An enormous black SUV stopped right in front of me, and I was surprised to see Mr Rowland in the driving seat.

"Morning, Miss Walker." He said with the window down, his tone was almost chipper.

He had already sent a driver for my things earlier – which weren't many, anyway - so now I just had a small bag with me.

I breathed in and got into the car, with a nagging feeling that this was too easy, too out of the blue…

These days I kept reflecting on how I had been fighting hard for everything that I've gotten for most of my conscious life... I guess that must be what makes this feel so weird.

Or at least one of the things.

"I didn't think you drove anymore, Mr Rowley" I made polite conversation.

"I enjoy driving, but these days I barely get a chance to. I thought this would be a good one. Besides, this way we have more privacy to discuss some of the final points of our agreement." It wasn't just my impression; he did sound a little happier and less formal than what I've heard him so far.

"I see." That was my simple answer.

After a couple of minutes, where neither of us said a thing – as I was letting him concentrate on the city traffic and busy roads - Mr Rowland broke the silence.

"We have a long way ahead of us, almost an hour, but I do have quite a few things I'd like to discuss with you. Why don't you take a look at the files you have in the glove compartment while we get to a calmer road."


So, I did as I was asked and opened the clean and empty glove compartment, well, except for a single folder.

As I opened it, the first file seemed to be a proof copy of a press article. 'Mr Rowley's new love' it simply said as a title.

The article started with the rumours that Mr Rowley had been seen several times over the past few months with a mysterious woman. No names were mentioned, and it went along to mention several testimonials from waitresses or reporters who didn't manage to get a picture. A single photo was featured where two people walked hand in hand, but it was from far away and quite dark, I guess if you compared it with my photo, you could think it was me, which was the point...

"What do you think of the article?" he asked when he saw me look at the picture. "I have a few friends that can get an article in for me. A few days ago, I planted the rumour one, sorry I didn't consult you about that one, but it was merely to initiate the rumours. If you approve this one, it will be out tomorrow."

I looked at the photo again. Despite the dark environment and that it was a zoomed-out photo of a back view of the couple, I still noticed they had pictured Mr Rowley as somehow younger, similar build, but not quite him. I was an honest person, and for a moment, I was going to mention it, but then it came to me that it might be on purpose, maybe Mr Rowland didn't want to look too old walking with a 25-year-old woman.

"So, all of this is part of what I asked, to make it look like we have been together for a while, right?"

"Yes. We don't have that much time to spread the rumours, which is why I got the other article as soon as possible. But I've always been private with my family life, so I don't think it's shocking it only comes out close to the wedding."

"Good. I think the article is fine." I answered.

I guess it would always look odd, such a big age difference, but at least Mr Rowland agreed to cover our bases so it didn't look so much like an arranged marriage.

This is why he was planting articles, and he agreed to make up a cover story too. According to him, he had already planned a cover story by the time I asked this as a condition, it was then that he told me about the articles.

"In fact, one of the first things we'll do when we arrive is a photoshoot." Mr Rowley announced. I arched my eyebrows, surprised. "They're preparing everything right now, clothes, settings… We need some pictures for the press as if they were from months ago, and, of course, some of the wedding. So, I hope you're in the mood to try wedding dresses, Miss Walker."

"Sure, if that's what we have to do." I agreed, my stomach churning a little with nerves and slight discomfort from simply thinking about all the lying that was going to happen for the upcoming months…

'I'll get used to it' I said to myself, trying my best to be calm.

But everything was going to be new. New house, new environments, new people. And everywhere I went for the upcoming months, it would be a new me: Mrs Rowley.

"I hope it's okay if we sign the marriage contract this weekend, maybe today will be too busy, but perhaps tomorrow morning."


We didn't sign the marriage contract with the other one, Mr Rowley told me it was still being drafted. I found it a little odd, why not do it all together in the presence of a lawyer, but well…

I looked at a few more documents quickly, but my mind wasn't so focused today with all the emotions. If it was, I might have noticed a few incongruences


"Miss Walker, you seem quieter than what I've observed you being before, is something the matter?"

"I think you might want to start calling me Abigail, or Abby if we're going to be married in less than 24 hours. To start getting used to it…" I deflected.

In reality, there was nothing wrong, I was just trying to wrap my mind around it, but I'd rather change the subject than talk about my feelings.

"I see… Let's call your nerves wedding day jitters, then." Of course, Mr Rowley knew how to read people, it was probably obvious that I was nervous about my new life. "I promise you, Miss Wal… Abigail, that you're going to be comfortable in your new house. I don't want you to feel like you are in a prison or anything of the sort, also, you'll have your own space and freedom to do anything you want with it."

"I'm sure you've taken care of everything, Mr Rowley, I'm not worried about anything of the sort."

"Good, and it goes both ways, so please, call me Edward. Also, our employees will not know about our arrangement, but they have been informed of certain peculiarities. I trust them, and I know every one of them will be accommodating with you."

"That's good to hear. I'll be discreet with the details of our arrangement with them, of course, Edward." It felt odd, stabilising the familiarity of calling by their first name someone I had looked up to for a while. But I was going to be married to the man, so better get used to it.

"I didn't doubt it. Now, there is someone that we should also talk about… And he might not be so accommodating."