Chapter - 33

Seeing tears from her eyes he invaded her bubble and instantly wiped her tears away with his finger. "You know, your tears don't do justice to those beautiful eyes you have.

What is your name?" Naruto said smiling. "H-H-Hinata H-Hyuga.

" She stuttered out, but on the other hand was lightly blushing because of the complement and contact of his skin.

Naruto looked at her and spoke "Well my name is Naruto. Hyuga you say? I believe I met a man who was a Hyuga this afternoon.

I believe his name was Hiashi" The moment she heard the word Hiashi come out of his mouth she broke down crying again. Naruto seeing this slightly panicked.

He only did what he felt was right at that time and engulfed here in a hug. Hinata on the other hand was blushing at such the contact.

After a few moments later her crying settled down and he loosened his grip his hold on her a little bit, while still holding her in his arms. Hinata took this time to examine this man.

He was tall and he had blonde, wavy hair with one strand in the front. He was very slim but she can tell and feel he is very defined and was strong.

Noticing she was still in his arms, she blushed. She doesn't even know this man and he's holding her.

But his aura gave her a sense of security and peace. Breaking her from her gaze.

"So Hinata-chan, what got you crying like this?" Naruto asks. Hinata begins to stutter out her story.

In her mid sentence Naruto took a hold of her cheek and looked at her "Hinata-chan, please I know you can stop stuttering as much. Its only you and me.

Don't feel so nervous. Start over.

" Hinata, taking a sigh began to retell her story with less stuttering


Hinata was in there dojo sparring with her sister, Hanabi Hyuga. Using only Taijustu which is what their clan specialized combined with there Byukugan in conjunction.

Their style relied on looking at the chakra points in one's body. Using their eyes they are able to shut down chakra pathways with a single strike causing an opponent great pain to their organs and ridding their chances of using any justu's.

After about 5 minutes, Hanabi was dominating her sister. With one last strike Hinata fell to one knee.

Slighlt bleeding out of her mouth she looks at her sister with a wide smirk on her face

"Sorry sister, it seems I am the victor yet again. " Hanabi said.

Seconds later she turns her head to her father who seemed to arrive as the match ended. "I see you have won again Hanabi.

Very good. I don't know what to do with you anymore Hinata.


"You are supposed to be the heiress yet you cant defeat your little sister in a sparring match. You have disgraced our clan by being weak Hinata.

Come Hanabi. " Hiashi said walking with Hanabi.

Hinata sat there crying profusely now. This always happened to her, she always got beat and her father would comment on her being weak.

She stood up, wipe the blood of her mouth and bolted out of the compound.

Hiashi who on the other side to watch her reaction watched her daughter closing his eyes while sighing "I am sorry Hinata my daughter. I don't know any other way to help you improve.

I hope you can forgive me for this tough love treatment. "

Back To Naruto

Naruto was frowning when he heard about this. It seems this is a regular occurrence with Hinata.

Looking down he saw tears threatening to come out again as she finished her story. He instantly cupped her cheek, Hinata flinching a little bit, decided to lean into it a little.

She heard him speak "Well I can see why you were crying Hinata-chan. But know you are not weak, it only takes the right way of training or person to bring it out of you.

I tell you what, how about everyday for now on, you come over to my house and I will help you train. So next time you spar against your sister you will beat her.

But you have to promise me on thing Hinata-chan" Naruto said.

Hinata shoots her head up, someone was willing to help her get stronger. "W-What is it N-Naruto-kun?" Naruto smiles "Kun huh? But then again many girls I have met end up calling me that the first time" Naruto contiues.

"Well Hinata-chan, I want you to break out of this shy,stuttering shell of yours. I know you can be more confident.

You did it when you were telling me your story. If you can try and do that, I promise that I will stick by you and help you get strong as a friend.

" Naruto said smiling.

Looking at Naruto's smile made Hinata a light headed, it was so serene and peaceful it made her blush a little harder. "O-Okay Naruto-kun, I will try hard" Naruto hands her a piece of paper and says with a smile.

"Good now I have to leave now. For I am starting the academy tomorrow.

After class, I want you to go to this address okay?" Hinata instantly responds

"Your going to the Academy N-Naruto-kun?" Naruto smiles "Yes I am Hinata-chan. Hopefully I will see you there.

Anyways I have to go now. So remember meet me at the address.

" Before Hinata turned around to walk off, Naruto took hold of her hand and looked into her eyes "Always remember Hinata, you are strong kunoichi. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Now smile because I know you would look so much more prettier with it on"

Naruto said before kissing her nose. It took Hinata all the strength she can muster up not to faint at such contact.

Letting go of her hand he walks away. Hinata looks at his retreating reform can't help but but smile at what he said.

"Naruto-kun. I will work hard.

I promise" Hinata thought with renewed vigor.

Naruto was continued towards his house tell he heard Akane speak. "You know Naruto-kun you keep sweet talking women like that, every girl in this village will fall for you"