Where the hell am I?

As Captain Thomas comes through that portal he just came from he loses control of his A-10! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is Pie Piper I'm going down I repeat I'm going down! Justin loses the one remaining engine! He manages to get control of his plane levels it out and starts gliding himself into a spot that he can land he goes to activate his landing gear and notices that the landing gear is stuck. Well shit ok it's fine I have to find a decent landing spot that's not going to damage my plane any further. He notices on his left that he flies over some sort of Castle and a city just before the castle! Ok that's not something you see everyday. The fuck am I at? Justin systems are completely down as he glides past the Castle. Am I somewhere in Europe? No I've been all over Europe this doesn't look very familiar. As you gliding over the city he sees a wall in f ont of the city. Wow thats one hell of a wall. Got to land this old girl! As he passes the wall destabilizes and pulls the nose up slightly! Fuck I'm coming in way to hot this is going through fucking really suck! As he slams on the ground he skids hundreds of meters the plain bounces and spins around and nowJustin is looking at the wall! As he slides to a Stop Justin takes off his helmet and face mask throwing them at his feet! He places his hands over his face as he reflex on what just happened moments ago. Oh Hannah I'm so sorry, Justin cry's and holds his head! Why? Why couldn't I help her? He pulls out a picture and holds it delicately he sees his fellow pilots and Hannah. He swipes his thumb over Hannah's face closing his eyes remembering all the good times he had with her to there meeting to when they finally hooked up to watching five missiles hit her plain killing her immediately! He sees in his mind the beautiful smile she gives him as lays head back on his chest! This isn't what I wanted I'm so sorry Hannah I couldn't save you when it mattered most. He remembers what he told her (Justin's flash back.) hey Hannah I love you just throwing it out there! You're such an asshole I love you too! (End of Justin's flash back.) Has he replays that moment in his mind over and over again he takes a deep breath and lets it out! He opens his eyes puts the picture back in his breast pocket. Slaps both his cheeks and grabs a ball cap from his leg pocket and throws it on. Ok ok she would want you to survive and move on she be pissed at you other wises and I would really hate to have an angry ghost Hannah come back to smack me in the face and tell me get over it. Justin looks up closes his eyes takes a deep breath and releases it! Ok let's do this. Justin pops the cockpit open and gets up and turns around lifting the seat! There he sees the compartment with survival gear a ammo rig, a Kevlar vest witb two plates protecting his front and his back and two smaller plates protecting his sides. He throws that on and securing it and then looks back down grabbing the rig set up with 13 magazines of 5.56 ammo and 4 magazines of 45 caliber ammo for his sidearm. He throws it over his head and secures it to his body he then goes back into the compartment and grabs his utility belt with two large magazine pouches two magazines per pouch of 5.56 ammo and another five smaller patches with magazines of 45 caliber. He attaches the utility belt to his waist and grabs his sidearm he pulls the sidearm out and inspects it. It was a sidearm that his grandfather gave to him before he passed away the same 1911 he carried in world war II. Growing up his great-grandfather was his hero. The man who inspired him to become a pilot to begin with. His great grandfather fought in Europe as a fighter pilot in a P-51 mustang. His grandfather told him all the stories that happened in world war II. Justin looks at his 1911 fondly taking his left hand and grabbing the barrel using his thumb to caress the barrel. Well Gramps I have been doing my best just like you said but I feel like I have come up short. I lost the woman I fell in love with and now I lost my plane too. I don't know where to go from here. Justin again close his eyes takes a deep breath releases it in stoves his sidearm back in the holster. He takes the holster and secures it to his right leg and connecting it to his utility belt just next to the holster is another small pouch with a magazine with 45 ammo in it. He then goes back into the compartment grabs the M4A1 and adjust the sling throws it over his right arm and head and secures it attaching the rifle to the front of his chest. He then goes back in and grabs the tactical backpack with all the survival gear within it. He opens up the backpack he sees a tent, a tactical shovel, is slightly oversized medkit, 19 more magazines of 5.56 ammo, 15 more magazines of 45 ammo, 5 MREs, his father's Marine kabar he received as a kid, a pair of binoculars, and a compass. He goes ahead grabs a compass opens it up to find out where North is, but he sees the needle spinning in a circle very quickly! Justin confused on what's going on looks closer at the compass! The fuck why is this thing going nuts? He throws a compass to his right closes the tactical bag slings it over his back securing it to his body. He then goes to the side of his plane pulling out his ladder to get out of it. He climbs down and gets to the ground then turns around and looks at his plane! I'm so sorry Harmony I'm going to have to leave you for a while. He then steps to his plane resting his head on it! You going to come back for you Harmony I promise. Has he stepped back and looks up at his plane causing his eyes and breathing a sigh. Fuck this is going to suck.

30 minutes earlier in the castle. Princess Lily walks to her mother's room to talk to her about fiance that her mother and father chose for her. Once she gets to the Queen's room she knocks on the big wooden door! Bam Bam Bam! Mother may I come in? You may dear. As princess Lily enters her mother's room she sees her on the balcony having a cup of tea. Mother we need to talk. Yes dear what is it that you wish to speak to me about? I refuse to marry sir. Harthren please don't make me do it. Queen lumeria puts down her teacup crosses her arms and right leg over her left and looks at her daughter with a sigh. My dear you know why you are to be engaged to this man. Mother please he is the clear definition of an ass. And I know he goes to the brothels regularly. He is not worthy! Lamaria closes her eyes and pinches the bridge up their nose. My dear you must understand he hails from good stock. Yes the man is a charlatan but he does have the capability of leading our people to the next era! Lily sick of hearing the same things walk to the edge of the balcony putting both of her hands on the ledge looking out towards the city. He is not worthy of such things mother. He is spoiled and is uncouth and a dishonorable man. I refuse to be involved is such a person, he is unworthy to breath air around me. Please call off the engagement? With a sigh Queen lumeria looks at her daughter placing her elbow on the table and her head in her hands looking straight up Lily then my darling who would you choose then? Lily looks at her mother, and thinks of her response. Well I'm not sure mother but there has to be someone else at the very least someone much more worthy than him. Right at that moment a portal opens up in the sky catching them both off guard. What is that what is happening mother? I don't know but something coming out of it. A flying object comes out of the portal as a portal closes they both see this in our shocked. What is that a dragon, or a wyvern. Queen lumeria shakes here head no it's to small for that. But it has a face and teeth on it but it looks painted on. As the object screams by the castle they both follow where is going over the city and passed the wall. It's very fast, and looks like it's landing in the field just before Hydranda Forest. Mother shall I investigate? Lumeria looks at her daughter and thanks of her response! Yes take a group of your rangers and Shadow guards to investigate as well. I will inform your father. Yes mother it will be done, as really runs off lumeria looks back at wear that object landed. Whatever that was have a bad feeling of the near future.

Present time Justin is looking around the area I'm not sure where he is or if this is even Europe to begin with. Okay Justin relax get your bearings for some reason the compass is completely useless so there's that, you fool over a castle in a big ass City which is over there. And never seen a castle like that before for maybe the exception of pictures that someone drew at an art show. None of this is familiar closest thing I could compare it to is maybe England and if I'm in the UK it will make things a little bit easier. Why do I got this bad feeling that there's more to this than meets the eye. Right at that moment a man and Greek robes and a Green leaf crown appears in front of him staring him senseless. Oh shit the fuck you come from, and who are you? And don't you fucking move or I'll put a bullet between your eyes! The man in front of Justin smiles spreads his arms wide! Hello my friend and welcome to the world of Avalon! Justin confused by this man Cox is head to the side and is speechless! The man goes on my name is Parthos the god of protection, health, and justice. And I was given permission to summon you here to this world to help save it from itself and the forces of evil. May I know your name young man. Justin stairs at this man completely dumbfounded. (Justin's mindscape.) The fuck guy just say? Did he just say he was a god? The fuck is an Avalon? I thought Avalon was the place where King Arthur ruled over? What does he mean by I was chosen? Oh God damnit too many questions and not enough time. Like what did he mean by save this world from itself in the evil forces? This guy's a loon. (End of Justin's mindscape.) Parthos looks at Justin and has an unamused face! I can read your thoughts you know and you're very rude to be a hero. Justin is taken back from Parthos's words. A hero? The hell you talking about how the hell did I even get here? Parthos takes a deep breath and puts back a smile on his face! I have someone you here and I have given you the power to become a hero of this world. Justin Cox's head to the other side very confused at this man's words! Giving me power what kind of power and why me why am I here should have probably died back where I was at. Parthos nods in agreement and raises up his hand and puts up a finger! One like I have said I have chosen you as my champion. Parthos then puts a second finger up! Two from here on out you will be living in this world for the world you came from will cease to exist due to their own discretion. Justin lowers his rifle and looks down! Wait what do you mean the world I came from will soon not exist? Parthos puts down his hand and looks meaningfully at Justin and feels bad for the young man. Young man you must understand your world is in complete destruction and will soon go through a new rebirth. I have chosen you to come here to be my champion will you help? Justin looks back up at Parthos and closes his eyes and takes deep breath and releases that breath! Okay look I don't know what's going on I'm confused I don't know where I am, then you appear and now you're telling me all these things I need an explanation. Parthos not his head and smiles first it is only common courtesy to introduce yourself to somebody new and seeing as I've already introduced myself it's only common courtesy. Justin lets out a sigh and looks part of straight in the eye! My name is Captain Justin J Thomas of the United States Air Force. You said your name was Parthos correct? Parthos smiles and nods his head! Yes and like I have said you are my chosen champion. Justin looks at Parthos and nods. Okay well what do I need to do first? Parthos claps his hands together with a big smile on his face. I thought you would never ask my friend! First take this! Parthos pulls out some sort of bracelet from his robes and holds it out to Justin! Justin takes it and puts it around his left wrist, and then looks at Parthos and shows them with left wrist! Ok now what? Parthos points to Justin's plane, now store that into the bracelet! Justin looks at his plane then looks back at Parthos then looks at the bracelet on his left wrist then back at Parthos! And exactly how do you expect me to do such a thing? How the hell is this this thing put my plane into it? Parthos chuckles at Justin, it is quite simple Justin walk up to it and hold your wrist out to it say store. Justin lifts his left eyebrow in his mouth agape! Ok I'm going to play along trying to figure this out it's just going to give me a headache. So Justin walks up to his plane hold out his left wrist and he says store! All of a sudden a small beam of light hits the plane and the plane bursts into particles of light and it sucked into the bracelet! Justin's eyes widened and mouth open so wide you could put an egg in it! Okay that was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Parthos smiles and directs Justin to come to him! Justin walks up to Parthos and stands in front of him. Parthos puts both of his hands on Justin's shoulders! Now my friend it's time start your adventure and see this world and save it before it is too late. The bracelet that you have on your wrist will restore your plane as you called it to its former glory. But you can also store other things within it now before I go be cautious of the people of this world there is a lot of good people in this world but a lot of very bad people in this world you must watch yourself! And by the way the gear you have on now if you were to put some of it within your storage bracelet it will copy and create more of your weapons and whatever else you use to fight with. Justin is shocked! So you mean to tell me I basically have unlimited ammo I can repair anything when it goes inside the storage bracelet and it will restore anything broken? Parthos nods and and points at Justin, just remember when the storage bracelet starts repairing the gear or weapons you are using it will take some time for your contraption for instance it will take about a week or two before it's completely repaired and restored to what it once was. Justin gets a smile on his face happy that he'll be able to get his plane back he just has to wait 2 weeks! Ok so what's next? Parthos smiles at Justin and shrugs his shoulders! I don't know from here on out you got to figure that out on your own! As Parthos suddenly disappears! Justin is standing there completely and utterly dumbfounded by the goofy God that just up and left! Hey you bastard what the hell? You can't just up and leave like that you fucker! Oh God damn it! Justin closes his eyes pitches the bridge of his nose and sigh's! Fuck what do I do now? Ok I'm just going to head to that City figure shit out later.