Chapter - 22

Naruto only closed his eyes until he was both behind them in a flash sheathing his sword. Walking back to Kurenai the two ninjas can only stare at his back as both of their heads rolled off their body.

Kurenai watched in complete shock at how easily he handled the three ninja. Snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Excuse me miss are you okay? Naruto said softly smiling.

Kurenai thought "His smile is beautiful" Before responding

"I am. I-I was so scared I thought I was going to die and they were going to.

. " before she can finish another word she felt two muscular arms around her.

Naruto whispered.

"Its okay. Let it out.

They are not here anymore. They cant hurt you.

" Kurenai instantly hugged him tighter knocking him on his butt and sobbed out loud. A few minutes pass and her crying began to die down.

Noticing this Naruto speaks up "Miss. .

. "

"Kurenai. Kurenai Yuhi" she says with a smile.

Naruto smiles back which makes Kureani feel warm again and says

"Well Kurenai-chan I suppose you are a kunoichi from Konoha?" She only nods sort of liking the affectionate way he used her name.

Naruto continues "Well that's good. I am on my way there too.

We can both go together"

Standing up he offers Kurenai a hand. She begins to get up until she almost falls due to her injuries, Naruto catches her and helps her back up.

"You can't move on your own. I will carry you back to the village.

" Naruto says leaving no room for debate. He picks her up bridal style and begins to hop from tree to tree to the village.

"I never got a chance to thank you. What is your name by the way?" Kurenai asks.

Naruto looks back down and say "My name is Naruto Aizen Namikaze. Glad to have your quittance Kurenai-chan.


Kurenai eyes widen at his last name. But while she was in his arms she turned her gaze slightly up to look at this blond man.

"Namikaze? Is he related to the fourth? Just exactly who exactly is he? I might have to ask Hokage-sama.

Further inspecting him, she feels his body against hers. "His arms are so muscular tho.

Not only that but his chest is rock hard. And his coat smells so good.

How come I've never seen this man in Konoha before? He doesn't seem like a pervert even in the state I'm in. His skills are amazing too.

His swordsman ship skills I think can rival Yugao-chan as well. Well since he's going back to the village I might be able to get to know him more"

She thought before unconsciously inhaling his scent of his jacket followed by snuggling into his chest. Sensing this Naruto can only help but smile

Konoha Gates

Spotting two guards ones stops him. "Halt who are you and why is a Konoha kunoichi in your arms?"

Naruto responds "She was attacked by multiple enemy ninja's. She has many cuts and bruises and possibly broken bones.

She could not walk by herself so I carried her here"

The guard looking at explanation nodded his head

"Very well bring her to the hospital" the man said. Naruto nodded and shunpo'ed inside.

Both guards a little wide eyed at the technique. "Hey what kind of technique was that?" one guard said.

"I don't know but it was so fast" said the other guard.

Inside Konoha

Looking for the hospital Naruto finally spots it and enters. He runs up to the front desk and tells the one of the nurses what happens and she began to take her from her arms.

Before she is about to be taken by the nurse he stops and looks at her, not before kissing her forehead and whispering

"I hope we can meet again sometime Kurenai-chan. You can keep my jacket until the next time we meet"

A mild blush could be found on her cheeks. He then begins to walk away.

While one thought was on Kurenai's mind "Oh we will meet again Naruto. I can promise you that.

And I'm glad I get to keep your jacket. It gives me a reason to see you"

At The Hokage Tower

Sarutobi was doing paperwork as always. Taking a break for a little bit, his thoughts began to drift off back to Naruto.

Its almost been 4 years like he said. He wasn't sure if he was coming back but he surely hoped so.

He hears a knock on his door, "Come in" he says. He spots Mikoto Uchiha enter.

Its been almost 4 years since the incident with the clan. It seem she has partly recovered but she was still having trouble at times.

It seems Itachi was right about Sauske. Every since he recovered from the incident he began to train nonstop to try and get revenge for what his brother did.

Mikoto tried her best to try and steer him away from getting revenge but it didn't work. He even began to turn a cold shoulder to his mother berating her on how she is no help to him.

"How are you Mikoto-chan? How is Sasuke?"

Mikoto could only sigh. "Well I am okay.

Just trying to get by. Sasuke is still the same as ever.

Nothing I do works. He is too caught up being the avenger for the clan.

" Sarutobi only nods

"Well I can only hope that he does stray and find's a different path. " Sarutobi was about to continue until he hears another knock.

"Come in"

As soon as the door opened both Saruboi and Mikoto spots a tall blonde young man with an all white attire and with a sword snugly strapped to his side. But what caught his eyes were his whisker marks and blue eyes.

He stares before he sputters out.


Naruto can only smile. "It is me ji-ji.

I have missed you" Sarutobi only stared at him. Quickly got his bearing back and beings to speak

"My boy its been 4 years, you surely have matured. How have you been Naruto-kun?"