Chapter 9: ventured

1st Year Training

"Alright here we are Naruto-kun. " Naruto stops right beside Aizen to see where he was brought.

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They seemed to have ventured further into the forest past a tower they saw on the way here. In front of him was an even bigger field with massive sized trees and boulders.

Aizen tells him to sit in the middle of the of the field while he does this Aizen begins to explain.

"Naruto-kun, the energy you have within you is called is called Reiryoku. Unlike what your hokage-jiji uses, this is the spiritual essence of the same energy source.

Thus making it more powerful and potent. This is what's stored in your body.

Everything I am going to teach you will involve something called Reiastu. "

"Reiastu is the energy being expelled. Think about it this way, its like a pool of water, that is your reiryoku, in under to say put out a fire, you will need to exert the water but in a controlled manner.

How will you do that? By taking a hose or a big bucket to the pool of water and using those instruments to alleviate the fire. By pouring how much water you seem fit to put out the fire.

That is your reiastu. " Aizen continues.

"Within using your reiastu, you are able to do many things that we shinigami use. For example, you would be able to cast spells which fall under the name Kido, meaning spirit way or demon way.

Within Kido there are 3 type of spells you can cast. "

"One being Hakudo which means way of binding. These spells well help you restrict or immobilize a person.

Its very broad art, along with Hakudo are spells that allow you to use barriers to stop attacks or use seals to hold things far more better in place. You understand Naruto?" Aizen says.

Naruto nods his head. Allowing Aizen to continue.

"Going down the list of Kido, their is another spell called Hado which means way of destruction. These spells are used for offensive purposes.

Depending on the user these spells can be well powerful enough to even take down your hokage. These are the spells I will be teaching you most of the time.


"Last one the list is called Kaidou which just is the healing kido which I have some knowledge but not enough. Both Bakudo and Hado have numbers ranging from 1-99 following the latter, 1 will be the weakest, 99 will be the strongest.

Don't be fooled by the numbers of their ranking though. An experienced captain can make a low level spell very powerful especially with Hado.


"Also there are incantations that go along with each spell both for Hado and Bakudo. Using an incantation will power it up but will slow down your time to use it.

You can however not cast an incantation as you will be able to fire it faster although it is weaker but like I said train enough on it and can be come strong even with an incantation. "

"Are you keeping up with me Naruto-kun?" Aizen says. Naruto nods his head in confirmation.

"Along with using your reiastu, you are able to use your sword, which we call a zanpakuto which means soul cutter. These are sentient swords.

We use these swords to send souls to their respective places and to ward off hollows which are souls that do not cross over to the soul society for staying in the world of the living for to long. They are corrupt spirits who feast on living or deceased humans souls alike.


"Anyways Naruto, a zanpakuto always has a name and is a spirit, and you will discover it through jinzen, or sword meditating. Only then the spirit will fight you and decide if you are worthy enough to hear their name and wield them.

Once you do hear their name you will unlock whats called a shikai or intial release. In order to release your shikai you will need to know their release phase or word.

There are three forms to your sword. "

"Their is you sealed state, your shikai, and then your bankai. The sealed state will look like an ordinary sword.

Once you utter the shikai phrase it will transform to a different appearance. As for bankai which means final release.

Which you will only achieve that through dominating your zanpakuto spirit in there world. By doing this your power increases 5 to 10 times.

"Do you understand everything I have told you Naruto?" Aizen said while looking back at Naruto who looks like is trying to absorb everything he just said. Naruto sighs and runs a hand through his blond hair, leaving a single strand in the front.

"Yes I do Aizen-sensei. The power I need in order to do kido is based on my reiastu which I get from a pool of energy inside me called reiryoku.

Also their are 3 types of spells that fall under one category, and within that category, I can ether heal, attack, immobilize or defend. Also I will be getting a sentient sword that I will have to meet within meditating once the spirit thinks I am worthy, the sword will tell me its name and release command to where I will be to use it's true abilities.

" Naruto said. Aizen looks at him with a smile

"Very good, I see you get the gist of it, now stand up and I will teach you how to do Hado and Bakudo spells. We will be doing this for 6 months, then the rest of the months I will teach you how to wield a sword and you will be meditating to reach your sword's spirit.

I will also tell you we will have to talk to Kyuubi so we know it wont do anything to harm you or your training. " Aizen said heading towards the tree's and rocks.

Naruto flinched slightly when he heard meeting Kyuubi. But knowing he had to do it he straightened up and followed Aizen towards the dummies.

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Upon arriving Aizen spoke first "Now Naruto I will be teaching you multiple Hado spells on these trees and boulders. You will do these til you drop and don't have an ounce of reiastu left.