"Mr Rowley, it's Abigail Walker," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I've made my decision. But I have a few conditions of my own."

And with that, it was sealed. I made my choice. This was it—the moment where I took control and faced whatever consequences might come.

I believed Mr Rowley would find my conditions reasonable, he was a businessman, and he was used to being haggled.

But still, my heart raced as the silence in the other line continued. When he answered, his voice was smooth and professional, but there was a hint of anticipation.

"Miss Walker, I didn't think I'd hear back from you so soon." He paused. "Of course you do, I would not expect less of you." Before I could start talking, however, he continued. "I'd rather speak in person, if that's okay with you, I might be tech savvy but I'm traditional about my deals. Besides, I have a contract drafted, if what we talk about doesn't change much from what I have, we'll make the adjustments, review it together and sign it. As I mentioned, I'd like to start as soon as possible."

I deflated after hearing his words, 'The courage I mustered for presenting my conditions and standing my ground might be a little more faded by the time we meet', I thought, but I guess it is what it is.

"That's okay with me." I simply said.


As I stepped out of Mr Rowley's office, my legs felt wobbly, like I had just run a marathon without warming up... And my mind felt dizzy. It's funny, I barely remember getting here, as I was so concentrated on how this was going to go, but now… and it all felt strangely…


I expected to feel something more—fear, excitement, maybe even regret—but instead, there was just numbness.

I just signed away my freedom for the upcoming year, perhaps two. And it felt as if I had done something so simple as buying new shoes.

"Start packing all your things, Miss Walker, soon you'll move into your new life." His words still echoed in my mind, sinking deeper now that I had left the building, it was the last thing he said before I got out of the office.

And perhaps he was right, maybe my life would never be as it was.

I tried to breathe through the dizziness that kept creeping in as I imagined what that new life would look like. It all felt so distant like it was happening to someone else.

As comfortable as I felt with our previous meeting, - well, until he brought up the proposition – I felt incredibly out of place in this one, probably due to all the energy I put into making a decision. However, I was able to stand my ground and lay out my terms. Mr Rowley was as accommodating with this as he was yesterday about my questions.

"Of course, it's something that I've already taken into consideration. I think it's mutually beneficial. Check point 4.3, and we'll adjust it if you feel it's needed."

But there was one more request, this one was, if possible, even more important…

I asked Mr Rowland my main condition; if he was willing to do this, I believed that my future could be one without stains on my record. I did my best to keep my past a secret, very few people knew about it, however, I had no power, no way to make it go away, and that's why Mr Rowley was able to find out. It will forever be on a record somewhere…

Except, perhaps, if Mr Rowley could bury it.

Someone with money and power could certainly do more than I ever will.

But I was not sure if he would be able to do something like that, or if it was even possible. My question was cleared as soon as I presented the question and he immediately said yes. He asked no questions as if he understood perfectly. Or perhaps, he doesn't care.

He was not sure it could be wiped out completely, but he could make sure people didn't find out about it.


No idea. But I was not sure I minded.

'Was it odd that he complied so easily with my conditions? Or maybe my conditions were simply a piece of cake for someone with the influence of Mr Rowley?' I thought.

I dragged my feet a bit as I made my way home, the weight of my decision pressing down harder with each step. Starting this weekend, my life would change, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. But ready or not, I had taken the plunge.

By the time I walked through the front door, exhaustion had fully hit me. My body felt heavy, and my mind was an absolute mess. This whole deal… was it really happening? Did I just sign up for something I couldn't possibly undo?

The lack of sleep was probably catching up with me, because when I glanced around my apartment, a wave of bittersweet nostalgia washed over me. Soon, this would all be in the past—the quiet, the familiarity, the normalcy I had been clinging to, even though this apartment was a shithole, I fought hard to get here, and I was going to miss it – well, maybe just a bit.

With a sigh, I kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto the couch, Dr. Stuffington was still there, so I hugged him as let my head fall back, letting the tension slowly seep out of my muscles.

The only thing left to do was prepare myself for what was coming.

But for tonight… tonight I just needed to sleep. Tomorrow, the real planning would begin.