Chapter 8: mastered

Once you finish come find me and I will test your knowledge to see if you understand the material. "

"Hai!" Naruto yells.

100 Plus Books And A Month Later

Naruto slides the door and walks into a living room silently. He spots his sensei calmly reading.

"Aizen-sensei, I believe I have read and mastered everything from reading and spotting emotions from the human psychology books to seducing woman to my whim. I would like to test my knowledge and take this test so I may begin in training my skills in the Shinigami arts.

" Naruto said calmly.

Aizen looks up from his book silently, then places his gaze on Naruto and says "Ah alright, I believe the time has come. Wake up Naruto-kun I will be right behind you" Nodding, he slowly fluttered his eyes open he sees him self sitting on a branch.

Jumping off of it he lands on the ground and starts to see Aizen materialize in front of him. Naruto looks at him in awe and asks.

"Aizen-sensei, how are you able to come out of my mindscape, I thought you were just a spirit?"

Aizen smirks smugly "Well Naruto since I am fused with the Hogyoku I can materialize because of the power of it. Now come Naruto, let's head deeper into the forest.

" Aizen says walking deeper. They finally arrive to an open space with a lot of room.

Aizen began walking towards the middle.

Aizen directs Naruto to walk the opposite direction. As now they are facing each other.

Aizen materializes a small timer and sets it, then places it on a small log near him.

"Naruto-kun, this is your final test. " Aizen said facing him.

"This timer here is set to three minutes. You have three minutes to read and decipher my personality.

When the 3 minutes is up I will ask you what you can deduce from simply looking at me. If you happen to so miss one little detail about me I will attack you and kill you here and we will both be sealed within the Hogyoku.

Your test starts now. "

As soon as Aizen let his words settle in his students mind he took a moment to look at him, inwardly smirking "Ah so he has learn something. His demeanor has not changed even though.

I mentioned I would not to hesitate to strike him down and he didn't even flinch. His posture looks exactly like mine.

Very good Naruto. Now lets see if you will pass.


Inside Naruto was somewhat skeptical by his last statement knowing it was not at all as it seemed. Running his mind through everything he has learned up till now he examined Aizen methodically.

"Hmm, by his facial features, I can see he is relaxed. No facial muscles are tensed, no eyebrow twitching.

His blinking of his eyes are controlled. But with the slight smirk I can tell he knows I am closely examining him.

His arms are loosely hanged by his side ready to pull his sword out at an instant. Chest breathing looks to be the same.

His posture is tall yet relaxed, he believes he still superior to me and has nothing to worry about. "

Naruto looks at the timer. Its shows one minute and thirty seconds.

"Okay, legs slightly bent so he has balance just in case I attack or he does. Now to his feet, well well well.

What is this. Very interesting"

Naruto says more closely examining Aizen's feet. "Shifting from the balls of his back feet feet to its regular posture.

And his left leg slightly inching forward. Ahh that just confirmed my suspicion to his last statement!" Naruto thought very proudly.

"Regardless if I answer this wrong or right Aizen-sensei is going to lunge and attack me. Very tricky of you Aizen- sensei, he must expect me to counter.

Now to divert an oncoming attack and counter. His sword is on his left side which tells me he is right handed.

When he pulls it out he will slash with a wide arc or his sword will come down to slash me. His two legs are slightly more apart than usual, so he will use a wide arc to overpower me so he will compensate for the speed and balance he could have had in straight slash.

Okay I know what to do. Bring it Aizen-sensei".

"RING,RING,RING!" Aizen stops the timer.

"So Naruto-kun. What can you deduce from just looking at me?" Aizen says with a smile.

Naruto showed his smile in return. But it wasn't a regular smile, a smile that clearly shows he knows what he is planning.

"Ah yes Aizen-sensei lets see, you are very relaxed in the stance you are in now. You look to be ready for anything.

But what caught my eye is the way you legs are positioned" He replied

Aizen's smile getting bigger and replies innocently

"Really Naruto? Please elaborate. " Aizen stated.

Naruto responded back.

"Certainly sensei. The last sentence you told me about striking me down if I didn't get one thing right about you got my attention.

As soon as I started examining your feet, I saw that your left leg was slowly inching further from your body while your right leg was routinely shifting to the balls of your feet. You were planing on attacking me regardless Aizen-sensei" Naruto finished with a wide smirk.

Aizen looks at him with a big smile and chuckles before talking "Very very good Naruto. You have indeed figured out my true motive by only reading my posture.

I am very impressed. You are ready to learn the Shinigami arts Naruto-kun.


As soon as the words left his mouth, Aizen blurred out of existence and went to slash Naruto with a wide arc just as he anticipated. Naruto seeing this flips over his blade and delivers a hard kick to the back of Aizen sending him stumbling forward a bit.

Aizen barely felt it but he smiled yet again before addressing him "Very good Naruto, not only did you predicted my attack but you also countered accordingly. If you would have poured more power into that kick, any normal person with average combat experience would have had a severed spine. " Naruto smiles and bows.

"Thank you Aizen-sensei, when can we begin training?" Aizen lets out a small laugh "Already wanting to go back to training huh? Well lets begin now. "

"Yosh!" Naruto yells following Aizen in tow.

While walking forward to find another training ground field, Aizen thinks about the upcoming years"These four years are going to be interesting. Only a month and he is able to read me.

In the next few years he will become thee most deadliest shinobi in his village. And then we will show them the definition of fear" He thought with a smirk.