Mathilde Royal

The fight that followed was no longer a human fight. Mathilde and Christina were in another world. A world of combat and blood. Mathilde dug her heel into Christina's foot and Christina dug her katana into Mathilde's shoulder. Both were enraged.

'It hurts. How long has it been since someone hurt me?'

Mathilde stepped back, throwing daggers at her daughter, who dodged them without a care in the world. The IGA monster picked up his pace and ran into his mother like a bull. They both went through the wall. As they fell, Christina tried to stab Mathilde, who was underneath her, but she caught her sword in mid-air and delivered a magnificent kick to her opponent, who flew to the other end of the house. Even so, she crashed to the ground as Christina got to her feet.

The sun shone on the two women through the windows of the home. Round 3 could begin. The IGA monster had entered the arena. She lunged at her mother, who did the same. Mathilde drew a dagger from her belt and countered the monster's sword - their strength was equal.

"That day, I saw you fight."

She pushed Christina aside, who came charging back as soon as she touched the ground.

"You shouldn't have won."

The clash of the two blades echoed in the home. Neither wanted to let go of the other, but Mathilde managed to place a heel strike into Christina's thigh, and she didn't back down, landing a beautiful right hand.

"He was stronger than you."

Mathilde kneed her daughter, but she headbutted her in return. They both stepped back.

"You look just like him."

Christina leaped forward to slice her mother. Unfortunately, the IGA monster missed its target and sliced through the air.

"But you're not him. You've got the same style, but you're not as strong. I could almost see his shadow behind you."

The blows of the blades could be heard again.

"I was a fan of his strength."

Mathilde stooped low to hook her opponent, but Christina didn't lose her balance and threw her unloaded gun right into her target's blade.

"The gun crossed with the katana. It was so beautiful to see. When Kuronoe Ichimaru walked into a room, you knew in advance it was over."

Mathilde didn't let go of her blade and lunged at Christina, who wasn't yet on the ground. She tried to slice her, but Christina dodged in the air. With her foot barely on the ground, she had to avoid a point-blank shot. But Christina also had a gun, which Mathilde had to avoid. Mathilde moved away from her adversary but noticed that she was following him.

"Damn. It wasn't loaded, was it?"

Just as Christina thought she'd sliced her, Mathilde, in a superhuman reflex, countered the monster's sword.

"I won't die by your hand."

Christina received a tremendous circular kick in the face and was thrown against a wall. One thing was certain: even if she had become the monster again, Christina was slightly weaker than her opponent. There was a bigger monster than the IGA monster.

"That was an excellent fight."

Mathilde walked slowly over to Christina on the ground, lighting a cigarette.

"I recognize you as my daughter."

Suddenly, Mathilde fell backwards. A shot had rang out, but it wasn't Christina. As she fell to the ground, she saw the man who had shot her.

"You...I see. It took at least you to kill me."


Christina had nowhere to go. When she awoke, she had seen the lifeless body of Mathilde Royal. She searched for Malvin's body and buried it. After a short mourning period, she wandered aimlessly, waiting for death. She didn't want to fight life. She moved away from headquarters and slept on a street. Months later, on a rainy day, a man dressed in a long jacket and carrying an umbrella stood in front of her.

"You're the IGA monster, aren't you?"

"How do you know?"

"I've dealt with them several times before."

Christina didn't answer.

"I'd like you to be my bodyguard."

"And what's in it for me?"

"A reason to live."

Rodrigo Sanchez extended his hand toward Christina. After everything she'd been through, everyone she'd lost, she looked at the outstretched hand and shook it. In any case, she had nothing left to lose.

Marc went out to see how Jin was doing after listening to the story. The assassins were all on the ground and Jin was unhurt. Arthur the only one standing fighting the urge to collapse.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

"It's true I don't often tell you my life story. But...master...are you crying?"

"No. It's just a tear. Go home if you're done."

Marc wasn't crying. It was a falling tear.

"You've got to be kidding me. I'm still standing. I don't know what's wrong with him, but I can break you."

Arthur pointed at Marc. Jin was about to hit him when Marc told him to stop. He walked slowly towards Arthur, who didn't seem to be panicking even though he'd just taken a beating from Jin.

"Arthur, isn't it?"

"What do you care if she gave you my name?"

"You weren't nice to her."

Marc grabbed Arthur's face effortlessly and crumpled it up. He couldn't even move. After about thirty seconds with Arthur's face in his hands, Marc crushed him to the floor.

"You're not even fit to be his brother. Let's go, Jin. The book's waiting."

Jin and Marc entered after beating up all the agents who had come to kill them.

"Good. I enjoyed your story, but it made me sad. You've seen your killers, Mr. Sanchez, so hurry up and tell me about the book."