Chapter - 20

4 Years Later

After finally meeting his zanpakuto spirit, Naruto began training his skills nonstop to try and reach attainable levels no human can possibly go. Naruto perfected his kata's to a tee.

Every strike he can deliver are instant kills. He perfected his swings to such a degree one he can cleave off any body part with ease.

His zanjustu skills have defiantly surpassed Aizen's by a mile. Naruto's kido and bakudo exceptionally grew also.

He is able to cast level 90 bakudo's and hado's and above without an incantation. His flash step has also increased, he is faster than Aizen now, to the point he is untraceable to the human eye.

Him and Kyoka Suigestu trained with each other constantly. She explained to him about her shikai's effect.

She mentioned that when ever anyone takes at least one glance at the sword they will be in complete hypnosis, being able to control a persons five senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste.

He began to train with her extensively and with that the relationship between Kyoka and Naruto deepened making the tactics for the use of the shikai incredible. They started to bond so much Naruto would come in the mindscape every night to cuddle or talk with her.

After training his shinigami skills, Akane began to teach Naruto about chakra.

Akane first helped him by unlocking his chakra. He naturally had an enormous pool of it combined with his reiastu.

He then began to work on basic chakra control and with this he would be able to perform justu's without wasting extra energy. He knew that his shinigami skills would be the skills he will be using the most of the time but he thought it would be good to have some variety.

So for a couple months he worked his chakra control to a least mid Jounin-ANBU level. He also mastered the scroll's that his ji-ji gave him to a high degree.

In the scrolls were wind techniques which Akane believes he has a strong affinity for, water which he is decent at and fire which he was not good at along with the three academy justu's he will need to know. Just like Kyoka, Akane and Naruto also got to spend a lot of time together in his mindscape.

They both grew close to each other, almost like lovers. It was hard for Akane not tell him she was in love with him.

She was afraid of what Naruto might say so she kept hidden to try and find the right time to tell him.

So far Naruto's skills were above and beyond he could have hoped for. So where do we find our blonde hero now?

Here we find him walking on a dirt road back to the village. His appearance has dramatically changed.

Standing at 6'4 with a lean frame. Hair that flows even more then before.

With his hand laying on the hilt of Kyoka sitting snugly on his left side. He no longer sports his civilian clothing anymore.

He wears the exact replica of Aizens outfit. All white, high collard with black trimmings with a purple like waist band.

He decided to wear this in honor of Aizen and for what he has taught Naruto.

Naruto and Aizen grew very close within the years, moving past the sensei and student relationship. To almost a degree of father and son.

For Naruto he had no problem calling him tou-san especially for all the things he taught him. To be manipulating cunning in battle, sharp, and prepared.

To know your opponents moves making a plan so your 3 steps ahead of them. Thinking about it now.

He lost the only person he could have called close to being a father.


"Shatter: Kyoka Suigestu"

Naruto says, his body shattering like glass. With long slash to his Aizen's back.

Aizen knowing he can't keep up, he shakily walks forward with a smile and slumps down before speaking

"You have done well these past years Naruto. You have surpassed me in many ways.

You have excelled at everything I have taught you. All there is left to do know is go back to your village and show them who you have become.

" Naruto turns around and bows.

"Thank you Aizen-sensei. If it weren't for you or the Hogokyu I would not be here in the first place.

I owe all my skills and training to you. " Aizen smiles, stands up and looks at his hand slowly withering away.

Naruto yells "Aizen-sensei your disappearing!"

"It seems so Naruto. I believe my purpose here has been fulfilled.

I guess this is good bye Naruto" Aizen says with a slight smile. Naruto on the inside wanted to cry and hug his sensei, but on the outside he know he shouldn't.

In memory of Aizen's training he told himself he will remain calm and collect as ever. Naruto walks up to him eye to eye

"Aizen-sensei. We have been together through out these years.

You have taught me many things. You showed me what its like to have someone care for you.

I know this might sound weird and I know I have a real father, but I've always considered you one tou-san" Naruto says smiling.

Aizen goes wide eyed at his confession. But then just smiles a true smile for the last time.

"I know you have Naruto, and I am honored to think you gave me a title that means so much. You know whats funny? A couple hundred years ago I would have never involved myself with such trivial things such as emotions.

In my mind I believed it slowed me down in my conquest of power. Isn't ironic that now thinking about the things I've done in my past life and training you for years, I just couldn't help but grow fond of you Naruto-kun.

" Aizen continued.

"Close your eyes Naruto I want to give you something" Naruto closes his eyes.

Aizen then materializes the same clothing he has on. "Okay Naruto open your eyes.


Naruto then open's his eyes and see's the same outfit Aizen is wearing in his hands "I thought you would need some new clothes on your way back. Just a little something you can remember me.