Rage is a sentimental word filled with poison but also justice. It leads the mind into a clueless struggle for power, yet that power so desired would be a drenching demise.
The fuel of rage could lead to one's downfall, but also lift an individual from the grips of doom. This rage had become clear in awry ways, and the wielder saw nothing but a thick wall.
They all believed that a thick wall needed a push into depravity. This rage came with its problems, however, for a good cause, it stood high amidst the chaos.
Students trained from the kind hearts of the association led to a death that cannot be resolved. A heartbroken atmosphere filled with rage and revenge filled the streets of Hiroshima.
The old man believed his touch had been old, blunt from the constant policies and politics. Nevertheless, rage gave hope once more to the senile old man. Old he was, but his memories were still strong at its peak.
Walking with an aim towards the files of evil which stood before him, his heart trembled. It was nothing like fear, but a constant urge to rid her of the planet we call home.
Perhaps the underworld would have been a better place for her since her blood lust was nothing ordinary. Techniques learned through constant battle reared its head once more.
Muscles relaxed and pumped the blood seamlessly through the verses that cloaked it, and the pulsing steam ran through the pores of his skin.
Bloodred eyes were never normal. Quite to think of it as something impossible, however, it was happening. His eyes scorched with a yearning for revenge, and his mind lost all rationality.
The underworld knew no virtue nor pride in its battles. It was purely the survival of the fittest, and everyone could bear witness to that.
With his sleeves tucked upwards, he grinned at the fox that stood against him. A fox she was, sharp and quick in her dealings, but cunning in mind. It was only a matter of survival, and each stood at the edge of it.
Running forth without any speeches, Yakuza threw in a roundhouse kick with a shrewd smile. The force from the kick gushed the wind to the side, and her power was nothing to scoff at.
Grandfather had already blocked the punch with his arm from the impact, and sharply threw in a strong punch directed at her torso. The force from the hit threw her back, but she performed a backflip to reduce the fall.
"I must say, that was quite a strong punch", she affirmed.
Cough! Cough!
Looking beneath, her cough was filled with blood, and her chest ached heavily. Yet she stood once again and ran in for another smack with a crazy smile.
Leaping forth with a hook kick, she hit the temple of Grandfather, but he still stood upright and quickly grabbed her feet. Throwing her off with a strong force, Yakuza was sent flying once again into the dirt.
Grandfather walked slowly towards Yakuza as she lay on the ground, and looked at her in disgust. His fists were clenched tightly, and he grinned his teeth from the strong fury burning within.
"If you are trying to find out my moves with those attempts, I promise you it won't work. I might be boiling with rage against you, but fighting is certainly one thing I'm too good at", he scoffed.
Yakuza stood from the ground and positioned the daggers in place. Her demeanor had changed into a serious one, and her eyes were filled with purpose.
"I see. I should apologize for showing you such an incompetent side. It's my loss, pftt", she replied.
Yakuza spat out the blood from the impact and fixed herself in a battle stance. Her eyes were still, and her breath steady. It was said that when she met an opponent worthy of her daggers, she was no more human.
That myth and rumor had never been validated, since her opponents never survived to tell the tale. However, Grandfather noticed these little changes and kept his guard higher than before.
Thwack!!! Zap!! Wham!!
The kicks from her continuous battering grew forceful and swift, with grandfather exchanging the same number of blows. She hadn't grown tired, and her smile which manifested in each fight was suddenly pale.
Grandfather noticed he was being pushed back, yet he forced his muscles to react past their normal speed. The clattering rhythm of kicks and blows grew louder, and Yakuza's hands were no more noticeable.
Her speed grew inhuman, and each slashed the dense skin of Grandfather. However, he didn't simply give up. He continued countering all the strikes through pure will and tenancy.
The fight had caught the interest of the kids, each whack sent a strong gust of wind. Their punches and slashes were no more in the realms of humans, as they seemed different from human limits.
"I can't see their movements"
"It's almost as if their speed has grown exponentially."
"Like an anime, they aren't human"
The kids marveled as the two top dogs of the underworld faced each other. Yakuza ducked upon seeing a direct jab from Grandfather and stabbed her dagger through his abdomen.
However, Grandfather smashed her head downwards before she could retract and strike once more. Both were bleeding profusely from the constant battering, and the ground showed crevices and cracks of battle.
Inhuman strength and skill, are simply phenomenal in each way. Their battle was far beyond the reach of human eyes, and all that lay awaiting was staggering bodies.
Yakuza struck a crescent kick through the head of Grandfather, and it dazed him. Yet his blood-lusted rage still followed on, and he mashed the face of Yakuza, breaking her nose.
Oof, Pftt!!!
Yakuza spat blood once more and brought her arms up again. Her eyes seemed unsteady, and she realized her consciousness was fading.
"I need to get the child to him. He is our only hope", she staggered.
"Daniel… Julia… John", Grandfather murmured as his eyes were blacked out.
The two hit each other once more with a strong blow and retreated backward. Their attires were pouring with blood, and their bodies were weak. Yakuza put all her concentration on the last effort to fight and looked ahead.
"He is our only hope. I don't care if I die here.", Yakuza smiled.
Grandfather ran towards her in battle instinct after sensing a shard of weakness. With a direct punch, the energy that moved through his arm was explosive, and it smacked through her abdomen.
Penetrating through her body, Yakuza coughed out blood in pain and smiled effortlessly as her pupils dimmed slowly.
"I hope you find the paradise you wished for. I'm afraid my journey ends here, Loki"
Grandfather's body fell with a loud thud as the daggers were struck through his eye sockets. He had already died within, but his will moved his body forth through the fight.
Yakuza staggered a little, before falling beside Grandfather. The two legends had died, but the history of their battles remained legendary.
Daniel's eyes opened slowly afterward, and looking ahead he saw all the kids surrounding him. He was confused but turned due to the mannerisms of Kakashi.
A shock of disbelief coursed through him as he saw the lifeless body of his grandfather. His eyes were struck with rage and shock and a scream envisioned his tormenting emotions.