Chapter 7: Kushina

Sarutobi sat back down and looked at the picture of Minato. "Minato, Kushina, you would be proud of your son, and even more so in four years.

No doubt in my mind he will become powerful. "

Turning his head to the left he see's more paperwork and at in instant he cries anime tears. "I don't want to do paperwork anymore" He said in a childish tone as he continued crying anime tears.

Running out of the Hokage tower, Naruto immediately began to run full speeds towards the Forest of Death.

Naruto couldn't help but think how strong he was going to become in the next four years. As soon as he reached the forest, he hopped up on the highest branch he could find and closed his eyes to try and find Aizen so he could start his training.

Naruto's Mindscape For Aizen

He opened his eyes and saw before him what seemed to be a beautiful Japanese garden that was huge. Looking to his right he see's his new companion and sensei coming out of the traditional Japanese house.

Upon spotting him, Aizen smiles and greets him.

"Hello Naruto-kun, what brings you here?" Naruto greets him with a nod and slight bow

"Aizen-sensei, I wish to become strong and I wish to start my training with you as soon as possible. " He said with determination in his eyes.

Aizen see's this and lightly smirks.

"Ah yes Naruto-kun, the first step to your training will begin now. Come" He gestures walking beside him.

Moments later Aizen and him come to a room within the house. Aizen began to slide the door open and the first thing Naruto saw was a vast library of books.

He looks at Aizen.

"Your kidding right Aizen-sensei?" Naruto says.

"On the contrary Naruto-kun. What made me such a dangerous Shinigami capable of handling multiple captains was not my ability to attack, although it played a part, it was my keen intellect that made the difference.

My ability to be a strategist when the situation calls for it, to be calm and collected and to use my opponents emotions against them to trigger a mistake when they attack. Always remember Naruto, your mind is your most dangerous weapon.

Train your mind to the fullest extent and you will be able to overcome any enemy no matter what size or skill. " Aizen states indefinitely.

He continues "Now I want you start out reading these books. " Aizen gestures Naruto to sit at a table while he leaves to grab a few books.

He comes back with what seems to be towering mountain of books. Upon arriving at the table Aizen drops the books making a large booming sound.

Naruto grabs one of the books and looks at it incredulous "Advance Theory of Human Psychology" Picking up another one "Basic Intro to Psychoanalysis?"

"Reading Human Behavior and Emotions Vol. 1?" Aizen straightened outs his clothes before continuing.

"These books here Naruto will teach you on how the human mind works and how to use it to your advantage. We will not start any training until you have read the appropriate number books I see fit.

By the time you are done you should be able to manipulate an enemy into doing what you want, to be able to analyze a situation and come up with five solutions to counter it. By reading the human body's gestures and emotions you will be able to tell an enemy's personality for very subtle gestures can tell a lot about ones personality which you then can capitalize on.


Naruto just looks at him then the books. "Hmm Aizen-sensei, I feel looking at these books I already somewhat know the material in of each of them" Naruto stated flipping through pages.

Aizen in turn responds.

"Yes Naruto-kun that should be partly because of you and I merging together. You retained somewhat of my intellect so now all we need to do is brush up on it and make sure you memorize these books like the back of your hand.

" Naruto looks at some of the books on the table and one catches his eye, he immediately picks it up and yells at Aizen.

"Seduction 101: How To Make Women Do What You Want In Bed!?"

"Seriously Aizen-sensei?!, I thought I was learning about the human mind not about seducing girls and learning how to get them in bed!" Aizen lazily picks his ear out with his pinky.

"Seriously Naruto can you get more louder? Anyways you are learning the art of seduction because you will face women who will try to kill you, it would be better to seduce and manipulate them to how you see fit. You may also single handily avoid a battle alone with just words and gestures.

Plus by the time your done reading, every girl you encounter won't get enough of you and it is a good read. " Aizen says with a wide smirk and light laugh.

Naruto on the other hand blushes blood red and shouts.

"Aizen-sensei!" Naruto whined. He looks back at his sensei and was about to complain so more about the book and found his gaze was dead serious.

With a sigh Naruto says. "Ughhhh fine sensei I will read it" Aizen smirks gets slightly bigger.

"Thought you would see it my way. Now you will spend every day in this mind scape.

"Every two to three days you will wake up to make sure you to eat the food and water your Hokage-jiji gave you so you don't die of hunger and starvation and to make sure no animals have harmed you in the real world. When you are done learning these books and you pass a test I have set up for you, we will continue your training outside of this mind scape since we don't need books for the spells since I will teach them to you.


Naruto nods his head and replies "Okay I will do that Aizen-sensei and I cant wait to try this stuff out in the open. "Aizen smiles and says.

"Good. Now read all these books.