The unlucky A-10 pilot! Part 2

As both Justin and Hannah make it back to the base they see virtually the entire Air Base waiting for them to show up. They land their plans and get out as they hear cheers, whistles, and USA USA! Justin with a big grin on his face raises his hands up and celebration along with the others. First time in all of world history a A-10 pilot becomes an ace in a day! Colonel Alex J Mason approaches Justin and Hannah. Both Justin and Hannah salute the colonel! Captain Thomas congratulations I'm becoming the very first Ace of an A-10 thunderbolt. Making the impossible possible. Thank you sir just keep in mind and check and stick to my training. Hahaha well son you definitely did that and more. Go get some Chow and get some rest we will need you it's time for you to sortie. Sir yes sir giving the colonel a salute! The colonel looks at Captain Moore. You too captain go get some chow and get some rest we'll need the two of you again soon. Sir yes sir is Hannah gives the colonel salute as well. Oh by the way Captain Thomas I'm putting you in for a metal. Thank you sir I appreciate that. The colonel walks off back to his office. Well then Captain Moore would you like to accompany me back to my barracks and we can get cleaned up and have some fun with a grin in a wank? Hannah smiles I put your hand up to her cheak. Comes close and whispers and Justin's ear. Well Mr confident you think you can keep up? I became an A-10 Ace, pretty confident I can keep up with you! And I grabs his arm and drives him back too is barracks where they both stayed throughout the rest of the night.

May 10th 2028 just been given orders to go ahead and sortie. Enemy forces are attempting to make a big push past San Antonio losing massive amounts of ground they're just outside of San Antonio. Since 5 days prior they've been I'm asking as many troops as they possibly can in the shortest amount of time. US sees this happening and starts doing the same. The Air Force is gathering up what airpower they can muster up the sortie out to assist the ground forces and pushing them out of San Antonio all together and possibly pushing them back out of Texas. The Air Force is going to send out 10 F-22s, 15 F-35, 32 F-15 EXs, 60 F-16s, 20 A-10s, and 2 AC-130s to help with the ground forces to push all enemy forces back. Justin and Hannah sit getting some Chow for this mission starts. So I heard lieutenant colonel Jacobs will be the flight leader on this one. Justin snorts at that with a unamused face. Yah that's what I heard. I much rather Mojor Hanhow take lead on this one. Hannah understands why Justin does not care much for the lieutenant colonel. Is he still giving you shit for becoming the first Ace for an A-10? Yah the dude is jealous of me really. The other day when we were briefed on this mission. He saying not pull any cowboy shit on this mission. The dude alway has it out for me. Hannah shakes her head giggling a little bit. He did catchs his daughter coming out of your barracks that one time. Justin looks away scratching his nose. One how am I supposed to know his 20 year old daughter was a bartender at that place and two I've seen her come out of your barracks more than mine! That's because he never caught her coming out of my barracks. That's completely unfair. Think about it how many people got surprised when I came out of your barracks the other day. Justin grins well they definitely thought I was lucky for sure the hottest A-10 pilot coming out of the barracks of the very first A-10 Ace in history! Oh yah they definitely got a little jelly! Hannah chuckles yah well I'll give you credit for one thing you weren't wrong about what you said before. Justin with a knowing smile, yah I know I'm beast in the sheets baby. Hannah's face gets a little flushed and punches him in the shoulder. Shut up Pie Piper or a slug you some more. By the way how did you get your call sign Pie Piper? Justin looks up and away and slight embarrassment. Well I got super drunk with a kazoo in my mouth passed out face first in an apple pie, they thought it was so funny that they started calling me the Pie Piper and well the rest is history! That is nowhere near as embarrassing as my call sign. Justin smiles and laughs out loud, hahahaha yah Harper told me what happened. Getting drunk and popping a squat right in front of a thin tree to relieve yourself yep that's really embarrassing that's worse than mine. Hannah gets an embarrassed smile on her face but she looks up at Justin. I'm getting nervous about this mission I got a bad feeling. Justin looks her straight in the face and places his's hand on top of her's. Look I'm your wingman we got this trust me no matter what happens I got your back we're going to complete this mission come home celebrate and finish up the rest of this stupid war. Hannah smiles and nods turn your hand over the hole Justin's hand. Well I will always have to your six.

May 11th 2028 0400 Justin and Hannah are in formation alongside the other 18 A-10s their orders are simple cause as much destruction as they possibly can giving the ground forces the momentum to push through the enemy forces in pushing them back out of San Antonio all together and possibly push them out of Texas completely. The Texas border was secure to the South and now it's time to secure the rest of Texas. The 20 A-10s are just behind the F-16s. The F-16s being more of an escort until their mission starts in full. It is already said that the F-35s and F-22s having gazed any fighters in air-to-air combat the F-15s them. Okay boys and girls it's time we're going in our F-16 escorts got to go get their mission done get ready boys and girls we're going in. Pie Piper none of your cowboy shit got it! If that's the case you better keep up old man. Formation of 20 A-10s brake off and start there individual attack runs alongside their wingman! Hey Pop Squat don't fall too far behind me and don't get too distracted from this fine ass! I'll be 600 m away from you. And wasn't it you who said I had a fine ass. Justin chuckles at the comment I sure did. I'm not taking it back so don't ask. Hannah rolls her eyes and giggles a little bit. Well let's clean this shit up and get back. Ma'am yes ma'am let's get it. As the A-10s get in to position they see there targets and let loose hell on the enemy!

25 miles away from where Justin and Hannah are conducting their striping run an A-10 pilot's missile awareness system goes off. He banks left to make evasive maneuvers shooting off his flares and flak. As two amrans his left engine and cockpit. Completely downing the A-10. His wingman sees this she gets on the radio. Pop shoveit is down Pop shoveit is down we got bandits. As she goes to make her evasive maneuvers on her right she sees an F-22 with Neo American colors on it. Her eyes widen as she gets back on the radio shit that are enemy F-22s are repeat enemy F-22s. As her missile warning system starts blaring in her cockpit! She shoots off her flares and flack banking right to hit the deck. One missile fears off to the left and then blows up but another it's directly the base of the tail taking out the tail all together! I'm hit I'm hit I'm going down I'm ejecting. She ejects from her cockpit. Justin hears this fuck that's not good. Yah you think. The two form up and scan the skys and there radars. The unfortunate thing is that they know that the F-22 has a radar cross section of a bumblebee which makes the situation that much dire to the situation all the A-10 pilots have at the current moment. The radio blares again. I'm going down I repeat I'm going down! Shit that was Major Hanhow! Hannah we got to get going ASAP. But it was way to late flying in between him and Hannah and F-22 appears. On Justin's left another F-22 appears. An open radio channel came up. Oh would you look at that we found the guy we where looking for. Justin and Hannah's faces pale immediately. Justin gets on the radio yeah okay well I still have 1% chance I can shoot both of you down! The 2f22 pilots laugh! Ok hop to see it!( Justin's mindscape.) This is so much worse than the J-20s I don't know how to get out of this predicament. Fuck Jsutin think what's the best way to get out of this both me and Hannah aren't going to make it out of this unless I think of something! Ok calm down think logically. What do you know about the F-22? It is the most capable of fighter jet in the world and is ridiculously fast and ridiculously agile! It can super Cruise without thrusters. With all the systems in that damn thing it doesn't even have to look at me to even lock on its missiles. The vectoring engines make it virtually impossible to even outmaneuver going as far as the even overtake me an a turning fight. But if I can get my nose over that canopy it's over I'll tear that damn thing like its paper with my gun. But that's the question how I do that? And by the sound of things theys guys they want to play with us... (Justin closes his eyes to deep breath and grins and breaths out!) Ok then let's play! (End Of Justin's mindscape.) Justin gets on the radio, Hannah you have to listen I know this is going to sound crazy but I have a plan. Hannah takes a deep breath in and releases it! Ok all ears! I'm going to fly over the F-22 between us and place myself right over your canopy upside down and lag just behind you! You're going to perform a half split S looping around me do your turn early and dive to the deck! I'm going to perform a half barrel roll and dive and perform a tight corkscrew around you! When we get to about 800 ft I'll peel off, you put that stick into your gut and pull up I'm going to perform a reverse split S and come up on your left side and then I'm going to perform a high yo-yo and try to get these fuckers to make a mistake. They wanted to play with us so let's play the game!Unfortunately it will leave you open but if you get locked onto perform a barrel roll and dive again releasing your flares and flak! Hannahs dumbfounded can't help but ask! Can our planes even perform such maneuvers? We're in A-10 s not a F-16s or F-22s the g-forces are going to be a bitch! Haa if prop planes can do it in world war II going a lot slower than us I'm pretty sure these old girls can do those maneuvers too! We got this I believe in you! Hannah smiles and looks over trying to see passed the F-22 blocking her site, let's do this and get this over with! See if we can take some leave just the two of us after all this! Justin smiles and maneuvers is playing over the F-22 and adjusts himself upside down right over Hannah! They're both staring at each other with meaningful looks! Hey Hannah I love you just throwing that out there! Your such an asshole I love you too! They stay in the same position a bit longer as Justin falls back a bit! The F-22s aren't aware of what these two are planning. Not even suspecting the two of them with the simple thought that they are completely outmatched. Justin gets back on the open radio! You know boys underestimating your opponents is a bad idea even though you're in a much more capable aircraft I can tell you guys are subpar pilots! Justin quickly switches over the radio channel! Hannah now performs the half split us coming within meters Justin's plain as Justin performs his half barrel roll and dives performing a diving corkscrew! The two F-22s Bank left and right into a dive just behind them wanting to get there 20 mm on the two A-10 thaking they're going to have easy kills! At 800 ft Justin peels off into a reverse split S and Hannah throws the stick into her gut enduring the g forces that are pressing her down! Justin comes up on the belly of her plane and breaks off again for a high yo-yo around her! The two F-22s both bank right and adjust themselves into an attack position on Hannah six! Neither one of these two pilots notice that Justin's coming in on their 5 aclock with a decent lead on them with them lined up in his crosshairs! He takes a deep breath puts his finger on the trigger releases the breath and pulls it! The gun roars and the 30 mm roars to life! The two overconfident F-22 pilots didn't know what was happening until it was way too late with a little bit of luck Justin manages to hit both of them with his GAU! Riddling holes throughout the nose of their planes to blowing the engines out of both of them even hitting one of their missiles from inside the F-22 completely decimating one of them and knocking out the other! Ooooo damn how smart are those fuckers overconfidence breeds failure! You assholes, hahahahahaaa! Hannah comes around the regroup with Justin! That was amazing I can't believe you pulled it off and you got both of them at the same time! Looking down on these planes is a mistake! When she was about 200 ft away! She ends up getting a missile lock alert! Shit where are they before she can even make it an evasive maneuver and five missiles seemingly out of nowhere fly straight to her to hit the cockpit the other one hits the right wing and the other two hit both engines! Justin and complete horror screams! Noo Hannah! He looks out where those missile trails came from he makes evasive maneuvers and pushes his A-10 much as he can. It gets the alarm for a missile lock! He makes evasive maneuvers immediately with players and shaft into a half barrel roll into a dive it's about 700 ft then does reverse split S into a into a high yo-yo! At that time he see two more F-22s coming at his 7 aclock he then performs a split S and thanks left with his nose up into a tight corkscrew! Both F-22 pilots realize that they underestimated this A-10 pilot getting too close knowing that if they to close this plain will bite! They try to slow up but they were too late they came to close! The lead F-22 gets the alarm for missile lock! Justin activates all four of the sidewinders on his plane he locks on to the lead F-22 and launches all four! He then barrel rolls into a dive, the four missiles scream towards the F-22! The pilot takes evasive maneuvers and shooting off flares and flak to deter the missiles! With three of the four missiles diverting in different directions but the fourth missile finds its mark right at its belly effectively hitting the F-22 and all of its remaining missiles within it's hidden compartment! Completely blowing the F-22 out of the sky! Justin bank's right and pulls some lead from the second F-22 he pulls the trigger and completely cuts the F-22 and a half from the nose all the way down between the two engines completely blowing it out of the sky! But right at that moment Justin gets another missile lock alarm! Oh for fuck sake this time six missiles come screaming at him he fires off the rest of his flares and flak, and pulls a split S at the same time then barrel rolls to the right and then Banks left as tightly as he possibly can into a corkscrew! But before he can make his second pass he gets another missile lock alarm this time a missile hits his right engine completely taking it out of the fight all together, then he hears clicking sounds throughout the top of his canopy to the back of his tail an F-22's 20 mm finds its mark tearing in to Justin's A-10 without Mercy! Hitting the other engine! Still capable of functioning the engine is damaged and you starting to lose altitude he thinks left puts his plane to its side and dives down once you get to 500 ft he turns back levels off and tries to get away! But before he knew it a giant circle opens up right in front of him white in color Justin's not sure what to think of this anomaly but he ends up going through it! After that the portal closes almost immediately after Justin passes through it! The F-22 pilot looking to find a crashed A-10 flies over and he can't find it!