Chapter 216: "Origin Stone" and the Cure for "Honkai Disease"

[Anyway, after all the commotion, Elysia managed to escape from Mobius's grasp... and Mobius couldn't stop her.]

[You found the backup power supply of the laboratory and dealt with it temporarily. You informed the Fire Moths that there was a problem with the laboratory's circuit, and assisted Mobius in dealing with the remains of the Second Herrscher in the dissection room.]

[This is also the reason why Mobius was so anxious. She was studying the body of the "Second Herrscher" in the anatomy room, but the power suddenly went out, which made her very annoyed. In order to continue to advance the research progress, she had to find the problem herself... and then she "accidentally" caused problems in the circuits of the entire laboratory.]

[It is also hard to say whether she did it accidentally or on purpose... After all, Mobius's application to study the "Second Herrscher" is still under review. Although "Fire Moth" will most likely agree in the end, the permission has not been granted. In other words... Mobius's actions are against the rules.]

[But if there is a major problem with the circuit in Mobius's laboratory, then "Fire Moth" may not care about such a "small matter"... You know, Mobius has several important research projects. If the research goes wrong due to circuit problems... that would not be good.]

[At this point, "Fire Moth" doesn't want to care about the fact that Mobius is secretly researching the "Second Herrscher" before the approval comes... Anyway, they were planning to approve it anyway, so they'll just give it to her in advance.]

[they still need to make sure that the problem with the Mobius laboratory is solved. At least this kind of power outage cannot happen again... they need a backup power supply that can be connected immediately, and it would be best if there is a backup backup as well.]

[Of course, considering that a "small part" of the laboratory power outage was caused by Mobius herself, "Fire Moth" also gave Mobius some punishment. In addition to the penalty notice on paper, the usual cuts to the quarterly budget on paper, and the unnecessary written review, "Fire Moth" also temporarily stopped Mobius's experiment.]

[Although this is what they said, in reality, they were just giving Mobius a few days off under the pretext of "punishment", and Fire Moth could also take this opportunity to deal with the circuit problems in the laboratory.]

[Mobius's arrangement for "Fire Moth" seems to be expected. She happily drags you to meet Klein. By the way... you can also choose gifts for Blanka and Hen.]

「So... it's really hard to judge whether Mobius's previous actions were caused by accident or she did it on purpose.」

[After confirming that Klein is indeed qualified to join her laboratory, Mobius has also selected the gift. At the same time, a notice from "Fire Moth" has also arrived, saying that they have completed the process... The laboratory's circuits have been checked and refurbished once.]

[A backup circuit was also added to the original one to prevent similar incidents from happening again.]

[And Vill-V has completed the original design, and you have received the gift you prepared.]

[Hmm~ The following things went smoothly. During a date, Hen gave Blanca the special hat that Vill-V had given him and put it on Blanca himself. Then... nothing happened. Blanca spent the day on the date wearing the hat.]

[Did Hen forget? No, of course not]

[In the evening, Hen will take Blanca to enjoy a magic show that Vill-V has not seen for a long time. When the show is over and she is leaving, Hen will tell her that he has also learned some magic tricks and perform them for Blanca on the spot.]

[Afterwards, Hen took off the hat that Blanca had been wearing for the whole day. After a simple preparation, Blanca discovered that a bunch of gorgeous flowers suddenly appeared in the hat that she had worn for the whole day without finding any problems.]

[And in the center of the flower, there will be a particularly eye-catching ring]

[Soon, Hen will say those words to Blanca under your singing]

[And when Blanca agrees, the two will receive gifts and blessings from Mobius, and of course, from others.]

[…Yeah! Great! No problem at all!]

[The subsequent events went smoothly, so there was no need to worry. There was no problem with the wedding.]

[Then, you both turn your attention back to your own business... oh, damn, you have to be busy again]

[But fortunately, Klein came to the laboratory... Klein is a person who can make you feel at ease, at least in terms of work. Even Mobius likes Klein very much.]

[But... it's the same problem. Klein's physical condition is not very good. It's about the same as Mobius's back then, or even worse... This won't do.]

「Although you didn't care about Klein's condition before because you had no reason, but now… I'm sorry, please follow the rules.」

[So next, the people of "Fire Moth" will see you running circles around the training ground with Mobius, Klein, and Vill-V... Damn it, why do I have to take care of more people?!]

[Also, Klein came with a pair of petite sisters named "Danzhu" and "Cangxuan"... They were also introduced by Blanca. It is said that Blanca was worried that you would be too tired, so she asked the two of them to help you and Klein share the pressure.]

[When they first came to the lab and saw you, they showed expressions of surprise and admiration... After asking, I learned that your deeds had become a legend in your former school, and the two of them came here because of your reputation.]

[You could say that they came to the lab because of Mobius's reputation and Blanca's introduction, and they also came to see what this "legendary figure" of yours is like.]

[After actually meeting you... well... they can only say, you are worthy of you.]

[And you can only roll your eyes at this. If you want to know why... it's because the health of these two little guys is better than Klein and Mobius, but not much better...]

[In that case, we will naturally follow your rules... Although it's not as troublesome as Klein, these two little guys also need to adjust their daily routines... Especially the problem of waking up late in the morning and being late! Very serious!]

[Also... although you are very grateful to Senior Sister Blanca for wanting to lighten your burden, but... unfortunately, things did not go as planned. After Danzhu and Cangxuan joined in, you became even busier.]

[Because these two people are really good at slacking off. Cang Xuan is okay, although she is a bit obsessed with money. She often communicates with people at work to chat about business orders and other things... Although the impact is somewhat bad, at least you can still accept it.]

[Making money is not shameful]

[But Danzhu is different. As a fan of the second dimension, Danzhu often secretly watches anime in the laboratory. Whenever she has free time, she hangs out in the internal forum of "Fire Moth", and occasionally secretly makes figurines... It is said that she has also opened a section on the forum to record how much you have done in a day.]

[Hiss... Huh... Don't be angry, don't be angry... Although Danzhu and Cangxuan are both good at slacking off, and they occasionally mess things up, forcing you and Klein to redo the work, at least their abilities are real.]

[Not angry... Yeah, not angry]

[Isn't it just two more people to look after? Anyway, you're used to it, so let it be ]

[At least Klein is very worry-free when she is working, that's enough]

[Of course, in addition to laboratory matters, the most important research on hand must not be neglected]

[You and Vill-V have been conducting more and more in-depth research on "Stones", and have also successfully produced nano-level... "experimental products"]

[Yes, it is still a test product. Although the entire engineering department cheered when it was completed, you and Vill-V felt that it could be improved even further, so much so that people even complained that you two were asking too much... What exactly does the "finished product" in your mind look like?]

[However, this highly completed "experimental product" can also be used in many aspects, especially in equipment... For example, the hook that Vill-V hung upside down outside the house before was made of this metal.]

[As a result, the equipment of the "Fire Moth" troops has been updated again. When the "Fire Moth" learned from you and Vill-V that this is not yet a true "finished product", on the one hand, they were extremely surprised, and on the other hand, they began to allocate a large amount of resources to you...]

[They want to know what the real "finished product" you mentioned is like. After all, this equipment update alone has brought great benefits to "Fire Moth"]

[Not only will it be easier for combat troops to deal with Honkai, but the high plasticity of the "experimental items" will give them a lot of room to maneuver.]

[Not to mention that its ability to attract Honkai energy has already allowed you to find a way to use Honkai energy more safely... the benefits can be imagined.]

[Vill-V and the others don't have to think about it for now. The bosses in the engineering department love her very much. Anyone who wants to label Vill-V as a powerful person will receive a strong counterattack from the engineering department... However, considering the current importance and attention of the engineering department, no one wants to touch this bad luck.]

[That's why they set their sights on you, who is also in charge of this research.]

[You begin to receive some overt and covert hints, most of which are intended to make you independent from Mobius's laboratory and remove the label of Mobius from you.]

[After the "Third Great Eruption", the "hints" you received became more and more obvious... They even mentioned it in front of Mobius once.]

[As for why... it's very simple, because during the "Third Great Eruption", in order to test the newly designed weapons, you and Vill-V went to the outbreak site of the Honkai, which is the Far East.]

[Mobius also went to the Far East because she wanted to find some remains of Honkai Beasts for experiments. She also planned to visit Mei who was shocked by the "Honkai" and ask her if she was interested in joining the "Fire Moth".]

[There is nothing strange about this. After all, the "Third Great Eruption" has been dealt with, and the "Third Herrscher" has also been defeated. they just need to clean up the remaining Honkai beasts.]

[During this process, the "Fire Moth" will also collect some things for research, such as the remains of Honkai beasts, people infected by Honkai... and so on.]

[However, it was because of this reason that the Fire Moths' troops relaxed a little, and at your request, Vill-V, and Mobius's request, you went a little deeper to test the new weapons, and then... you were attacked.]

[You were not surprised by this, and you were even prepared for it, but the problem is... during this process, you showed off a little bit of your combat capabilities in order to test the weapons.]

[At the same time, in order to prevent other soldiers from getting into trouble or difficulties due to your and Vill-V's "request", you also slightly adjusted the soldiers on the battlefield. Uh... or at a certain moment, you temporarily took away their command, just to get better data.]

[Ordinarily, such unreasonable requests would be rejected. It would be no fun if it led to irreversible consequences...]

[But no, absolutely not.]

[You even seem to have some experience in dispatching and commanding. The whole team returned intact under a subtle psychological state, and you and Vill-V both got good data. Mobius also recovered the remains of the Honkai Beast he wanted - "Shesha", which is the companion Honkai Beast of the "Third Herrscher"]

[This surprised the combat troops. After all, you have never participated in combat, so why... are you so organized and even easy in commanding the soldiers? All orders were issued decisively and effectively.]

[If the physical fitness data you left in the army before is the result of your long-term training, and the skills you can fight against the soldiers are because you have practiced boxing and kicking... then where did you learn your command ability?]

[Are you really that genius?]

[You weren't very interested in this, and just casually replied "It was a game of chess"... The data you and Vill-V collected made you not in the mood to answer such a question, not to mention that you had some additional ideas...]

[Also for this reason, after the Engineering Department, the Operations Department has also set its sights on you, and will more or less hint at whether you want to work for them, and the salary can be negotiated...]

[As for why the Operations Department is so enthusiastic... On the one hand, it's because your combat and command abilities are indeed not bad. After a little training and familiarity, you should be able to go to the battlefield. On the other hand, it's because of... your relationship with Mobius and Vill-V.]

[As long as we can recruit you, the Operations Department will be the first to get the new weapons from the Engineering Department and the new medicines from Mobius, and your team will definitely be the first to enjoy them... This is a benefit for the Operations Department.]

[And your situation has also been noticed by the "Fire Moths", and because of this, your weight on their side has become more and more important, and they have become more determined to pry you away from Mobius... Because if they don't do this, Mobius's power will be "too great", which they cannot accept.]

[If Mobius's power is further expanded, who knows what she will do for the experiment?!]

[It is precisely because of this worry that they have made up their minds to tell you about "going out to lead an independent laboratory" even in front of Mobius... They have to divide the power in Mobius's hands a little bit.]

[Unfortunately, their timing was not very good.]

[Because it happens that at this time, many of your research projects have made new progress.]

[First, it is the solution you have been thinking about, to solve the erosion of Honkai, and the solution to the "Honkai Disease" caused by Honkai... Now, you have a clear direction.]

[This was probably an unexpected discovery... You were mainly trying to fulfill your promise with Eden and present a long-lost song to your fans who had been following you. You had been busy in the lab before, so you had been putting it off for a long time.]

[Eden finally called you again and said, "If you stand me up again, I'll come and catch you offline again." Only then did you quickly find an opportunity to record the song.]

[However, at this time, you found that your singing... seemed to have some reaction with the "stone" that you and Vill-V were studying, and even... seemed to have an effect on Honkai energy]


[Entry: Healing Song (Purple), has taken effect.]

[Your singing voice will have a certain effect in alleviating and suppressing the collapse.]


[This surprised you, so after completing your agreement with Eden, you also tried to study this somewhat special... "ability" of yours in the laboratory.]

[Of course, Mobius also knew this. After a brief moment of surprise, she fell into ecstasy. On the one hand, she warned you not to spread it and to keep it as a "secret" between you and her. On the other hand, she began to actively study your "specialness"...]

[You know, this is Mobius's research desire, and she doesn't want to share this with others yet.]

[And you didn't object to this. After several twists and turns, you and Mobius discovered the special energy frequency in your "song", and used it to "invent" an extremely cheap, but extremely effective method to suppress the erosion of Honkai...]

[Of course, the credit for this research was given to you by Mobius. After all, your "song" is the foundation, and you deserve the honor. As for Mobius... it doesn't matter. She doesn't care.]

[And you also followed this method and developed a biological reagent. Combined with your previous results, you successfully found a way to allow people who were corroded by Honkai to move normally for a short period of time.]

[This is already a great improvement, but you feel... it's not enough.]

[Because the effect is too short-lived, your so-called "results" can only suppress the erosion of Honkai energy, and it cannot reach the level of "healing" at all.]

[You should be able to go further.]

[It was also at this time that your research with Vill-V also made progress... Vill-V has successfully upgraded the nanometal, or changed it into a nanorobot.]

[In this case, if we combine the nanometal that can absorb Honkai energy with nanorobots...]

[Nanometal is responsible for attracting Honkai energy, which in turn provides energy for nanorobots, while nanorobots are responsible for efficiently using Honkai energy and even using metal to replicate themselves when necessary...]

[Very good, a highly efficient weapon with various uses has been created.]

[This is enough to achieve the "finished product" in your and Vill-V's minds.]

[Since this thing is the result of your and Vill-V's joint research, the naming of this "finished product" is naturally handed over to you.]

[After thinking for a long time, you and Vill-V finally decided to call it "Soulium"... After all, this thing still exists in the form of material. If it is used to form a weapon... you can give the weapon a name~]

[At the same time, you and Vill-V also secretly named the two special "stones" that you found at the beginning, which gave you research goals and inspiration, as "Originium", which means "Origin Stone", representing that your inspiration and goals all come from it.]

[Of course, no one else knows about this. This is in line with Vill-V's intention. This is a "secret" between you and her...]

[Hiss... huh? Why does it feel like someone has used this expression before?]

[Forget it, never mind.]

[Most importantly, the emergence of "Soulium" also gave you some inspiration... or in other words, it provided the basis for the realization of your initial inspiration.]

[After getting permission from "Fire Moth", you also began to experiment... and the results were very encouraging. Your idea is completely feasible.]

[Under the influence of the special energy frequency you discovered, the Honkai energy in the human body will gradually stabilize, and then "Soulium" will be injected into the human body, and at the same time, the biological reagent you specially developed with "Soulium" will be injected to prevent the human body from having any serious reaction to "Soulium".]

[So in this case, the metal part of the "Soulium" will slowly attract the Honkai energy in the human body and gradually gather into crystals, while the robot part will take the crystals to a part that will not hurt the human body, and naturally fall off after reaching the upper limit, forming a piece of metal sealed with Honkai energy.]

[This detached piece of metal can even be used!]

[And the whole process is fully automatic. Unless there are special circumstances, there is basically no need for additional surgery...]

[However, this method abandons some of the functions of the "Soulium" nanorobots, causing the production demand for "Soulium" to increase suddenly...]

[But the good thing is that this method will not have any effect on the human body. After all, if the "Soulium" nanorobots partially absorb the Honkai energy to work... it would be bad if something went wrong. It is better to be conservative.]

[It can be said that if the current "Soulium" production is not enough, otherwise "Fire Moth" would want to fully promote this method...]

[As for how long this method will last? It doesn't matter. You are already very powerful to be able to find a treatment for an originally "incurable disease".]

[The only problem is that you are so outstanding that Fire Moth is more determined to pry you away from Mobius, at least to prevent you from staying with her... But unfortunately, your mind is not on them now, and you don't want to pay attention to them.]

[After all, after you developed the special material "Soulium", you and Vill-V's inspirations were fully utilized. In addition, "Fire Moth" intends to allocate resources to you, so you also have sufficient capital to realize your ideas.]

[And all of this was seen by Mobius.]