

Chapter 1072 Ignorance Of Death.

Normal death for immortals only takes time and resources for them to recover. But death to a demon god will also take away their power. They don't want the effort and Origin essence of about a hundred origin cycles to go to waste due to death so they don't want to die despite being immortal. 

Three phantom figures suddenly phased into existence in the secret room. They are holographic images of three separate origin gods.

The Origin gods turned their attention to their guests.

One of them spoke. "It is nice of you to join us."

Each one of the holographic figures took their seats. It made the number of Origin gods return to 11.

One of the holographic figures is a female. She has pink hair and pink eyes while are skin is green. The other two look more like brutes. They have pretty similar figures except one has green hair and green skin while the other has brown hair and brown skin.

The green one said, "Apologies, but we can't make it physically to the plane anymore. There was a flood that blocked the road here."

That made the present origin gods chuckle. The flood that blocked the road will be the demon god barricading the entire plane. The three of them have resurrected after being killed but they can't return to the plane anymore. They can't do so for the next hundreds of years at least even if the plane is open. They are still in the process of reconstructing their existence.

The female with the pink hair grumbled. "I don't suppose you know how we died."

"Oh, we know that." Someone offered.

The Green origin god asked in surprise. "You do?"

He certainly doesn't remember how he died. But that is understandable since he was killed by Ragnarok in a domain. The last memory he has of his meeting with Ragnarok was the release of a domain that they felt was a threat to them.

They struggled and failed to escape the domain. Everything after that is total darkness. The other origin gods could have information he doesn't have. But it is highly unlikely since his death occurred within a domain so he is very surprised that they have information at all.

The one that offered grinned. "Look at your face. It is so priceless. Of course, we know how you died. You died to a young Warrog that isn't up to 1 origin cycle in age."

The other origin gods laughed. The green origin god's face froze over. Then he slumped in his seat angrily. The other two also joined him in frowning. The pink-haired origin god rolled her eyes at the grinning origin gods.

"I would have thought you bigger than that." She complained. "Look at you laughing at us for dying after you sent us."

"You thought wrong. You thought very wrong" The origin god said to her. Then his voice became colder. "You have been very wrong about a lot of things recently."

She sighed and accepted the criticism. "I didn't think he would be much trouble. How was I supposed to know that he could defeat us?"

It isn't just this Origin god that is angry at the 3 of them. A lot of them are very angry too. They are only laughing because it is no use being angry. But that doesn't mean they won't say something about it.

Another one interjected with a rebuttal. "You should have known that he would be a lot of trouble when he killed a Primogenitor. You should have at least suspected it. The least you could have done was to show him some respect. It is the least you could have done."

This sentiment was supported by a third Origin god. "Your failure led to the release of the Ghouls and the further reduction of our forces within the plane. You have not only failed us, you have failed our descendants and the plane that our ancestors fought for."

"You are to be blamed for this calamity. And to think we chose you to bring him because your concept could bring him here peacefully. Instead, you messed things up and threw things further out of balance."

"We expected more from you."

They have a lot to say about how disappointed they are with her actions and the consequences it has brought onto the plane. They may be immortal but they have sentiments and attachments. It doesn't feel good to try so much and still fail to preserve the plane that they love so much.

The pink-haired Origin god tried to explain. She said, "In my defense, he is but a child. I treated him like a child because I expected him to be like a child. He is less than an Origin Cycle old for god's sake. The realm lord took 2 origin cycles to become an Origin god. That's the realm lord. Ragnarok is just a Warrog. A mutt. I think it is understandable that I didn't think highly of him."

"He could have been working hand in hand with the Vampires to deceive us. Maybe Marlinto isn't truly dead or maybe he is and the demon god wants Ragnarok to infiltrate our forces. Either way, I thought he must have something to do with the demon god. How else did he acquire so much power so soon? Only Primogenitors can grow so strong so fast because of blood power."

"Our death confirms that there is something suspicious about him. He was able to kill us which means he must have the power of a Monarch or Origin god at his disposal. I think my decision to antagonize him helped to prove that there is something suspicious about him."

She made good points. But the origin gods are not having it. "You were supposed to bring him over peacefully. The key word here is "peacefully." There shouldn't have been any fight whatsoever with Ragnarok regardless of the suspicions or not. But you forgot why we chose you and your brothers to bring him. If you didn't, then you wouldn't have acted out in indignance because of his age."