In search of... adventure. Part 3.

Full story at:


Experience +

Level gained!

- Khhhhhhhhshchaaaa!

'Master is strong!' - A mental chorus rang in my head, along with admiration, and two familiar sisters clutched to my chest.

Another spider hissed and was roasted by a well-aimed fireball, and its corpse quickly disappeared from my field of vision. They'd been trapped, the bastards, and hadn't let me get out for over an hour, occasionally sending in a suicide bomber. Well, that's more of a plus than a minus. I'm swinging and I can talk to the girls, explaining some of the words they don't understand.

'Master... can Ram have a goodie?' - Pink mentally asked me, gently running her tenacles over an understandable spot, fountaining joy and love.

'Master-master-master! Rem wants a yummy treat too!' - and already the second one was reaching down.

I only had to grit my teeth and clench my hand into a fist. The experience no longer feathers me, but there were still some kamikaze daredevils left who might soon try to squeeze in to visit me again.

'Ram, Rem, the master is busy right now and does not need to be distracted. I'll have time to feed you,' I mentally moaned, marvelling at their rapid development. They no longer resembled fidgets.

'All right, Master! Rem will be an obedient girl, just like you taught me, Master!' - she pressed herself against my chest, running her tenacles affectionately over my body.

And I still couldn't get overjoyed at their rapid progress, pleasantly thanking Rem with my positive emotions, which made her immediately float with happiness and pleasure. Just one hour ago they were quietly sleeping, and when I received a levelled up skill mark master - quickly woke up and began to communicate with me, asking me literally everything.

Telepathic communication allows you to mentally communicate with the host tag and the marked target at a very short distance. And that distance doesn't exceed three metres.

For the first minute they were chattering away, happy that they could communicate with the 'master', and with great curiosity they asked me everything they didn't know and other new knowledge.

The second thing they asked about was the master's goodies. Then I had to sweat, explaining how to get this very 'goodie'. How best to give me... pleasure, and what words to use for it. I even bothered to teach them words from various hentai games. And it was worth it. They memorised everything very quickly and were very teachable.

Actually, in the end they got tired and wanted to try out their new knowledge of extracting yummy things and already pulled their naughty tentacles towards the dragon, which made me panic exclaim: 'you can't touch the goodie now.' I groaned in surprise rather than eliciting a strange reaction from them. The girls fell silent, and then quickly got used to the word, and renamed my dragon to yummy....

My cock had never been called that before, and it was... arousing, which made it start to harden slowly. Shit, I didn't have time to explain to them what a dick was for... But the fact that my dick was called yummy was a novelty. In addition, I had two interlocutors that did not mind to brighten the time for conversation and gentle caresses me. After all, for them I am the master: 'We love the master! We want to know everything about the master! Please, master, teach us to be obedient girls! Did we, did we say it right?'

Hehehe... a bit embarrassing, but their 'trainability' is very high, and for my praise they are willing to do a lot, although before that they were willing to do anything for me to praise them both. Of course, the whip was also present, but for now there was no need to use it. The girls are happy and obey, they learn quickly and are always ready to absorb new knowledge from their 'favourite' master. However, I had to cool them down once, for prevention, and they got into it... not immediately, of course, I had to explain again what punishment and displeasure of the master were. Then the sisters obediently nodded with their tentacles and promised me, 'We will try to live up to your expectations, master!'

However, I tried to prevent them from becoming willless puppets and encouraged their pursuit of knowledge, but gently hinted that it was better to be with me and obey me because I knew more and was generally their favourite master. Ehhh, if only I knew how to train battle maids, but as it is, I have to exert myself and slowly build their personalities into cute maids that at the same time are not maids, but battle mates with the main purpose - to serve the master. I can now say the following about the sisters:

Ram - soft and kind character, intelligent and very responsible, but sometimes in her awakens playfulness. She loves to cuddle and snuggle in my 'arms' and loves very much when I praise her. Alas, in one hour I never got to pet her, for my hands were busy all the time and the experience keeps dripping. Thus, I have another level coming up soon. It's true that the experience is creeping up very slowly.

Rem is like the younger one, very fun and mischievous, direct and open. Not as smart as her older sister, but very diligent and always willing to outdo her sister to get praise from me. Admires my strength and wants to become as strong as me. Loves to cuddle me and also loves a yummy treat, just like Ram actually, they are identical here.

Right now, I poke into the opening looking for spiders, slowly forming a fireball. I don't know what the spiders are aiming for, because there's no way they'd fit through - they're too fat for that - but every five minutes, they send suicide bombers barreling towards me with fierce force. Just now, another spider has been killed by me and I can take a little break and have a thoughtful chat with my sisters.

'Well, master! Ram will be careful and the goodie is ready! I won't interfere - honest!' - and for authenticity she ran her tenacle over my cock, 'licking' the first secretions, causing me to shudder all over my body and interrupt the cast of the new fireball, from which Ram immediately jerked her tenacle away, 'I'm sorry, master! I didn't mean to!'

Rem grumbled unhappily at her sister.

'Ram! Master is fighting! You can't stop master from killing ch-ch-chle...nostunos! Here! Master, did I pronounce it right? Will you praise me, master?' like a cat, it began to caress me, hugging me with its tentacle every now and then.

'N-no...nothing...I'm almost, wrong Rem, you should say cock...exhausted. Now... we can rest...' - I was about to crouch down on the ground, but....

'Hooray! Master, arigato!' - The girls both exclaimed with joy, and no sooner had I crouched down by the wall than my whole body shook and groaned. The two tentacles began to drive gently over my cock, and at the end they took on the shape of a tongue... or a structure closer to that shape, and began to drive their tongues on both sides, sometimes licking the head together, just as I had taught them, they quickly brought me to the very end, and I was almost ready to come down.

'Master, do you like the way I drive my...I-tongue over the yummy thing? Ram is good?' - sang out one fondly, driving her moist tongue on the

'Master-master! Rem is working hard on the yummy treat too! Praise me too!' - and this one was rougher and moved her wet cold tongue faster, trying to bring me to eruption.

'Yeah... you're both good... want more...' - I mentally moaned, on shaky legs, leaning against the wall and glancing at the chest, clutching my sword just in case. He stood like that, for an hour. Either he's a very stubborn mimic, or he's the real chest. The dagger I had launched was still sticking out of it. OOOOOOHHH!

Both girls began to work much harder, after that one of them started to suck the head and swallow it to the root, and the other moved on to the balls, but did not forget about the cock, curling around the penis in a ring and getting fuzzy, one of the girls began to drive it up and down, pleasantly sucking the balls. Now my cock was just burning and I was ready to discharge the projectile soon, and the girls were making squelching funny noises.

'Uhnhn-yushchuh! Master's yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy! Yushchu-yushchuh! Ram likes it when m-milk spurts out of the yummy's head! Master, I can feel you tense up! Are you ready?! Yuschuh-yuschuh. Squirt it all into me, master! Did I pronounce it right?' - she paused for a moment, and after my satisfied moan, continued with double the zeal.

It became difficult for me to think at all, but I kept my gaze on the chest.

'Y-yes... Ram, you're doing great! Uhhhh!' - Fuck! - The orgasm came over me completely. My eyes went dark for a second and my cock burned with the flames of hell. Shuddering my body nearly collapsed onto my shoulder.

'Yummy! Oh, I mean master's milk!'

'Sis! Leave me a yummy treat too!'

For some reason... my sensitivity was too strong... between my legs, so strong that for a few seconds I couldn't do anything at all. I mean, I could have been twisted at that time... however, how nice....

'Umnyam, how much milk came out! Thanks for the treat, master!' - Ram purred, glowing with happiness.

'Sis! You've almost eaten it all! So unfair!' - grudgingly, Rem wrapped herself around my belly.

'Mmm, you got the word 'arthropods' wrong, so your portion is now mine!'

'Boo... sis, you boo... Master... I... almost didn't get anything... sis Ram is hurting me!'

Listening to their mental conversation, I couldn't help but marvel at their teachability. However, how good it felt... orgasm wave after wave overtook me and the girls... all consumed. I couldn't say anything at the moment, and just savoured it.

'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! Rem-chan, you shouldn't distract master from relaxing!'

'N-but...' - Sinking in front of my eyes.

'Huh... okay, I'll share with you, but only a little...'

'Yay! Sis Ram is the best!'

Cute... really, their conversation already resembles human speech. I'd keep listening, but now they're quiet, savouring the... moment? I can't see what they're doing now, but they crawled over to my chest and both purred.

Well, my strength has been restored quickly, very and I'm as fresh and alert as ever. However, the dragon is asleep, so now we can go into battle. But first things first...

I slowly stood up from the ground and recreated a small ball of fire in my hand.

'Something I've delayed checking the chest, I've had my fun and that's enough, now it's time to check it the last way I can.'


Wooden Chest

Strength - 67%

Quality - low

Material - ordinary wood

Value - impossible to determine

So that's how... hmmm, this is interesting. Ordinary wood doesn't glow like that... I've seen the houses in the countryside, and ordinary trees too. Let's get the fireball going though, I don't want to go up there and check it out.

*Wshuh* The fireball flew at it, but at some point the chest came to life, jumping back sharply from the fireball. Its maw, meaning the chest opened, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long red tongue, along with black hands from its mouth.

'Fucking... a Dark Souls mimic!' - I marvelled at the similarities between the mimic from the game and this one, though the real one didn't have chains. On top of that, this one had no body and had dry metre-long legs sticking out of his arse. The mimic didn't attack at once, and a second fireball flew at him, from which he tried to dodge again, but hit the wall, - with a sound *bang* - the fireball flew into his legs, threw him into the nearest wall, and sealed him without legs. The latter simply scattered smelling meat all over the room.

'Whoa! Master, who's that?' - Ram asked curiously

'Master master master! Is it tasty?' - Rem lit up.

The girls immediately perked up. However, how did they even see the battle? I mean, they're in almost hermetically sealed armour!

'Ram, Rem, you both did well and did a good job! I'm glad you're so diligent! - A wave of immense happiness from both of you knocked me out of my thoughts for a second,' however, I have a question for you...'

'Master, we will answer everything!' - Ram happily glowed and answered for both of them.

'As you can see?'

'Um... master?' she hesitantly interjected.

'How did you spot him?' - I pointed at the still living mimic squirming on the ground.

'Ahh... it's obvious - by the smell of mana!' - Ram replied as a matter of course.

Yeah... the answer is blimey. Apparently they still have a lot to learn, though the words I taught them they already use without faltering.

Sighing and thanking my sisters and getting a mutual hug, I cautiously approached the chest, ready to jump back if the floor suddenly disappeared. Caution was still a thing after all.


The chest is a regular mimic

Danger level: Mild.

Attitude: Resentment.

Jump-4, Digest-10, Omnivore-6, Absorb-5, Stealth-6, Treasure-1.

Monster's progress to new evolution - 77%

Strength - C

Dexterity - C

Stamina - C

Intelligence - D-

'I'm right after all, and facial expressions can be distinguished by mana veins... but if it had mana vein disguise? What then? Checking with an irritant again? But this mimic is ordinary, what if there's a high-level mimic no different from an ordinary chest?' - I looked at the half-dead mimic. I even felt sorry for him for a second, as he weakly howled, wrapping his arms around himself.

- Yikes.

'I'll remember that for the future, but I'll have to be careful about metal chests. Fire won't do anything to it... nor will any other weapon, and given the metal here, it may be impenetrable...'

'Master, is it tasty?' - Ram distracted me from my musings.

'M... do you want to eat it?'

'Your yummy is still tastier, master! I was just wondering who you were fighting with!' and the emotion was so gastronomical.

Hmmm... there goes your fate, mimic. Just about to find out what's inside you.

'M-may... may... I devour it, master?'

'Ram, it's master's booty, and I was the first to want to taste it!'

'P-I'm sorry... but... I don't know what's wrong with me... I just... want to...' - She said with a heavy breath.

Her words made me wonder. A sudden rush of hunger? I don't think so, because just a minute ago I had fed them well... Then, instincts? That's a possibility.

'Eh... since you're so eager, I can share both of his body with you.'

The sisters, hearing my words, simultaneously rejoiced.

'Yay, Master is the best!'

However, looking at the mimic and his body, I asked.

'And this... should I finish him off, or are you going to finish him off like this - alive?'

'Whatever, but better alive, master!' - Ram said, even bloodthirstily.

'Yes, yes! He's much sweeter alive!' - now Rem was also saying that.

Yep... now I was definitely feeling sorry for the mimic... but sisters are more important to me. And then there's finding the treasure by dissolving the chest within themselves.

- Yyyyyyy... - apparently the mimic felt something and started to crawl away, but what could he do when two slimes suddenly jumped out of my chest and quickly covered him from all sides, partially merging with each other, and then they quickly started to dissolve him into themselves.

Mimic was still floundering, but his arms disappeared inside the two slimes and then the sisters shared him between them, increasing in volume slightly, even the wood was absorbed by them. In magical vision, however, they were absorbing... veins... and indeed all flesh, roughly speaking. It didn't look good... but I'm not one to complain.

Visually, the girls almost merged together, resembling a cycle of yin and yang, and then after a few seconds, they were together. After absorbing it completely, Ram said gratefully, disengaging from her sister with a *chop* sound.

'Delicious, master! Arigato!'

Rem repeated after her as well.

'Master Master! Thank you! I have a surprise for you! Here, take a look!'

'Hey Rem! That's not fair!'

A blue greaseball rushed towards me and clung to my hand like a doggie, honestly. In that way, she handed me a small object in my hand...