Archangel of War

Baam!! Baam!


The shots of terror echoed through the silent resort, although not so silent since the crackles of the raging sea struck louder. The plasma shots fired towards the fallen angel, but his sleek movements showed pure skill.


Dodging the bullets aimed at his life, he boosted forth to strike the demon that stood before him. Her soul was tainted black, and no good stood in it.






The blazing sword struck the thick bars covering the gun, and Yahama pushed herself backward to regain momentum. Her breath was steady through these trials, and her goal was completely subdued.


"You should listen to instructions, y'know", Yahama sighed.


Baam!! Baam!!


Drawing out a Beretta 92, she shot at Camael intensely with accuracy. The bullets struck his suit but only grazed its thick covering. Camael struck the blazing sword downwards, but the skill of Yahama was too quick to match.


The sword indeed struck downwards, but its speed was intense. Drawing it back, Camael intended for another stroke, however the pistols were already aimed at his temple.


Baam!! Baam!!


An accurate strike from the military-used pistol sent waves of vibration through Camael's head. He staggered sideways, and a heel kick sent him buried in the ground.


"Cut the crap and get up. You can't tell me you came this far to use such skills on a god. I couldn't even touch him in his sleep, such a dense aura he has. Sends shivers through my spine"


The engines of his suit buzzed once more, and he stood in pride once more. Drawing back the sword within his suit, Camael exhaled calmly.


Yahama drew out the guns once more and pointed them at him. She smirked with a weary face and shot once more to end the lousy battle. However, she found herself in the air before pulling the trigger.


Camael had sharply struck an uppercut through her jaw, and it sent her off her feet. With a swift grapple, he struck her once more into the ground and continued in pace with a direct punch.


Yahama dodged it sharply as it struck the ground, and gripped the neck of Camael, kissing the metal suit before her.


"Who knows how sweet you would look in that suit? Well, I also want to know."


Baam!! Baam!!


Shooting through Camael's temple once more, she kicked him back with all her strength and regained her stead. The wind glided effortlessly through her hair, as she moved her hair sideways.






A loud explosion occurred after her direct message, and it came from a plasma bullet shot from a hidden drone. The smoke at the target settled down shortly after a series of shots were fired in addition, and Yahama walked back into the resort.


"He could have been a great boyfriend. Too bad he died so early.", Yahama complained.


She had grown tired of the countless men who died whenever they encountered her, and simply hoped he was any different. However, to her dismay, the life signals recorded after the blast disappeared.


It wasn't exactly his fault to begin with, as she thought. She was too skilled in killing, it had no good add-ons in her life. In sadness, she sulked towards the entry of the resort but stopped upon hearing a scuffle.


"Seems we are going to spend the night together in bed after all.", Yahama smiled as she turned cheerfully.


In the settling smoke, Camael rose slowly. His suit had been damaged, however he realized it was only a shell. The suit had been created not to serve as a weapon, but to reinforce its nanobots within his bloodstream.


Exponentially increasing the output of each smack and blast, and sharpening the processing of his thoughts. It performed greater than his expectations, and the mechanical wings he had lost once, were seen again.


The mechanical wings filled with glasslike feathers opened wide as his helmet broke off steadily. Camael's face was poised in anger, and his fury from the stature of her soul overflowed.


"Guāng zhī jiàn !!!"


The words which all thought had been forgotten, escaped the heavenly lips of the fallen angel. Sword of light, as glamorous as its aura was, took Yahama by surprise.


The danger levels from her analysis tech rose greatly, and the drones attached her skin to protect her. Before her eyes, stood the archangel of war in the flesh. His armor clothed him whole, and his sword brimmed with fire.


"For all the lives you took, may their souls rest in peace. There will not be an escape, nor will there be a trial. For a murderer before the light, has to be set anew. Your redemption has officially begun"




The wave of energy that approached Yahama swiftly was faster than her eyes could keep up. Her reinforced drones took the damage, and it threw her off into the building.


Crashing through the walls of the house, Yahama stood once more in a fully weaponized tech suit and pointed two Beretta M93R pistols at Camael.


Her expression turned fiery, and she knew death had finally come to claim her life. Clicking the trigger intensely, the bullets shot continuously at Camael, however his wings simply melted them.


Yahama deduced a way to beat Camael, but her devices could not ascertain the energy levels. She shot a series of plasma blasts at him; however, he remained steady and held the sword upright to his chest with prestige.


"For all the lives you took, may their souls rest in peace. The heavens will mourn their shortened lives, but revenge would surely be taken"


"No!! I can't die like this!!!"


The satellite she secretly bought from the Chinese federation, directed its volt guns towards Camael's location. With a trigger, they blasted through his stand, melting the targeted ground.


"Hahaha, you thought you could kill me? I will never die, never!! ", Yahama screamed in desperation.


Yahama laughed as the flames from the blast continued burning higher. Yet her laughs turned pale as she saw Camael walking steadily towards her.


Flames clothed his body; however, they could not burn him. For he was made of fire, and the heavenly power had taken hold of its child. The man who stood before the lustful killer was not a fallen angel, but the archangel of the heavens.


The light from Camael's wings shone brighter, and the sun imprinted more solar energy through his mechanized wings. The fire burned higher, and surrounding objects began melting.


"For all the lives you took, may their souls rest in peace. May the light cleanse you of darkness, and may your soul burn within the depths, of hell!!"




Yahama aimed her mechanized arms at Camael, and a stream of nuclear energy spewed forth. Her cries of desperation echoed throughout, yet her only savior was the blade that would cleave her soul.




Camael cut through the nuclear energy and sliced through Yahama from her head to her feet, cutting her open into two halves. Her body burned from the heat of the sword, and only ashes set as her remains.


Her eyes were dripped with blood, and her echoing desperation turned silent. Camael turned towards the raging sea and held his sword tightly.

