Chapter - 21


Naruto takes it in his hand threatening to shed tears. He goes behind a tree to change.

He comes out looking like an exact replica of Aizen.

"Well you look pretty good Naruto" Aizen says.

"Thank you Aizen-sene. .

. no thank you tou-san.

" Naruto says bowing.

Aizen's arm then his body began to fade. "Well looks like I'm being absorbed now.

Never stray from your goals Naruto. Make me proud.

Show them a true power of a god" Aizen then vanishes. Closing his eyes with a lone tear falling out whispers

"I will Aizen-sensei. I promise" With that he begins to walk out of the forest.

Back to Naruto

As Naruto was reminiscing he hears a couple men from the tree's and bushes and a women screaming far ahead. Naruto being curious, sets out to find where the noise is coming from.

Hopping from tree to tree he spots where the noise is coming from. He sees what it looks to be like ninja's but not from the village of Konoha.

But what grabs his attention is this women on the ground with multiple cuts, bruises and some torn clothes. His attention turned to her beautiful ruby red eyes, they resembled Itachi's but more beautiful and majestic.

He can tell she was a kunoichi from the hitai-ate she was wearing and the pouch for weapons. But what they started to do made his blood boil.

All three of the ninja's were going to try to pin her down and rape her. One man, which he determined was the leader began to rip her clothes off and started to pull his dick out ready to rape her.

Naruto shunpo'ed at the blink of an eye.

Kurenai's P. O.


Kurenai just got back from a mission to Suna. A simply C rank delivery mission to the Kazekage and back.

But half way into her getting home she encountered three ninja's from Kumo of all ninja's. She determined they all looked at least to be mid chunnin to jounin.

She put up a good fight until one of the ninja's hit her from her blind spot.

"Well well you put up a good fight bitch. " One of the ninja's said.

"Hey you wanna have fun while the bitch is down?" said the other Kumo ninja.

Kurenai eyes widened when she heard the word "fun" She know what they wanted to do. "Alright we can have some fun.

Both of you pin her down. I'm going to have a go at her first" said the supposed leader of the group.

Both of the Kumo ninjas restrain both her arms down so she couldn't use justu.

The man that wanted to go first decided to rip some of her bandaged dress off. Exposing some of her bra and well endowed chest.

Kurenai was now starting to panic. She began to cry and scream and told them to stop.

The man didn't listen to him but just sat there continuing to rip her bottom part of the dress grinning like a madman.

He saw her panties exposed and rip them off viciously, he then pulled out his penis ready to enter her. "You have such beautiful eyes.

I want you to watch with those eyes what I'm about to do. "

Kurenai was now crying and began to think "This is it. Just a simple delivery mission.

Now im going to get defiled by these sick men. Here I thought my first time was going to be special.

God please anyone, someone help me!"

She closed her eyes accepting the inevitable. Seconds passed and she didn't feel anything.

She opened her eyes to see the man that was about to rape her without a head. She turned her eyes to see a tall blonde man with an all white attire with a sword in his right hand.

With a single long strain of blond hair floating in the wind. She looked at her handsome blonde savior in awe.

Normal P. O.


Naruto reached him in a second and drew his sword to cut his head off. His head rolling away from his body.

Both of the ninja's that had Kurenai pinned down jumped back with her in there grasp.

"Hey who the hell are you and why the fuck did you just do that for!" one of the ninja's said. Naruto stood there voice less.

Qucikly he shunpo'ed in between the two ninja's and grabbed Kurenai and went back to his same spot. The two ninja's couldn't believe what the saw in terms of speed.

They didn't see him move and they were looking at him the whole time.

Naruto with Kurenai who still had tears flowing from her eyes looked at her, took off his coat and put it around her and smiled. The feeling of his coat around her made her feel safe.

This made Kurenai feel a little warm inside by the gesture and his smile.

"Don't worry now. I will handle it from here.

You just rest now" Naruto said as he laid her by a tree turning his gaze back to the ninja's.

"You know you three were about to do an action I deem acceptable in terms of death. I am sure you can guess what it was" Flicking the blood off his sword Naruto continued.

"Now that one of your own is dead that leaves just you two. Tell me were you planning on taking part of your leaders actions?"

The two Kumo ninja looked at him as if they had seen a ghost. Both were having a hard time trying to utter a word until one spoke up.

"No man we didn't want to do anything. He forced us both.

" Said one of the man shakily knowing that this man can end his life with just a swing of his sword. Naruto looking at him said.

"You believe I am naive enough to not know that you guys suggested it in the first place. Obviously you do not take me seriously.

Allow me to show you how serious I am" Knowing he was going to attack the two ninja decided to attack first. Both throwing many shruiken's and kunai's at Naruto.