Chapter - 34

Kyoka giggles. Naruto only shook his head with a smile.

"I just say what comes to mind truthfully. Just like how you and Kyoka-chan are my two goddesses whose beauty cannot hope to be matched in this life time or the next.


Akane and Kyoka blush hard at such a sincere complement. "Your making it very hard for me to not to have you come in here and rock your world in this bed of mine Naruto-kun" Akake says seductively.

Naruto chuckles, "Well know that if you do try and rock my world we might have to get you a new bed my crismon queen. " Akane shuts up and suffers a nosebleed thinking of how fierce their sex would be if they did it.

Kyoka giggles 'Their he goes with the complements' Naruto responds "My my, do you not like your name my beautiful mirror flower?"

Kyoka smiles 'Of course I do Naruto-kun. Only from you tho" Naruto smiles, "Well that's good.

I'll see you girls in a bit. I love you" Akane and Kyoka reply "Love you too Naruto-kun"

Naruto gets to his mansion like house. And decides to retire in his mindscape with Akane and Kyoka.

Which consisted of heavily groping with each girls for awhile and heated exchange of touching and saliva.

The Next Day

Waking up, Naruto stretches and begins his morning ritual. Taking a shower then putting his attire on along with Kyoka but he notices that he missing something.

"Hm it still seems Kurenai-chan still has my jacket. Well I guess I'll just get it back when I see her.

" Naruto thought.

Heading out for the day he locks up his house to begin his first day at the academy. Naruto knows no one their will present him a challenge, but he was somewhat interested how their skills would match up to his not.

Walking towards the academy he had seen many villagers still looking at him weirdly. Naruto sighed knowing this will not change.

Keeping his eyes forward he spots three gorgeous woman walking across from him chattering rather loudly. Noticing their looks he notices that it was none other than Anko and Kuernai and Yugao, three of the four "Ice Queens of Konoha.


They notice him and quickly hushed as they saw him come closer. Anko seeing this as the best time to get him back for yesterday she immediately runs off leaving dust in Kurenai and Yugao's face.

Naruto notices as soon as he got closer they got more quieter. A bit curious at their change of body language being from relaxed and chatty to straight and hushed.

He soon notices Anko running towards him. She jumps on him and wraps her arms and legs around him.

Seeing this Naruto can only laugh.

"Hey Naruto-kun, I missed you so much" Anko purred getting closer to his face, purposely pressing her body against him. Naruto knew she was trying to out flirt him again.

Not wanting to get beat he responds by first gripping the back of Anko's legs, really close to her butt, sliding his hands up to her sides and gently brushing under her boob with his thumb.

He stops and looks at her and stares at her with those powerful eyes of his. "I missed you too Anko-chan.

So why did you decide to jump on me instead of greeting me? Naruto said. "Well I just wanted to show you how much I missed you.

Didn't you miss me Naruto-kun?" Anko said with a cute pout.

"I did Anko-chan. Tell me, did you remember what I said about being drawn to you?" Anko nods.

"Well the feeling is getting stronger. And I just.

. .

Fuck it I can't hold it in anymore I'm going to kiss you Anko-chan" Naruto says.

Anko's heart skips a beat as he leans closer "He is really going to do it. He's really going to kiss me.

" Nearing his lips closer and closer, Anko could feel the heat, of his breath, closing her eyes and about to lean into the kiss she hears him speak. "That's twice Anko-chan.

" Naruto said backing away with a grin.

Anko stood there in very shocked yet again, only this time much worse then before. But Anko felt something weird, she felt as if she needed to feel his kiss.

Sure Anko flirted with many men, but none of it got far like this and to leave her very flustered and wanting more. On instinct which shocked Naruto, Anko lunged forward and drove her lips into his.

Shocked at such the bold act, he responded to her by deepening the kiss with much vigor as she had. Naruto started slowly and slowly getting his tongue in her mouth, without warning they both had their tongues in each other's mouth.

Naruto poured a little more passion into the kiss. Anko who at this point moaning into the kiss grabbed his face forcefully.

A few seconds later, Kurenai says glaring and very irritated "Anko-chan will you please get off him and stop mouth raping Naruto-kun" She said with a full glare. "Yes Anko-chan.

Show some decency please" Yugao says who are both fully glaring at Anko who both saw everything that happened both furious at Anko.

They both secretly wished they could kiss him like that. Anko looks back with a glazed look over her eyes she then reluctantly she gets off.

Seeing the glares Naruto smirks and decides to include them in their conversation.

"Well it is very lovely to see such rare pieces of beauty as yourselves together at one time. You both are absolutely beautiful" Naruto said walking up to both girls, taking Kurenai's hands and trailing kisses from her hand to her forearm.

Then doing the same to Yugao.

Their glares began to subside, towards a smile, then to a full blush. Anko finally snapping out of her state, "What about me Naruto-kun don't you think I'm beautiful?" Anko said without the flirty tone but with more of an honest tone.

"Of course your beautiful Anko-chan or did that kiss back there tell you otherwise" For the first time in awhile she sports a full blush. Hearing the word kiss from Naruto made them glare at Anko again, who this