Chapter - 14

Mikoto broke the silence.

"Why Itachi-kun! Why did you slaughter our clan? Your father, your friends tell me why?" Mikoto said on the verge of tears.

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Itachi stood there silent. Until speaking in his monotone voice" To test the capacity of my skills.

Although you should now otouto is alive. I put him in a strong genjustu.

He will come to despise me. He will hate me and look to seek revenge.

It ends here"

Itachi took out his ninjato and looked at his mother for the last time. And silently whispers.

"Forgive me kaa-san" and brought his sword to slice her. Mikoto closed her eyes believing she was going to die.

It wasn't until she heard a loud clang in front of her. Opening her eyes, she sees this tall blond man in front of her blocking her son's sword.

She hears the words

"I don't think that is a wise choice Anbu-san "

Naruto's P. O.


Naruto quickly shunpo'ed inside the compound. Upon entering he saw bodies on the ground with blood everywhere.

Quickly walking to some bodies on the ground and closely examining them "It seems these kills were fast with only a single strike. Looks more like this person did not want to trend to long here.

" Upon further inspection he spots a little boy on the ground squirming and sweating. "It seems he is the only one who is alive.

But it seems he is in some nightmare" He thought.

Quickly picking him up and setting him down near a house. He quickly shunpo's further into the compound and he comes to see two people.

A man and a woman. By the looks of it she must have been the one who was screaming.

Seeing this man pull his own sword coming down with an attack. Naruto quickly drew his sword to block his and said " I don't think that is a wise choice Anbu-san.


Normal P. O.


Itachi was naturally surprised to who this man was that blocked his sword. He backed up from him and examined him.

He looked to have normal civilian clothing on but with a green sash with a black scabbard. He responded back "Who are you and what are you doing here"Itachi said forming his Mangekyo Sharingan.

Naruto looks at him with a calm face and sheathes his sword and responds "I am here for I heard someone screaming and as a concerned citizen I came by to check. " Itachi responds "From the way you drew your sword you don't look a civilian.

Who are you really?"

"That really isn't important now Anbu-san. Tell me why have you gone and murdered everyone here? I am very curious to hear your response.

" Itachi responds with the same answer he told his mom " I did this to test my capacity of my skills. "

Naruto looks at him questioningly "To test your capacity huh? I hardly believe that's the case Anbu-san. Why kill people who aren't up to your level when you could have clearly tested your skills among your fellow Anbu?" Naruto said.

Itachi for the first time in a while became slightly stunned at his statement before Naruto continues "So tell me again Anbu-san, what is your true motive murdering everyone here? For a while Itachi didn't respond. He charged Naruto with his sword in hand planning to end him by slicing him down, it wasn't until Naruto did something that surprised him.

With one hand in his pocket Naruto quickly drew his sword with the other hand blocking the downward strike with ease. Pushing Itachi back with his sword he turned his head to Mikoto who was still frozen in place and flashed her a slight smile and says "Do not worry your little beautiful face over this.

This will be quick. "

Mikoto on the other hand blushes from cheek to cheek from the compliment she was given. She begins to wonder who this man is "Who is the blonde man, by the way he handles his sword he must be good if he can block Itachi-kun with such ease.

Itachi-kun isn't a slouch in all means. "

Mikoto starts to look at him up and down more closely "My god, look at that body, I can literally see every muscle on him, man I can just picture him being on m. .

. Bad thoughts Mikoto bad thoughts.

He's probably half my age. But my god look at him" She said some what dreamily.

Naruto on the other hand sizes up Itachi. "Very good, his form is good.

But not as good as mine. His stance is very loose with a few holes.

But it mainly relies on speed. His foot work is good from the way he charged at me.

But what is with those eyes. I've never seen them before.

It must be an enhancement to his skills if he has them activated. Hmm, but to what, his physical skills, his chakra? Well let's see how he proceeds" Itachi flashing through hand signs yells "Katon: Gokakyu No Justu (Great Fireball Technique)"

A huge fireball shoots out of Itachi's mouth and heads towards Naruto. Naruto unfazed, shunpo's right behind Itachi and whispers,

"Too slow Anbu-san" Itachi hears this with wide eyes, he didn't even see him move. Capitalizing on Itachi's stunned state, Naruto draws his sword to slice him on the back.

Itachi grunts. While Naruto flicks the blade with blood on it off.

Itachi then begins to fight him in taijustu using a high level stance

But much to Itachi's surprise he is dodging with much ease. Backing off.

Naruto begins to talk again

"Very good Anbu-san, but in terms of skill you are nothing but a speck of dust compared to me. " Itachi knowing he was trying to get a rise out of him says nothing while Naruto continues

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"Tell me is this what Anbu are capable now of days? Looking at your skills I assume you hold a high position. But why is it you cannot still strike me? I will tell you why.

You skills in ANBU standards are great, but compared to me I am on level you will not ever attain. "