In search of.... adventure. Part 2.

Alright guys, I'll be posting chapters and not spamming.

Full story at:


- Hmm... and the astral eyes skill... something doesn't work right somehow,' I was looking at the corpse of a large spider. It seems like astral eyes is the same as magic gaze... but it works completely differently.

Although... 'Evaluation!'

Astral gaze-1(11%)

Allows you to see the hidden soul.

- *long sigh* I think I figured out why the soul eater didn't work... at all. Alas, there's no way to test it now, so it's just a hunch. But in the future, I'll switch it on more often, and see if it works. But it's worth checking out the spider, maybe I'll learn something new.


*"Score a success.


Rakkwith-haggis is a common spider.

Danger level: Medium-high.

Attitude towards you:

Attitude towards the unknown:

Jump-11, Digestion-10, Omnivorous-13, Absorption-8

Monster's progression to a new evolution - 18%

Strength - B+

Dexterity - B+

Stamina - C+

Intelligence - C.

Oh yeah, I forgot about my special abilities and class, but that's not the point. The big spider got me interested in his skills... which aren't there. For example, the spinner skill that he's supposed to have is missing. I mean, they weave webs, but there's no such skill. Neither is the spitting skill. All in all, it's incomprehensible.

'One thing is clear - the evaluation does not show all the information on monsters,' I sat down next to the corpse, looking at the monster. The corpse itself looked scary, yes... even now it's disgusting to look at it, especially when I look at its muzzle in red and empty eyes, with an open maw and such... powerful chelicerae.

Running my hand across its belly, I tested it with my sword and it calmly pierced it. No blood spurted from the wound, but when I pulled the sword out, it was covered in green blood. He then cut down his paws and began to inspect his entire body, sticking his blade wherever he could.

Hmm... summoning another regular sword, I thrust it into its belly and that one barely pierced it. It turns out that not all swords can pierce through chitin... but mine can. That's... encouraging.

After that, I devoured the spider's corpse with a scavenger and moved on, noticing more and more signs of slimes and spiders fighting.

The latter are surprisingly plentiful, and there are no slime corpses. After devouring all the corpses I encountered with the skill, a notification appeared in front of my eyes that I had increased my skills: omnivore, hunter, beast instinct and stealth by one point. The notification was so unexpected that I tripped over a rock and flew into the wall, meeting it head on.


Something crunched... would have, if I hadn't been a dullahan. As it was, my head merely flew off to the side and plopped down next to the wall. But... it was dangerous. If my head hadn't been able to disconnect from my body, I would have died from a broken neck, or maybe even broken my spine, considering how fast I was running... with a spurt. Dangerous, damn it, and yet... I saw that rock, but... was too inattentive due to the new sensations of acceleration and inexperiencedly tripped.

Stealth skill has reached its maximum level!

The evolution of the skill is available.

Stealth II


Oh... my poor head. It's uncomfortable flying like a ball, but the new notification was an eyesore. It was the reason I fell over.

Standing up from the ground, I followed my head kissing the ground with my face while going into the character window settings.

I should remove the notification sound, strange I hadn't done that sooner.

After only a few seconds I unchecked the box and picked up the head, putting it back on, and noticed with my side vision the crevice and the faint light coming from it. A skill to start with. I'll leave it for later, remembering what might be waiting for me after evolution, now I didn't want to fall and squirm. But the unexpected crevice in the wall between the cobblestones interested me.

I froze in place, staring into the small opening. The hole in the wall was small and resembled a triangular passage Δ. If you looked closely, it was clear that you could squeeze through it by crawling on all fours. But the distance was small, about six metres long... I was very curious. There was obviously something there and I could see a small light inside.

My curiosity was again brightly coloured. I wanted to have an adventure. The passage looked like a secret room with a possible surprise. I'd already told you it wasn't a simple cave, so we'd check it out.

'If it is indeed a hidden room - a catacomb or a dungeon, that would be great! If it's just a hole to another passage... also a dungeon. There's not a lot of choice,' I said, putting my sword back in its sheath and readying myself.

And guessing... I could be wrong. Okay, if anything, I can always go back to the doorway. Getting on all fours, I cautiously began to crawl through, occasionally hitting the walls with my shoulders and making loud noises as I collided.

'Yeah, now I've made a lot of noise. I hope some spider doesn't come running at the sounds and claw my legs? Right?' - Cold drops of sweat dripped down my face. Brrr... this fear of spiders is making me... nervous! And why are they here in the first place? Why not pig orcs!

- And why spiders? After the goblins, it was supposed to be pig-eagles! It's always like this in fantasy! - I grumbled to myself.

'No, I don't think they can squeeze through to me, their bellies are too big for that,' I grinned as I crawled the first three metres, 'unless they spit webs at me... then yeah, maybe me... fuck, I'm starting to scare myself again, I need to crawl faster!'

Despite the sticky fear, I was able to continue crawling calmly.

Advancement was difficult, something kept getting in the way and I would sometimes get stuck, causing me to freeze in place, trying to mimic the interior of the opening with my whole appearance, frantically removing my head to peer back.

When I didn't see anyone and the need to pretend to be a rock was gone, I put it back on and continued crawling, noticing the flat floor ahead! Which gave me pause for thought until I finally crawled out of the passage, standing firmly on my feet and sighing with peace of mind.

- Whew... that was exciting! - I said in a muffled voice, looking around the small five by five enclosed room. I would say a square flat room, even the ceilings and walls were flat. With my magical vision I saw nothing suspicious. The walls exuded a blob of mana like everything behind me.

- A hidden room for sure! - my voice trembled faintly with the excitement I felt when I saw a shabby wooden chest standing alone on a small dark pedestal on the left side of the wall.

- Where is the light coming from? - I wondered, looking around the room again, but I didn't see anything that could emit a faint white glow. The room was just bright and that was it. It was alarming as well as pleasing at the same time!

Intelligence +1

There was a lot of joy, I lit up myself and thought the light was coming from me, but no! I was not in the mood for silly thoughts right now. I saw the chest! There was a fucking chest in front of me! It's a dungeon! A dungeon in the mountain! And I'm in that dungeon! - The thoughts began to rush through my head quickly, the guesses one by one disappeared, and I could confidently consider this place a dungeon.

'The first tier was of goblins, or they just lived there, unaware of such a place. The second tier was slimes, and the third tier, it turns out then, was inhabited by spiders,' I pondered, in no hurry to run with open arms to the unexpected find.

I dealt with the goblins quickly, stealthily killing their boss by simply stabbing his head with my sword. The Slimes... got mauled by the spiders, or maybe it was just a small band of them. And by the spiders themselves for making a raid on a potential meal.

Apparently, there are two kinds of monsters in the same dungeon that are feuding with each other, or maybe there are more, only they live even lower down, and these just live nearby!

'Given the world of fantasy and gods - this is a pure dungeon with possible treasures! Which a priori means the possibility of chests like this! Really... where is it from?' - I pondered looking around the room for possible traps. Such is my possible guess. Also, this place could be an ancient ruin, as the local people call such places. True, these ruins are uphill, but they are still forgotten ruins - logic!

Of course, I was happy to find something like this, in the spirit of old fantasy games, when a character stumbled upon a secret room with a chest, but... I didn't forget about caution either! It was at these very moments that enemies attacked! Not infrequently there were cases when, having opened the chest, excited by the unexpected profit adventurer could miss the crowd of monsters and was eaten alive.

A miserable death.

My goggle's silent, but I'm uneasy. It was as if something was hanging over me... as if a worm of doubt was gnawing at me. It was suspicious, but it also stirred my blood! Who hasn't dreamed of such a thing? I did, and even fear couldn't drown out my excitement for the unknown! - My hands clenched, I wanted to rush to the chest and check what was there, but by an effort of will, I made myself remember Elvina's tits and I was a little relieved. If I had to choose between the unknown chest and the breasts of my first, I would certainly choose the latter!

My consciousness cleared a little and the urge to risk my arse subsided a little.

- Ugh... it seemed to help, it's a pity Elvina isn't here... or is it not a pity? It's dangerous out here. And I don't want to lose her. Ahem, I digress - it's better to take my time and think things through. A room... a flat square glowing room... The first thing that comes to mind is that it's a trap! - screamed the imaginary squid in my head.

Suddenly, if I touch the chest, arrows will fly from all sides? Or the floor beneath me would suddenly disappear, and I would fly with a loud scream into a hole... somewhere. Of course, I wouldn't be so scared of falling. After all, I can use the mini-shield as an airbag, extinguishing the speed of the fall when I see the ground. Oh, I should have skipped physics class for nothing, oh for nothing... I wouldn't be tormented with questions right now. However, I hope I can extinguish the inertia... and remain relatively intact. And some of the bones that will be broken... should regenerate in an hour... Admittedly, again I'm not sure how they will regenerate. Although... the information in my head clearly explained that if I break an arm or leg, or even all the bones, it will regenerate the damage to its original healthy state, that is, without damage. But it will take time, which I won't have in a fight.

I know that, but I haven't tested it yet, and it's scary. The unknown, after all. I can only hope that I'm not being played for a fool and solve the problems with the chest.

- So... if I step on the flat floor, it won't fall through, will it? - Grabbing the edge of the crevice opening just in case, I stretched my foot as far as possible and stepped on the flat floor, expecting everything.

- One... two... three... Hmmm, the floor hasn't failed yet. Eh... I'm going to look like a complete idiot if there's no trap here... but fuck, how pissy.

However, I didn't relax. The trap could be further down, where I could let my guard down.

The second thing that was suspicious was the very pedestal on which the chest stands. I remember watching Indiana Jones once, and there was a trap fic with either a skull or something. But I definitely remembered the pressure plate and the giant ball... or was that later? I don't remember.

But it could happen here too, only the consequences would be definitely different, related to the floor or something else - the trap would activate and then you'd be in trouble. However, all this is just my guess and we should not forget about possible magical influence. This is a world filled with magic, though we shouldn't forget about ordinary traps either.

And three. The chest... glowed with magic... that is, in the visual spectrum it looked like a normal interactive object - like a stone, which also has a blob of sluggish mana particles in it, but this one had a lot more of it, and it... circulated through blue veins, as if it were a living creature, like a monster or a human.

Speaking of veins. Looking at my hand, I didn't see anything, but when I took off my gauntlet and stared at my hand again, I saw blue veins appearing after a few seconds and running all the way down my palm to my forearm, hiding underneath the armour.

- I didn't notice it before... or I just didn't see it,' I jerked my hand to the side, the veins disappeared, but when I stopped and waited for a few seconds, they reappeared. - Mystical, honestly...

Still, the chest was the most suspicious thing in the room. Come to think of it, my slime sisters have no organs and a hard physical shell - they were more like stone, and this chest... sort of made of wood, but it's wrapped in veins.

- Damn... I'm going to break my head now. I've had so many predictions and I haven't even got an intelligence boost, even though I recently got a plus one! - I grabbed my head and howled, falling to my knees. - Okay, I'd already realised that I wasn't going to get free intelligence, and my 'logical and intelligent' reasoning had failed. I should have recognised that this isn't a game system a long time ago... Eh, well... at least it's growing a little... but I don't feel happy for some reason! Hey, chest-san! Are you really alive, or are you just magic? - I shouted out, ignoring my stealth.

I was answered with silence.

- Are you... are you kidding me? You've got to be kidding me. You're either magical and your appearance is deceptive, or you're a goddamn mimic! I'll throw a fireball at you! - I threatened, recreating a small fireball in my hand. Okay, I'll check it with a grade, then!


Wooden Chest

Durability - 67%

Quality - low

Material - ordinary wood

Value - impossible to determine

Silence again, the chest, despite the threat... stood motionless as it stood. On top of that, I felt like an idiot. If the mimic is alive, it still doesn't know human language! How could he understand what I was shouting at him?

- Fuck! If you weren't so important and fragile looking and wooden! I'd definitely throw a fireball at you! But! You're lucky I have a spear, a sword... a dagger... a vase and a painting! If I throw a vase at you, will you come back to life? - I asked like an idiot.


- I warned you, so... to throw at you... what I don't spare... hmmm. *sound of an object appearing* A vase...with pictures of a hero with a sword and a defeated monster...*looked doubtfully at the chest* I never appreciated art and I don't understand's definitely worth a lot of gold, I'll even check it with an appraisal now!


Unknown vase - hero of light and prince of darkness

Durability - 99%

Quality - good

Material - sun crystal

Value - high.

- Well... *looked at the picture* it doesn't look like a hero, and the dead prince of darkness looks more like a minotaur. Hey, trunk-san, you want me to give you a vase? Just look at it, it's a rarity! It'll be like a shining diamond in your place!

Silence... I heard stomping somewhere, but I didn't pay attention to it.

- Look, I could come over here. *And then I'll climb on top of you... *half whisper: I hope he doesn't fall through if there's a pressure trap* That's it, I'm... throwing it! Here you go.


The vase, worth a lot of gold, flew into the chest and shattered with a loud thud. The chest, as it stood, never moved. The next object was a dagger, and that stabbed evenly into the wood of the chest.....

And I waited...

A minute... the chest remained in place. It wasn't bleeding, and behind me I could already hear thousands of small footsteps....

- Fuck... I knew I shouldn't have yelled like an idiot... - I groaned, drawing my sword and looking back in the direction of the sounds, noticing many red glowing spider eyes drilling me with an evil stare myself... - Bitch... I still haven't moved anywhere on the adventure... behind me is the chest and a possible mimic, ahead is an army of evil spiders. And me, in the middle of this event, that is stuck up my arse,' I grinned, showing the characteristic sign of peace to the spiders - the middle finger. - That's what fear of the unknown does! - I lit a smaller fireball so that it wouldn't accidentally collide with the protrusions of the opening.

I'll gain experience and continue to do fucked up things... I've got a lot more items! Maybe I'll tame the creep... if he's alive... hehehehehe....