In search of.... adventure. Part 1.

Fully completed story at:


I felt good... even a little too good. I was in prostration and just enjoying myself for a few more minutes, until even my stamina stopped working and the free, in Ram and Rem's opinion, deliciousness was no more, they stopped torturing me... orally? Vaginally? I don't felt similar.

- Ha...haaaa... - I didn't stop breathing hard, but I was satisfied. If before I didn't notice such a huge load of stress on my shoulders, I didn't feel it now. Didn't I say my soul was floating in the sky? So I was telling the truth. Did I have help... or was it more like rape? No, that doesn't sound like much, and I was fine with it, honestly, and willing, *embarrassment* to continue it from now on!

Still, I had envisaged this sort of thing... really, I thought it would happen when Ram and Rem were in humanoid form. But even so, it's better than putting up with another week! After all, my cock had been stiff the whole time, oddly enough. On top of that, the sooner they get used to the deliciousness, the better for me later. After all, if they were going to pounce on me and ask me to feed them, how could I refuse them? - I smiled lustfully. Especially when they become future cuties!

Tamed since childhood...geez. It's good that I don't feel any moral turmoil about it. Conscience is silent and that's good! - I pondered, getting up from the ground and looking around. No enemies, though considering how loudly I moaned throughout the cave, where my echo could be heard, it's strange that no one came running to finish off the wounded beast....

Hehehe... wounded beast... said as well. Too bad, I wouldn't mind the experience of running in.

Hmm, what's it like to fight when I'm also being grabbed by an orgasm? - A stray thought ran through my head. I wish I could check it out now and get some experience in this kind of... thing, but now it was easier than ever! A week's worth of fucked up, I'll say that... but Ram and Rem will probably get addicted to the new stuff at this rate. They're the ones rumbling like cats right now, petting me and radiating feelings of love, and then....

Good thing they were quiet now, sleepily enveloping me... chest and groin... Yes, even now they weren't letting go of the yummy treat, in their opinion, which was funny at the same time and pleasurable. Funny - I was the yummy thing. Pleasant - I felt good, and I was glad to get rid of the accumulated stress! Except, for some reason, it felt sad, to give away my... virginity in this way? I wouldn't say I was disgusted... but damn.....

Damn, I think I just let out a tear... I don't know, I don't want to check. I'd rather not think about it.

I don't even have to think about it. That's not what I need to think about! I've got a lot more mana now, and a lot more mana regeneration! On top of all that, I was able to develop a mini fire shield, which will help me a lot when I'm hunting now. Well, I've developed it, I've rather reduced it to the point where it doesn't burn all my mana per cast! Now let's check it out...

Extending my arm, I visualised a triangular shield as it began to form next to my forearm not far from my hand. The spell itself was strange and consisted of four Runes and one new Runes that I had discovered recently and was similar in appearance to the small circle that contained the rune of fire itself. Whether they interacted I didn't know.

I wasn't sure about the temperature of the fire, but it wouldn't burn the chitin of a spider, it wouldn't even protect it from hard objects like stone and swords... paws, but it would burn wood (probably), as well as spider webs,' I thought, looking at my triangular flat shield, its light illuminating the cave, while its flames danced merrily, stretching upwards. Convenient, and most importantly weighs nothing and follow my hand without a second's delay.

Mana control skill increased!

It eats a bit, of course, and spends five mana per second to exist, but considering my regen, it's nothing. How it was hanging there was unclear to me, though. It was just hanging not far away, two centimetres from my forearm and that's it!

The main thing is that it works, and the rest is nothing. And if you fill it with two hundred mana surplus, it can flash forward in the manner of a small explosion, throwing me not far away. Checked it immediately and nearly collided with a wall.

'Well... I think I checked everything, and now it's time to run and kill... kill the slimes and spiders! I'm late as it is,' I grinned, zeroing in on my shield. He was demasking me too much with his light.

With a boost and a jerk, I ran forwards, checking against the minicart, occasionally listening to the sounds coming from around the corners. Occasionally I heard the odd stomping of a few paws, and launched a single fireball there, but I didn't stop there.

After about three minutes or less, I came across a group of spiders of three large ones AND DOZENS of small ones, some on their backs dragging cocoons and others just dragging them behind them. All of them were moving so slowly that they didn't seem to be walking at all!

The encounter was so unexpected that I swung my sword at the big one, the one that came first. The sword, as usual, sliced into the flesh, cutting the face in two, and the spider twitched, crushing some of the smaller ones with its limbs.

I jumped back from the first web thrown at me by the spiders, and then began to weave the spell that had helped me so much earlier.

'Hmm...' - As I froze in place, time slowed down as if in slow motion... With my eyes, I could see that the spiders' movements were slower than before.

I didn't expect to encounter such a crowd at all. But I was glad that I was about to gain a huge amount of experience!

This time the spell succeeded without chanting, and the fire shield formed in twenty seconds and hovered near my hand, scaring away the spiders with its hot flames. Before they scattered to the sides, I jumped back once more so that the spell could encompass all the spiders and the ceiling, and then pushed, launching the spell forward.

The flames quickly began to burn the first spiders as well as their cocoons, increasing in size, covering all sides.

- Kghhhhshchacha!!! - came a scream of agony from the spiders. Those that could, began to retreat as best they could, and some quite passed the spell by hiding behind a rock or in a hole. Those who didn't have time to throw their load, on the other hand, burned in a wall of flame.

Experience +7920

New level gained!

Experience +4200

Clutching my sword, I swung at the survivors while using a mini shield of fire. Thanks to the time slowdown, it was much easier for me to deal with such a crowd. It was like the spiders were moving in water, and I was a sea predator! Oh, and the pattern worked well... it burned the webs well and scared away the smaller spiders. More importantly, there were no big spiders, which gave me a huge advantage over the small ones.

Swordsmanship skill increased!

As time went on, those that were still on their feet quickly began to retreat when they realised they were just being exterminated and dropped their cocoons, quickly climbing up the walls.

A launched mini shield flew into their backs, but many of them managed to escape. At the same time, I managed to check the small one with an assessment.

Rakkwith is a common spider

Danger level: Medium-high.

Attitude towards you: Danger, Prey.

Relation to the unknown: Mate, Elder, Mother.

Jump-8, Digest-9, Omnivore-9, Devour-6.

Monster's progression to a new evolution is 11%.

Strength - C

Dexterity - B+

Stamina - C

Intelligence - C

Experience +840.

Afterwards, four carcasses fell to the ground... yep. Many managed to escape along the walls into crevices, but I had enough of those - for now! Now I had to quickly feed their souls to my cutie... and also get some healthy protein... what would I feed Ram and Rem later? That's right...

Scavenger skill boosted!

In the end, it took me about two minutes. I had exactly a hundred souls in my sword, which would have been more if it weren't for the one hundred unit limit. Then, without really looking, I upgraded the sword into a murderer, and the sword just like then, shrouded in fog, and then, after about ten seconds, returned to normal without changing in any way - for myself, I noted the sad fact - the birth of souls stalled at 41%

It made me think about the possible extermination of the remote village.

Apparently, it now needs the souls of people and a full-fledged mage, so to speak for the final formation of personality. I don't know anymore, at least I don't think so. Alas, as luck would have it, I won't be able to provide her with humans, nor will I be able to provide her with mages, but I'll definitely have over a hundred monster souls!

Dark Blade of Death - Aureta

Strength - 98%

Quality is good.

Material - volcanic steel

Mana Conduction - 62%

Mana charge - 1000/1000

Nascent Soul - 41%

Monster Soul - 4/1000 (Sharpness, Strangler)

Human Soul - 0/100

Magician's Soul - 0.5/10

Beauty! Hmm, I should take a quick look at the status, maybe I missed something?

Name - Arien.

Race - Dullahan

Class - Soul Eater

Level - 8

Experience - 6610/8500

Mana - 1140/1140

Strength - 25

Dexterity - 25

Endurance - ∞

Intelligence - 114 (+)

Spirit - 18

Character Points - 5

Skills: 'Undead-2', "Assessment-4", "Omnivore-7", "Stealth-8", "Hunter-6", "Regeneration-5", "Mana Control II-3", "Body Enhancement-6", "Small Mana Regeneration Core-5", "Earth Magic-1", "Healing Magic-1", "Poison Resistance-5", "Disease Resistance-5", 'Pain Resistance-3', "Astral Eyes-1", "Soul Eater-1", "Beast Instinct-3", "Acute Sniff-6", "Jerk-6", "Fencing-2", "Blacksmith-1", "Master's Mark-3", "Magical Sight-4", "Harem-2", "Scavenger-3" "Crushing Weapon-1", "Darkness Magic-2", "Empathy-2".

Evolution - Requirement - Level 30.


Hmm... seems okay, but hopefully it doesn't crash and all skills stand at their own level. Well, I fed the souls to the sword, killed the spiders, fed myself. It remains to check the cocoons, and there were three of them, which now sluggishly... moved?

Doesn't matter. I'm already guessing what's in there, and more importantly... did the spiders win? Or have I stumbled upon a retreating squad acting as movers? Okay, quickly checking the contents...

'Wait, how about... tame them too?' - I stopped on the spot, taking my time to touch the cocoon with the fireball.

Maybe... hell, if I had more time to do everything, I'd think about it and try to tame them... but there's so much to do-so much to do that I can't get everything done. I've got to get to canon, find my girls, level up, evolve. Ram and Rem to help me become stronger and get out of these catacombs? I'm not sure I'm in the caves anymore, it's like a dungeon.

I'm pretty sure if I look for a way down... it'll be to spiders or something worse! And given the size of the spiders, there will be a big mummy that won't let me go to the floor below! Brrrrr...I don't need another big mummy...but temptation...damn.

I'm losing so much experience! But I'm scared... it's not big black spiders, it's a whole womb! What if all the people I've killed now are just soldiers, and they have a guard of pre-big spiders? With tough chitin and powerful jaws that could bite me in two?

That's it - death in a word! Shit, I'm going to scare myself with this imagination, but I should be careful.

Or maybe it's much simpler and these spiders live even lower down... there can't be a dungeon where slimes are followed by this kind of enemy, can there? Well it can't be... can it? - With self-doubt, I clenched my sword and looked around. No spiders, but we have to hurry.

It's difficult and scary, we need a battlefield reconnaissance! - I gave my verdict, and surprisingly all this thinking did not take a minute of my time, as if time had slowed down for me! Stop! - Looking at the stats again, I noticed a plus next to intelligence and mentally clicked on it.

Accelerated Perception-1(55%)

Um... okay... this... wasn't exactly expected... but, a plus? Where's the choice? Well, I definitely remember that if you reached a certain amount of intelligence in some systems, a choice was given... and I wasn't even informed....

To hell with it. I again turned from thinking about what to do with the slimes and the lower tier, which may be near the lake by the slimes, not in the water, but where the two Hai were standing. They obviously did not just guard it - it's clear as day, but it can't be a passage to the lower tier either....

It could be a nest with a slime mate or a slime king. Or are there tunnels to the slime city? After all, if you look at it that way, two HAYs were guarding the passage, and all the other slimes were common soldiers... and there... the possible enemies I had made up for myself made my hands shake....

A lot of experience...

Yeah... dreams-dreams, and yet. What do I do with the cocoons? Eat them or use them for experiments? Do they have souls... and many other questions.

How difficult... even Ram and Rem are silent... right! Feeding them to them would be a great idea! I'll try one cocoon first, and then we'll see.

When I approached one cocoon, I quickly made a hole in it, burned almost all the cobwebs and grabbed one metre long tentacle, which almost knocked my head off, and it could have flown away.

Ungrateful blue slime.

*♪ Squish, squish, squish ♪

It's trying to break free, but the hand that's gripping the tentacle won't let it. Tapping himself on his armour, with the intention of waking Ram and Rem, they wiggled sluggishly. An attempt to reach out to them and offer them food failed too... they were too content and fed up....

All right, if they don't want to eat, I won't force them to. Let's put the slime to the test. Quickly piercing it with a sword invisible to everyone, I began to poke at it trying to find the core. Of course, the blue slime started to resist and even tried to braid my arm, but the fire scared it away.

I ended up poking it for a minute, until I got bored and burned the slime....

Experience +190

Nada... the attempt was a failure. The sword doesn't want to absorb the soul from a still living one, and finding its core is a difficult task, even if I stick my hand in it and try to find it.

Well, experience is experience...

The second slime, this time it was a black one, made me sweat. He was angry, and also very sticky, and tried to eat me with his body when he was released, but the fire obviously scared him away from that attempt. It was not realistic to find a core with him at all and he was let down by the magic...not easy.

When the bastard attacked me, I used the Runes of Fire...on the sword and it burst into flames! Or rather, its blade was covered in yellow flames and the sword was no longer invisible and glowed brightly, but it was able to get away from the lustful tenatakl that kept intending to crawl through the cracks of the armour! It was a good thing that the latter were gone and he was scraping uselessly at it.

Hmm... fire sword, so yeah... that's... new. Once I stopped feeding it with the fire runes, the sword's mana stopped being spent, as did mine. Then the blade returned to its invisible state after ten seconds. Then I used the runes of fire again, but this time there were three of them and the fire was no longer like a cover on the sword, but the sword itself was... engulfed in flames up to the guard and the fire rose weakly to the sides not far from the blade. This time mana was being spent by the sword [20mana/sec]. What was strange was that the strength of the blade didn't drop and it didn't melt. Though the last slime was burning the last slime very well. The temperature of it is hard to tell. When touched with a gauntlet, it was warm... and the metal started to heat up a bit right before my eyes.

Wah! I jerked my hand back and shook it sideways. I didn't want to ruin my only defence. It's useful, but it consumes a lot of mana, mine and the sword's at the same time... When the sword was out of mana, it stopped working as a torch. I had to recharge it for a minute. Well... now I have a torch... hehehehehehe... yeah, bad joke,' I was already thinking near the passage to the lake and noted that neither spiders nor slimes were there.

- I didn't have time... shit, do I really have to go down a tier lower? - I ran my hand along the ground. The green blood was still fresh, but the footprints cut off at the ceiling, and I couldn't climb like them... However, when I ran here, I met another group, which meant there was a passage somewhere... and it wasn't where the two Hai were guarding the way....

A guess... so many guesses, and more things to do... I hope I won't regret it later, but for now let's look into the crevice....

With a few jerks, I quickly made my way to the right place and looked inside.

The usual tunnels, I've seen them before. Well, at least there's more choice here, as many as six and one on the ceiling... ah, this is a new one... and there's cobwebs. I see... the spiders must have had fun here too - what a bastard, my experience!

After deciding everything for myself, I took a step into the one with green blood and signs of battle - a spider web and some limbs....

- Eh... I should have followed the spiders... instead of pissing them off out of fear....