

Chapter 1071 State Of Things.

Ghouls can be killed with the right tools. Death by concept within an Origin domain will kill them. The problem is that it is difficult to do if the ghouls are in the millions. Then the Origin god would be killed in their own domain. That's why ghouls would target Origin gods when Primogenitors aren't around.

Origin gods are above normal vampires on their attack priority because while Origin gods aren't the cause of the problem, they are a threat to their mission of getting rid of the Vampires. These Origin gods did interfere with the mission of the ghouls. That particular endeavor cut down their number within the plane from 41 to 31.

Then the Vampires betrayed them and used them to create more Monarchs. It reduced their number from 31 to 14 and increased the number of Monarchs from 15 to 30. That particular event turned the tide of power irreversibly away from them.

The Vampires came into control of the plane. The Origin gods had to hide themselves because the Monarchs would try to gang up on them as soon as they made themselves known. The only time they could move around the plane was in secret and during the day.

The status quo was maintained for as long as the demon god sealed the plane. The number of Origin gods couldn't be replenished since those who died needed time and resources to resurrect and they couldn't resurrect in the plane. If not for the god of light in the divine plane, then the plane would have fallen.

That is how bad things are looking for them despite their best efforts. Now, they just heard talks that some Origin gods are already quitting on attacking the demon god from outside the plane. That will reduce the pressure on the demon god which will cause it to break through the blockade of the divine plane.

As if that isn't enough, the gods are getting worn out too. They are running out of resources and manpower to fight the demon god. The fight with the demon god has been going on for more than a million years after all. So even if the origin gods don't quit, the demon god will enter the plane soon.

Another Origin god sighed and said. "We have tried our best. We have given it our all. But we can't continue like this. There is no more hope for victory and there is no one coming to help us anymore. I agree that we should give up."

"If they have given up on breaking into the plane maybe we should give up on keeping it safe."

"The plane has changed anyway. It is not the one we knew and loved."

The Origin gods don't want to give up because they love their plane. They used to be able to recite the names of every tree in their favorite forest. But those trees are dead now. The precious balance of the plane has been destroyed completely. All of these are reasons or excuses for why they shouldn't continue fighting.

This is not the first time that they are having this conversation about accepting defeat and giving up. They were about to leave the plane a few years ago. But they were given a reason to stay and keep fighting.

They were given 2 reasons actually. The fountain of life was that convincing. The emergence of Rinoz and Ragnarok gave them hope of a resurgence. Rinoz alone represented a solution to the Vampire problem. She could become the god of light in the plane and save the plane from the oppression of Vampires. They didn't like Warrogs but they are immortal so they can put aside their dislike for the greater good of the plane.

It is because of their Authority as immortal ancestors that the wood elves decided to overcome their hatred for Warrogs and work with the child of the plane. The Sovereigns and most of the wood elves didn't want to. But they changed their minds when they were asked to choose between working with Warrogs and Origin gods or working without either.

The Wood-elves decided to get Rinoz to work with them so that the Origin gods wouldn't give up on them. But they had to break her in. She was too proud and too stubborn. She wanted to do something that the wood elves had not been able to do.

The wood elves were not happy with her plan. But they didn't advice her not to do it or stop her. They just watched as she made the call and amassed an army. They waited for her inevitable defeat and swooped in to save her.

Rinoz's pride was broken by that defeat. Her inability to take the devil's pit revealed her ignorance. It did so better than if they had told her that she was ignorant. She became open to suggestions after being saved. It meant that they would be able to use her better. 

They were able to use her to find her counterpart. Then the Origin gods sent 3 of their numbers to get Ragnarok too. That didn't turn out so well. It showed them just how difficult an Executioner can be compared to an Emperor.

They can admit that the outcome of that encounter is totally their fault. They underestimated him and disrespected him. Then he went and did the unthinkable. He broke past the barrier that they laid down together with the fountain of life and released the Ghouls. That was honestly going too far for revenge.

Now the ghouls have returned and they have been presented with the same question that they had to decide on when the ghouls first appeared. Unfortunately, they are not in the mood to bother with that question. They don't care anymore. Even Rinoz's potential is not enough to keep them within the plane. They have decided to give up now.

They chuckled and considered how to break the news to their descendants. They are immortal but the demon god has put the fear of death in them. They must not die to it or they will resurrect as new and weak Origin gods.