Chapter 13 : Everything for love

Sitting on our respective benches, Demi and I stared at our project on the desk, an A grade written on its cover. I blinked in confusion. Due to the high fever and sudden travel back in time made me forget about the projects I had to submit for our final exam.

"Who helped you do our project?" I asked, flipping through the pages. My handwriting was neat and precise, but Demi's was a little messier. The written contents were also exceptionally well-written, far beyond our usual capabilities.

"Go and thank Ama," Somiya said, her voice unbelievably warm. "Because of her, you guys were able to submit the project on time."

Ama? What had changed in just two days? I had been absent for only a short time, but the way Somiya spoke of Amaya made me feel as though I had been gone for an entire year.

"Amaya did our project?" Demi asked, disbelief etched on her face. The handwriting in the project was nothing like Amaya's usual handwriting.

"Are you stupid? You think Ama would help someone else with their project?" Somiya scoffed. "She doesn't even do her own, let alone others. She obviously asked someone else to do it."

Somiya's words hung in the air. Again Ama? It wasn't slip of tongue? I couldn't shake the uneasy feelings, I'm getting from Somiya and Amaya's closeness.

I sighed and closed the project, my confusion and unease growing.

"Wow, what in the world is happening!? Ama is actually doing a project!? And it's for someone else!?" Sophia exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and astonishment. She reached out and snatched the paper from Amaya's hand, her eyes wide with shock.

Amaya raised her eyebrows, her expression a mixture of amusement and indifference.

"What!? Ama and projects!? For someone else!?" Elli snatched the paper from Sophia's grasp, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Has the sun decided to rise from the north!?"

Unbothered, Amaya raised her eyebrows at Elli, her face devoid of any emotion.

"Everyone, pack your bags and prepare to leave Earth!" Fred shouted, clapping his hands enthusiastically. "Amaya is writing someone else's project! The world is coming to an end!"

"Someone who once shamelessly used relationships as a means to get her homework and projects done is now doing someone else's project!? Zeya, I salute you," Seth mocked Amaya, giving me a salute. Amaya chuckled softly.

"Zeya, how did you manage this miracle?" Sophia asked, her eyes filled with determination. "Since third grade, this girl has refused to lift a finger for her own assignments! Zeya, please share your secret!"

I couldn't help but laugh at their over-the-top reactions. Amaya, next to me, her face flushed with embarrassment. She rubbed her neck and licked her lips nervously.

"Guys, seriously, this is the eighth wonder of the world!" Fred exclaimed.

"Enough, everyone!" Amaya snapped, her voice tinged with exasperation. "I'm trying to finish Zeya's project! Leave us alone! It's just one project! Why are you making such a fuss?"

"Just one!?" everyone shouted in unison. Amaya buried her face in my lap, her entire body trembling with embarrassment. I couldn't help but laugh at her adorable reaction.

"Did you just say 'just one'!? It's just one for Zeya!? And when we asked you to help us with a single word, you came up with a thousand excuses!" Sophia exclaimed, nudging Amaya playfully.

"Don't lie! And go away! You're distracting us!" Amaya slammed her fist on the desk, her patience wearing thin. She tried to shoo everyone away, but they continued to tease her relentlessly.

"What are we lying about!? You indeed refused to add a single letter to Sophia's project in fourth grade!" Seth interjected, throwing a copy at Amaya.

"Why do you remember such useless things that happened years ago!?" Amaya asked, her voice laced with exasperation.

"And didn't you used to date people just so they would do your homework and projects!?" Fred asked.

"So what!? What's wrong with that!? They did mine, and now I'm doing Zeya's! I don't see anything wrong with that," Amaya explained, looking at Fred defiantly. "Besides, you guys did the same thing."

"Yeah, but the shocking part is that you never used to do other people's projects, and now you're doing Zeya's!" Elli pointed out. "Look at you! Setting double standards!"

"Of course I'm setting double standards!" Amaya exclaimed, her voice filled with conviction. "They were nothing compared to her. Zeya is my everything! I'm in love with her. Why wouldn't I set a double standard for my wifey!?"

She raised her eyebrows at everyone, her expression a mixture of defiance and amusement. I hid my face in my palm and peeked at Amaya from the corner of my eye.

"Ohh, wifey~?" everyone teased in unison. Crimson from head to toe, Amaya turned and buried her face in my lap.

"Ohhhhh!!!!" they all screamed, their laughter echoing through the room. They had always known about our relationship, but it had never been officially acknowledged within our friend group. This was the first time Amaya had publicly declared her love for me. I smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately.

"I'm your official wife now. You can't escape from me for the rest of your life, Ama," I whispered in her ear, my voice filled with love and adoration.

"I won't run away. I promise you, wifey," she murmured, hugging my waist tightly.

"What did she do in return for this project?" I demanded, my voice laced with anger and suspicion. Why was she so eager to help us? What had that person asked of her in exchange for writing our project?

Somiya's eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know they asked something in return?" she gasped.

I clenched my fists, my anger threatening to consume me. "Don't tear it!" Somiya exclaimed, her voice laced with desperation. "You guys didn't work hard on this, but we did!"

She snatched the project from my grasp and glared at me with fiery intensity.

*Knock knock knock*

Glancing at the door, we saw the School Captain Mina and School Vice-captain Jen entering inside with Amaya behind them, carrying a stack of papers. Amaya's eyes were half-closed and her mouth was hanging open in a yawn. She looked like a cat that had been rudely awakened from a nap.

While Mina and Jen stood in front of us, Amaya slunk away and collapsed into the teacher's chair like a deflated balloon. I couldn't help but get worried. She looks like she hasn't been sleeping for a week.

Mina cleared her throat. "Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is doing pretty well. You have this whole period to fill up the form. Start with your name then please answer all the questions asked there. We'll be sitting here if you have any problems, feel free to ask us. Amaya, please distribute the paper."

Mina and Jen tried their best to control their laughter. They were having as much fun ordering Amaya around as a couple of kids playing with a new toy.

Amaya glared at Mina with a look that could have curdled milk. She was determined to take revenge on her two juniors for this humiliation.

"Amaya?" Jen called with a mischievous smile.

Amaya smiled back at Jen, her eyes twinkling with a dangerous light. Then she rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw. She stalked towards the first bench and handed a paper to the student sitting there.

"Shreya, take one and pass it on," she said.

"No, Amaya," Mina said with a mischievous smirk. "You need to distribute it yourself."

Amaya took a deep breath and gripped the stack of papers so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She walked towards each bench, her face set in a scowl.

"Ama, is everything alright?" Somiya asked, taking the form from her. Upon closer inspection, I saw dark circles around her eyes, her eyes tired and exhausted. She yawned, tears escaping from her eyes, and asked, "Why?"

She handed the form to me, her gaze still fixed on Somiya. "You look sleepy and tired," Somiya whispered, concern and worry evident in her eyes.

Amaya smiled endearingly, ruffling Somiya's hair. "Just exhausted from the party. Your Aunty didn't let us sleep the whole night." Amaya yawned again.

Party? Somiya's Aunty's party? I stared at Somiya, her eyes following Amaya everywhere she went.

"Wait! Somi, you took Amaya to your aunt's son's birthday party?" Demi asked, widening her eyes in surprise.

Somiya rolled her eyes, her tone devoid of emotion, "Obviously. You guys refused to go so I told Ama, Sofy and Elli. Unlike you guys, they get ready to go with me in a second." All of a sudden, her eyes lit up and turned to us. "They were the life of the party! They sang, danced and made everyone laugh." Somiya's eyes sparkled with admiration as she spoke.

Am I just overthinking or has Amaya and Somiya been getting closer more than they were supposed to be? I clenched my fist and started to fill the form instead. I only want to interfere on the day Sophia was supposed to die, I want every single thing to be like how they were supposed to be yet everything is changed. Did changing my way not to bump into Sophia changed everything? Or is someone else also trying to change fate like me? But who?


"Amaya, collect the form please!" Mina ordered, standing from the seat. I glanced at Amaya, she stood up from her seat, despite not having interest in it, she obediently followed their order and started to collect form from everyone. It's unlike her to be so submissive, is something going on between Amaya and Mina?