... Thinking about Mobius's expression at that time, it was quite cute~"

"Don't say such things in front of the doctor, or she might make things difficult for you."

"Eh~ Really?"

"Yes, she will."

Nozomi nodded seriously.

"Because I usually start doing this first, and then the doctor adds fuel to the fire."

"...Nozomi, you are too much."

"Really? I feel fine..."

Nozomi shrugged, then stopped and looked at Elysia with a strange look.

"Do you still want to come, Elysia? You should have gotten the answer you wanted."

"I want to see it with my own eyes, can't I?"

Elysia blinked.

"Or do you not want me to come visit you as a friend?"

"If you don't intentionally cause trouble when you come to the lab, I'd actually welcome you."

"That's too much. How can that be considered trouble? I didn't do anything. I just gave Mobius some advice~"

"Since the doctor thinks so, I think so too."

"That's really too much."

Seeing that Nozomi didn't care too much about this matter, Elysia's mouth corners raised slightly, and she followed him towards Mobius' laboratory.

Then... just after the laboratory door was opened, Nozomi and Elysia saw the pitch-black laboratory and the figure moving slowly in the darkness.

In the dim room, only her snake-like eyes were glowing faintly.


Nozomi covered his head in pain.

"Ah, little guy, you're back~ Hmm... As expected~ You're always so timely~"

Mobius blinked, and her originally sharp eyes showed a hint of joy when she looked at Nozomi.

"Can you help me check it out? There seems to be something wrong with the circuit in the anatomy room, but I can't find where it's wrong... It seems that I accidentally damaged the power in the laboratory~ Well, it seems that I have to discuss with "Fire Moth" and others to reinstall the circuit in the laboratory~"

"Doctor... you can't cheat your way to get funding like this, okay?"

"What are you talking about, little guy, I don't understand at all~"

"And... Doctor, could you please stop talking like Elysia?"

"What's the big deal? Mobius is pretty cute like this~"

"…Elysia, what are you doing here?"

Mobius immediately restrained her tone.

"Let me take a look at you guys~"

Elysia blinked and moved slightly, using Nozomi's figure as a shield to prevent Mobius's sharp gaze, which was as sharp as substance, from piercing her directly.

"It seems that I came at a bad time... But it's nice to see Mobius so cute~"
