Chapter - 13

Back To The Real World

Upon opening his eyes Naruto slightly chuckles hearing Akane's declaration. He stands up and walks around to find his sensei leaning on a tree looking at the sky.

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Aizen, sensing Naruto speaks out "So Naurto-kun how did the meeting with Kyuubi go?"

Naruto takes a moment to think about his experience, going from intimidating her at one moment to making out with her the next. "It was very interesting to say the least Aizen-sensei.

" Naruto says with a small smile. Aizen looks back at him knowing something happened.

"Oh do tell Naruto how was the fox like?" Aizen says smirking. Naruto looks at him and cracks a slightly bigger smile.

"She is defiantly the picture definition of a goddess. Not only that but she will not harm my training.

In fact she will do the opposite. " Aizen smiles.

While inside Akane blushes red inside from the way she was described.

"Good, good. We also have another problem" Aizen said.

"I believe you are referring to our food supply being almost non existent. Am I right?" Naruto said.

"Correct. It looks like we will have to go back to the village and get some" Aizen says.

Naruto on the other hand thought about it and spoke. "Aizen-sensei, I believe you have a way of getting the food without having to show ourselves correct?"

Aizen smirks. "Very much so.

Tell me Naruto-kun, how do you think we can get in a grocery shop without people knowing who we are?"

Naruto takes a moment to think about it "I cant do any justu's for I haven't unlocked my chakra yet. We can't sneak in there for Aizen-sensei never taught me stealth.

I also can't ask ji-ji ether. The only option I can think is to.

. .

I see. That could very well work.

And it will be a good way to test it out" Naruto smirks back at Aizen.

"I see what you have planned Aizen-sensei and I believe it will be a good way for me to see if I improve" Aizen chuckles

"Well then we leave as soon as it gets dark. " Little did Naruto know he was about to encounter a situation that would really test his skills.

The sun began to come down. Naruto looked at his sensei and spoke

"Aizen-sensei it's time" Aizen looks back at him and says

"Indeed it is. Lets see who's Shunpo is faster eh Naruto-kun?" Naruto with a slight smirk replies.

"I believe mine with still be faster Aizen-sensei. I am already at your level and in 3 more years I will only get stronger"

Aizen replies "Let our actions do the talking Naruto. Lets go.

" Both figures blurred out of existence.

Each blurring out of the forest at breakneck speeds. Reaching the gate, they the see the two gate guards asleep.

Aizen see's this says

"Lets move faster Naruto. The goal is to be in and out in 40 seconds to a minute.

Grab as much as you can and what you need. " Naruto looks at him and smiles.

"Yes I do believe we should speed this up. I will only take what I need that I know will last me for awhile.

So I limit my visits to the village" Aizen looks at him and smiles "Good idea Naruto-kun, there is the store lets go"

1 Minute And a Mad Store Owner Later

"Well it seems likes we accomplished our goal" Aizen said carrying a few bags. While him and Naruto were shunpo'ing back to the forest of death.

They both here a woman's scream coming from a compound ahead of them.

"Help! Help me someone! Please!" Naruto and Aizen instantly perk up and stop. Naruto gives Aizen a silent signal telling him he's about to go and found out whats going on.

Aizne smiles and looks at him then the night and says

"Helping people within your village even after what they have done to you. Your a good kid Naruto.

Doing something I would have never thought about. " Naruto flashes a true smile.

"Hai Aizen-sensei. You should know me by now.

None who oppose shall live to see another day. " Naruto said putting his Aizen facade.

He was about to Shunpo before Aizen stopped him.

"Naruto, switch me swords" Naruto's head snaps back wide eyed

"S-ensei w-why. Surely I am not ready to handle something as beautiful or powerful.

" Aizen chuckles.

"I believe you are ready to handle my sword. Your kata's are flawless.

All you need to do now is just get used to the blade. " Aizen unties his sheath and gives him the sheath with the scabbard.

Naruto takes it into his hands somewhat shakily. Taking off his sword and sash he trades Aizen.

Marveling at how beautiful the blade is, he ties the green sash on his waist and securing the sword. He looks at Aizen and bows.

"Aizen sensei, I will make you proud using this sword. This means a lot to me.

Thank you. " Naruto then shunpo's to the compound.

Aizen while making his way to the forest begins to think smiling "You already made me proud Naruto. You just don't know it yet.


Uchiha Compound

Mikoto P. O.


Mikoto was running around the compound frantically trying to escape from her son. Seeing all members of her clan on the ground dead.

Her older son, the prodigy of their great clan just slaughtered everyone. She had to witness her son kill his father.

Mikoto was having a hard time wrapping her head around this concept.

She was shaking out of her thoughts when Itachi Uchiha, a graduating student at the top of his class at 7 after only one year, mastering their famed eye dojustu the Sharingan at 8, passing the chunnin exams at 10, and becoming an ANBU captain at age 13. No doubt he was well beyond his years.

Stood in front of Mikoto blocking her only chance of escaping.

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Mikoto stood there frozen. The only thing now that was in her way was her son.

Itachi looked at her emotionless. Sharingan blazing.